preparation for pregnancy Almost every family dreams of havinga child, and often more than one. In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the baby to be born healthy, doctors recommend preparing yourself for the upcoming pregnancy. And here the question arises: how to prepare for conceiving a child? Naturally, a woman in this matter risks more than a man, accordingly, she needs to monitor her health more carefully. From birth, a woman has eggs that are constantly exposed to negatively damaging factors. It is easier for men. A new generation of sperm matures on average in 72 days. However, they are also exposed to negative influences. So what factors affect reproductive functions?

  • level of health in general (smoking, alcohol, drugs, exercise, medical examination);
  • presence or absence of infections (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, urogenital infections).

Typically only 20% of parents think aboutpreparation for childbirth and only 10% - for conception. It is worth noting that the vast majority think about preparing for conception only because there is a possibility of infertility.

Evaluation of immune and interferon status

Experts have established that the interferon systemis responsible for immunity to viral infections of the body. Interferons are secreted by cells in response to an infection that has penetrated them. They selectively block viral RNA, thereby preventing the reproduction of the virus and at the same time do not affect the cells of the body. All this makes it possible to use interferons in the process of preparation for conception. An important factor in miscarriage is considered to be a change in the body's immune response. In this case, autoimmune reactions develop that are directed against the human body's own tissues. After spontaneous abortions, autoantibodies can increase, since autoimmunization occurs to the hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy in case of chronic infection, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), in autoimmune diseases, after endocrine diseases. If there is a chronic bacterial-viral infection, then preparation for conception includes the following stages:

  • evaluation of the reproductive system of both spouses, as well as correction of detected violations;
  • examination for the detection of the causative agent (infectious agent), for which a serodiagnosis is performed, which reflects the activity of the process;
  • examination of the immune and interferon status and their correction;
  • check and correction of hemostasis (blood clotting system), activated with chronic infection, which takes a direct part in the death and subsequent rejection of the fetus;
  • adjustment of the energy exchange of spouses through the appointment of courses of therapy, which is based on the correction of metabolism (metabolism).

examination with a gynecologist

The presence of common diseases

When one of the future parents is sickany general disease that is not related to the reproductive function, then you should consult a specialist and undergo the appropriate examination. The purpose of such an examination is to determine the degree of damage to the diseased organ, as well as the body's adaptation capabilities and the prognosis for the development of the fertilized egg. The examination helps to determine the condition of the reproductive system of future parents. Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the level of health in general and, if necessary, prescribes certain preparation for conception in order to eliminate the risk factors for miscarriage. The best preparation for pregnancy is considered to be a healthy lifestyle, which includes many factors: nutrition, physical activity, hardening, mental comfort, the fight against chronic infections, favorable work.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful conception

Proper nutrition before conceptionperiod gives the fetus the opportunity to receive useful substances from the beginning of pregnancy, at the time when the organs are formed. It is worth noting that improper nutrition can also cause a miscarriage. A balanced diet means eliminating all kinds of semi-finished products and preservatives, fatty foods. The diet must necessarily contain fresh vegetables and fruits. Food is taken 4-5 times a day, without snacks. According to scientists, pregnant women do not need to take synthetic vitamins and food supplements, they do not need them. One of the main substances that are prescribed for the prevention of certain congenital diseases is folic acid. 2-3 months before conception and in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should eat foods that contain folic acid. These are fresh herbs, beets, cabbage, unpeeled potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, bran, whole grains, nuts and seeds. In addition, doctors do not recommend overusing liver, as it contains quite a lot of vitamin A, and this can harm the future child. When a woman spends enough time outdoors and gets the necessary amount of plant proteins, this only contributes to successful conception and pregnancy.proper nutrition

What else is included in the preparation for conception

The most common chronic infections in the familyare associated with the nasopharynx, teeth, as well as the intestines and vagina of the expectant mother. Therefore, before conception, both spouses need to have their teeth treated, and prevent chronic diseases of the nasopharynx. In the process of preparing for conception, expectant parents should be examined for various chronic infections: chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. They must be treated before pregnancy, then undergo a rehabilitation course and improve the body's immunity. 2-3 months before the expected conception, you need to stop taking hormonal contraceptives, since their residual amounts minimize the absorption of magnesium, vitamin C, folic acid in the body and enhance the absorption of vitamin A. In addition, after discontinuing hormonal contraceptives in the first months, the likelihood of having twins increases, since not one, but two eggs can come out of the ovaries. As mentioned above, sperm matures within 72 days, and during this time before conception, X-ray examinations are not recommended, especially for the father. Alcohol deserves special attention. It has long been known that it has a negative effect on spermatogenesis. Alcohol, after entering the blood, immediately has a toxic effect on the spermatic fluid, which is responsible for the viability of sperm. Women should also avoid drinking alcohol, because alcohol significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or the birth of a baby with some pathology. Therefore, experts recommend that expectant parents drink strong alcoholic beverages in minimal quantities approximately 3 months before the expected conception. The quality of sperm can deteriorate when wearing too tight jeans or underwear, working in a hot shop, or overheating the testicles in a bathhouse. Therefore, these factors must also be excluded. If the above conditions are met, the probability of successfully conceiving a child and giving birth will be quite high.passing specialists

What specialists are recommended to visit before conception

All women who are planning to conceive a baby should do:

  • a general blood test (you need to know the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc.);
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • smears;
  • research on sexual infections.

It is recommended that both spouses take the course.medical and genetic consultation. Visit a therapist who should check for chronic diseases and, if necessary, treat them. Such ailments can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy, so it is important to recognize and treat them before conception. You need to visit a dentist in advance and, if there are dental diseases, treat them. The woman also needs to be examined by a gynecologist. A general examination, determination of the hormonal profile, ultrasound and functional diagnostic tests, namely measuring basal temperature, will help assess her condition. The expectant father should consult an andrologist and urologist, because quite a few diseases that negatively affect reproductive health are latent. In addition to visiting specialists, expectant parents should be tested for sexually transmitted infections, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and HIV. Chronic untreated bacterial and viral infections that are not detected in time - This is one of the main factors of miscarriage. Even if there is no direct impact on the fetus, the infection can lead to the development of endocrine and autoimmune disorders, chronic endometritis. This can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus and even lead to its death. Conception is the beginning of pregnancy, and it is necessary to prepare for this step in advance so that there are no problems with the child in the future.

