how to remove a wart Warts are benignneoplasms, localized most often on the skin of the hands and feet. The wart looks like a growth. The reason for the development of warts is the infection of the body with the human papillomavirus. Unfortunately, very many people are aware of such a problem as warts, not by hearsay, but by their own experience. In principle, getting rid of warts is not so difficult. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a dermatologist. First, he will prescribe antiviral therapy, and secondly, he will select the best method for removing existing warts. But not all go to the doctor - many people prefer to fight warts with improvised means. The main thing is not only to remove the wart, but also not to harm yourself. We have selected for you several very effective ways that quickly eliminate warts and do not harm the skin. The only danger that can catch you is an allergic reaction to a substance that is part of a recipe. Therefore, if you are in doubt, before you start treatment, it is worth the test. Take a little ready-made mixture to remove the warts, lubricate the skin in the area of ​​the wrist and leave it for about 15 minutes. If you do not feel burning and itching, and the skin does not show any redness and / or rashes, you can not be afraid of allergies.

Treatment of warts with garlic

Garlic - the best of folk remedies forelimination of warts. The only drawback of garlic is the chance to damage the healthy skin around the wart. But this trouble can be bypassed very simply - you will need the most common adhesive plaster. Cut a hole in it so large that the wart crawls through and paste. That's all - the skin around the education is reliably protected, so you can start fighting warts.

  • Garlic with apple cider vinegar

To prepare this miracle drug, preparea few cloves of garlic and a couple of spoons of apple cider vinegar. Garlic very carefully mash, mark in a glass or plastic container, and then pour apple cider vinegar so that all the gruel is covered with liquid. Allow to stand for two hours, and then strain with gauze - an iron strainer to use is strictly not recommended. Warts protect the band-aid, apply a thick layer of the medicinal mixture and cover it with small pieces of polyethylene film from above, you can fix it with the help of the same adhesive plaster. The average duration of such a procedure is 20 minutes. Prepare for the fact that you can feel a slight feeling of burning and / or tingling. But too much discomfort should not be - if you feel it, immediately wash off the garlic mixture. Look for another recipe - for this you have too tender and sensitive skin.

  • Garlic cake

If the wart is large enough andfar from yesterday, you can help the so-called garlic cake. For its preparation you should have the following ingredients: half a head of garlic, two tablespoons of flour - it is best to use rye, boiled water. Garlic cloves peel, grate on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder, mix with flour. Add a little water and mix a very steep dough, from which form a few small cakes. Wrap the wart in warm water for about 10 minutes, and then attach a garlic cake to it and fix it with a band-aid or bandage - as you prefer. A cake should stay on the wart for at least 6-8 hours in a row. Therefore, it is most convenient to fix it for the night. In the morning, rinse the skin with lukewarm water and lubricate with baby cream without any additives. The duration of such treatment with garlic cakes is quite large - at least one month. The first results you will notice after about 10 days - the warts will wrinkle and significantly decrease in size. After three weeks, the warts will fall off, but the course of treatment should not be interrupted.

  • Garlic juice

If the wart only began to form,you can try a simpler method of treatment - garlic juice. Just cut the peeled garlic cloves in half and carefully rub the juice into the warts. This procedure should be repeated at least three times a day, or even better - 5-6 times. Treatment continues until the end - until the warts completely disappear.

  • Garlic extract

If your warts do not just spoil the overallpicture, and also periodically inflamed, they need special treatment. To prepare the product finely slice 15 peeled garlic cloves, place them in an enamel saucepan and pour half a glass of water. Bring to a boil and minimize the heat. Cook the garlic until almost all the water boils away - it should remain only a little at the very bottom of the saucepan. After that, add three tablespoons of honey - ideally lime. Stir the honey continuously - until it completely melts. Then turn off the fire, pour the resulting product into a glass container, cover and store only on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. how to remove a wart yourself

Treatment of warts with celandine

Purity has long been used to treat the mostvarious skin diseases, including warts. We offer you several basic recipes that will surely help you send warts to oblivion. Pay attention - for the treatment of warts you can use only fresh grass, as dried leaves much of its healing properties.

  • Juice of celandine

The easiest way to treat warts is juicecelandine. Treatment is as follows: tear a branch of celandine - the end of the stem will make juice. Here with this juice and grind all your warts. Repeat the procedure at least three times a day. Just consider the fact that the juice of celandine strongly stains the skin. Therefore, if you have warts in open areas of the body, and you regularly leave home, choose another method of treatment. The first changes you will notice after about 10 days, but do not stop treatment - go to the victorious end. But remember - the juice of celandine should not fall on healthy areas of the skin. Yes, and continue treatment for more than two months does not make sense - since during this time the warts will not disappear, so you need to look for other ways of treatment.

  • Spirituous infusion of celandine

Let's start with the most powerful tool - withalcoholic infusion. This remedy will help get rid of the most annoying warts that do not agree to leave you. You will need glassware with a lid, half a glass of vodka and 50 grams of celandine. Clean the beetle, like dill for soup, put it in a bowl and pour it with vodka. Then add another half a glass of cold boiled water, close the lid and leave it for a week in the fridge. Two or three times a day, always shake the container. When the infusion is ready, strain it with a plastic strainer or gauze pad. This solution must be lubricated with warts three times during the day. And before going to bed, make a compress - moisten a small gauze napkin in the infusion, attach it to the wart and leave it for 15 minutes. If the compress dry before, moisten with a new napkin. Feelings will not be pleasant - burning sensation you will feel throughout the time of the compress. About a week later the warts will begin to dry out in the literal sense of the word - they will wrinkle and decrease in size. A week later they should fall off. And, finally, the third week of treatment will help you to consolidate success and prevent a new outbreak of warts. If suddenly your warts are super-resistant, the course of treatment can be repeated again. But do not forget to take at least one week off.

  • Purity and apple cider vinegar

This preparation is prepared immediately beforeapplication. Finely chop the celandine - you will need three to five tablespoons, depending on the number and size of the warts. Cut the sliced ​​grass into any container (only not iron), pour apple cider vinegar - you need a third of the glass and leave for 30 minutes. At this time, prepare a gauze napkin, plastic film and adhesive plaster. Stick adhesive plaster in such a way as to protect the skin around the wart, apply a celandine and cover with a gauze pad. Top with polyethylene film and fix with bandage or adhesive plaster. Leave the compress for about 40 minutes, then rinse with cool water and grease with either vegetable oil or baby cream.

Treatment with onions

Onions have almost the same effect,as well as garlic. But, unlike garlic, the onion acts much softer. Therefore, people with very sensitive skin should take note of recipes based on onions.

  • Onions and apple cider vinegar

Clean one small head of onions,soak it for three hours in apple cider vinegar. Before going to bed, cut the bulb into several small pieces. Each evening, attach a piece of this onion to the wart, fix with a bandage and leave for at least 3 hours. This tool can damage healthy tissues, so be sure to protect them with a band-aid with a slot. In most cases, you do not need more than two weeks to get rid of the warts. If this time was not enough, you can hold another course of treatment, but before that, do at least 10 days off.

  • Kashitsa from onions

If the above described means causes stronguncomfortable sensations, you can try a "light" treatment option. Clean half the head of onions, grate on a fine grater and place the resulting mush in a glass jar with a lid. In the refrigerator you can store it for a long time - up to two weeks. In the evening, before going to bed, steamed warts for 20 minutes, then glue the protective patch and apply a thick layer of onion gruel. Top with gauze and polyethylene film. Be sure to fix the design with adhesive tape, since the exposure time is not less than 5 hours. Then rinse the warts with plenty of water and apply an intensive moisturizer. After about 15 days, warts should become smaller, and after about 25 days they will disappear altogether. If this does not happen, do not repeat another treatment course - most likely, and it will be completely useless. But if you really want to try, then do not forget to take a week off. And then again try to destroy the villain - a wart. how to remove a wart correctly

Other Wart Treatments

Do not ignore some other ways of treating warts, as many of them can become a real panacea.

  • Powder of magnesia

In any pharmacy you can buy magnesia powder. Once a day, preferably before going to bed, sprinkle powdered magnesia warts - make sure that it remains on the skin for at least 15 minutes. But that's not all - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, take a small amount of magnesium inside - literally at the tip of the knife. Magnesia is not a garlic, it is a medicinal product. Therefore, before you start treatment with magnesia, be sure to consult your doctor. Perhaps you have such diseases, in which magnesium is strictly contraindicated. And the treatment itself should not be too long - no more than 10 consecutive days.

  • Chalk treatment

Buy in the clerical department of ordinary schoolwhite chalk, grate it on a fine grater - you should get a powder. In the evening, after the shower, apply a thick layer of powder on the warts, put some small pieces of woolen cloth on the chalk and fix them with adhesive plaster. Leave these bandages for the whole night, and in the morning just rinse with water. If you do it right, warts will start to change in three days. But do not continue treatment - it should last at least three weeks, even if the warts have already disappeared. This is necessary to ensure that they are not replaced by new ones. After all, just remove the wart is not enough - you need to prevent it from reappearing.

  • Compresses with infusion of wormwood

Put in a thermos three tablespoons of wormwood -you can use both fresh grass and dry - pour a glass of steep boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours. Then strain the infusion, and for storage pour it into a glass bottle, cut small gauze napkins. After the evening bath you can start treatment - moisten a tincture with a gauze napkin, attach it to the wart for 40 minutes. Every 15 minutes, moisten a new napkin - it should be wet constantly and completely cover the wart. If you want a more rapid effect, periodically lubricate the wart with solution throughout the day. The first changes you will notice after a week, and the entire course of treatment takes about 25 days. If none of these remedies helped you to remove the wart, do not hurry upset. Go to a dermatologist, who will save you trouble in just a few days.

