how to remove fat from the sidesA thin wasp waist is everyone's dreamlosing weight women. But in the waist area, despite the adopted "dietary" measures, the hated fat deposits or, as we affectionately call them, "ears" continue to remain. Nature has awarded us with these "ears" on the sides. It is in the sides that a strategic reserve of fatty tissue accumulates and is stored, which in unfavorable conditions will help to bear and feed a child. During pregnancy, fat "ears" are certainly necessary. However, the rest of the time, no woman wants to put up with fat on the sides. And she quite rightly asks the question: "How to get rid of fat on the sides?" Experts say that removing fat from the sides is quite problematic (that's how nature decreed it), but it is still possible. This problem must be approached in a comprehensive manner. An effective diet, physical activity that affects the desired muscle groups, as well as regular body care will give a positive and lasting to get rid of fat on the sides


There are many todaymethods dedicated to how to remove fat from the sides, among which you will certainly find a suitable one. However, in general, no matter what type of diet you choose, it is worth following certain rules:

  • Give up fast food and fast fats in the form ofsnacks, chips and other "mucks". Salt and fat in them a lot, but no nutritional value. In addition, fast food products contain saturated fats and light carbohydrates, which are very quickly absorbed and processed by the body. That's why after a hamburger you start feeling hungry very quickly.
  • Do not overeat at night. The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Sleep and appetite are very closely related to each other. If for some reason we do not get enough sleep, we try to make up for lack of energy with food. We sleep less - we eat more. And, accordingly, we accumulate fat on the sides.
  • Eat small meals 4-5 times a day. A small portion of food will not stretch your stomach, and you will quickly become saturated.
  • Eat breakfast cereal or muesli. In cereals and cereals contain complex carbohydrates. They "awaken" our body and force all internal organs to work more intensively, and so it is faster to burn fats.
  • Once a week, spend unloading days. For example, on apples or yogurt. But, if you have gastritis, then it is better to refuse from fasting days.
  • Exercises

    Famous fitness trainers know how to remove fatfrom the sides. Regular physical exercise is necessary. Hoop The most popular and effective way to remove fat deposits on the sides. In order for hoop exercises to give a positive result, you need to follow several rules:

    • - choose a fairly heavy hoop or one that is equipped with all sorts of attachments (spikes, balls, etc.);
    • - Do hula hoop exercises daily;
    • - Spin the hoop for at least 40 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to one hour.
  • IP (starting position) - lying on the floor, on your left side, left arm extended upwards. Simultaneously lift your body and right leg upwards. Do two sets of 15 repetitions on each side.
  • IP - lying on the floor, right leg bent at the knee,the left foot is placed at a right angle on the right knee. The left arm lies along the body, the right is behind the head. While twisting, touch the elbow of the right arm to the knee of the left leg. Do two sets of 10 repetitions for each side.
  • IP - lying on the floor, hands above the head, legs bent at the knees. When doing twists, try to reach the right elbow with the left knee, and vice versa. Do 30 repetitions daily.
    • Exercises on fitball (a large sports ball) are very effective in fighting fat deposits on the sides.
  • IP - lying on the ball on the right side; legsstraightened and together with the right hand form a support. Slowly raise the straight left leg so that a right angle is formed. Do two sets of 5 repetitions for each leg.
  • IP - sitting on a fitball, arms down, feet onfloor, back straight. Without lifting your feet from the floor and without using your hands, roll the ball left and right. Make sure your back is absolutely straight.
  • Perform 2 sets of 10 times (first from left to right, then vice versa).How to remove fat from the sides correctly

    Wraps and massages

    Wraps and massage are a great remedyactivate metabolic processes in problem areas and speed up the breakdown of fats. For home wraps, you will need cling film and elastic leggings that retain heat. The most effective are wraps with seaweed, essential oils (especially citrus), and ready-made warming compounds. Usually, it is recommended to rest for about an hour during the wrap. We advise you to spend this time actively. Apply, for example, sweet orange oil to your skin, wrap your waist with cling film, put on elastic tights and get to work. You can dance, do wet cleaning of the apartment or do fitness - in any case, the result will be amazing. As for the massage, you need to do it actively and strongly. For starters, you can try a hard terry glove. You need to rub your sides with it until they are slightly red before a shower or bath. Before wrapping, you can do a pinching massage of the problem area. It consists of pinching the skin of the sides until they are slightly red. Before the massage, apply anti-cellulite oil or cream to the skin. We recommend reading:

