gastritis in pregnancy Gastritis, according to statistics - this is one of thethe most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to date, of which more than half of the adult population of the world suffers. Symptoms of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa can significantly overshadow the course of pregnancy and bring a lot of discomfort to a woman. In this case, the problem becomes and treatment, which should be not only effective, but also safe for the child. That is why it is important to have sufficient information on this issue.

Causes of gastritis in pregnancy

What causes gastritis in pregnancy? Most often, this is only an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes, which before occurred in the stomach of the fair sex. This happens in more than 75% of cases. In this case, gastritis of two types is distinguished: A and B. The first is caused by the development of atrophic processes in the gastric wall, caused by autoimmune cell damage. At the heart of the development of type B gastritis is infection with a bacterial agent, such as Helicobacter pylori. Pay attention: a pregnant woman can catch Helicobacter pylori during household contacts or already be infected by the time of conception. However, if before the disease the disease can be asymptomatic or with minimal severity, the changes in the hormonal background significantly exacerbate the clinical picture. It is necessary to treat such a disease consciously, because standard antibacterial drugs are often contraindicated to pregnant patients. In this case, the following factors can cause an exacerbation of the course of chronic gastritis:

  • the use of a large number of products from refined carbohydrates;
  • irregular and unbalanced nutrition;
  • abuse of foods with a high content of preservatives, artificial colors, stabilizers and flavors;
  • stress;
  • binge eating.

treatment of gastritis in pregnancy

Diagnosis of gastritis in pregnancy

In order to prescribe an effective treatment,the doctor must conduct a competent diagnosis. An important point in this case is the collection of information at the first examination (patient complaints, analysis of primary signs). Gastritis in pregnancy is often characterized by a wide variety of clinical signs. A woman may be disturbed by:

  • rumbling in the stomach, as if she constantly wants to eat;
  • painful sensations localized in the epigastric region;
  • stool disorder;
  • nausea;
  • eructation;
  • vomiting;
  • meteorisms.

Different forms of gastritis are characterized by certainfeatures of the clinical picture. So, with increased secretory activity of the stomach, among the complaints to the forefront is pain syndrome. Pain occurs in the upper half of the abdomen, can be localized near the navel or even in the right upper quadrant. Unpleasant sensations increase after taking fatty, acute, heavy food, fasting or at night. A similar form of the disease is most often found in young women. Treatment of such gastritis should be aimed at suppressing the secretory activity of the stomach. In the case when the acidity in the fairer sex is lowered, but not increased, the most vivid manifestations of gastric and intestinal dyspepsia. Painful sensations are moderate and become more pronounced when stretching the walls of the stomach with more food. With this type of gastritis, treatment is intended to increase and normalize the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach. As a rule, against a background of exacerbation of chronic gastritis, pregnant women develop toxicosis early in life, which is characterized by a particularly severe course. In this case, clinical manifestations of the disease persist for 14-17 weeks, and the body does not respond well to standard treatment. However, gastritis does not have any effect directly on fetal development. Adequate treatment of gastritis is impossible without conducting qualitative laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. To establish the correct diagnosis, the following methods can be used:

  • fractional sounding and intragastricpH-metry - these diagnostic methods allow you to determine the degree of acidity of gastric juice in your specific case and, accordingly, determine the type of gastritis;
  • the blood test is done first. Performing a biochemical study makes it possible to reveal in your body the concentration of gastrin. Special techniques allow to determine the presence of antibodies to the lining cells and Helicobacter pylori. The study of peripheral blood is directed to the detection of signs of B12-deficiency anemia, which often accompanies this disease;
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - this endoscopicthe method of investigation makes it possible to detect changes in the mucous membrane characteristic for the development of gastritis, and also to perform a biopsy of the affected tissues. However, this technique is rather unpleasant and is performed by pregnant women only if there are special indications;
  • The respiratory test is a non-invasive method for diagnosing the infection of Helicobacter pylori, which is most convenient for use in pregnant women.

exacerbation of gastritis in pregnancy

Treatment of gastritis in pregnancy

Proper nutrition with gastritis Treatment of gastritisduring pregnancy begins with the normalization of diet and selection of a sparing diet. In severe cases, the woman is given a bed rest and a fractional diet. The amount of meals should be 5-6 times a day. Do not forget to have breakfast and have dinner. In the first days of treatment, food should have a semi-liquid consistency, so as not to strain the stomach. Nutrition is recommended to begin with milk and mucous soups, milk, cottage cheese. In a few days, the diet can be expanded through chicken or quail eggs, boiled soft-boiled or cooked steamed, fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable stew. As you return to normal diet, pregnant women should introduce porridges, boiled meat, potatoes, sour cream, cheese. If you find abnormalities in the performance of the stomach throughout pregnancy, a woman is advised to avoid eating foods such as:

  • fried food;
  • smoked products;
  • spicy and spicy seasonings;
  • dishes and foods high in salt;
  • confectionery;
  • meat and fish broth;
  • coffee.

However, these restrictions are not alwaysApplicable to patients with atrophic gastritis, accompanied by a decrease in gastric secretion. Such patients within reasonable limits are recommended, for example, sokonnye broths, activating the glands of the mucous membrane. Treatment with mineral waters Treatment with exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy can include the appointment of mineral waters. If the pH-meter shows a decrease in acidity, the use of Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Arzni, and Mirgorodskaya will be useful. When hypersecretory gastritis is recommended reception "Jermuk", "Smirnovskaya", "Borjomi", "Slavyanovskaya." Healing water is best taken 1,5-2 hours after eating. If the gastritis becomes worse, stop using mineral water for a while. In any case, you should first consult with your doctor. Drug therapy for gastritis Undoubtedly, gastritis during pregnancy can be treated with medications. However, the most effective therapy regimens can not always be used. Never eradicate Helicobacter pylori infection, as many antibacterial drugs can have a negative effect on the developing fetus. Therefore, the main direction of treatment remains normalization of the level of acidity of gastric contents. However, such therapy is not appointed in full. For example, antisecretory drugs are not used. With gastritis with high acidity can be used:

  • antacids - getting into the stomach cavity, they reduce the acidity of its contents, which brings significant clinical relief;
  • prokinetics - regulating the motor activity of the gastrointestinal wall, eliminate the feeling of nausea in the development of gastritis;
  • antispasmodics - are able to reduce the severity of pain when exacerbating the inflammatory process.

There are some features of therapy of gastritis with a decreased secretory activity. Such patients can be prescribed substitution therapy drugs:

  • preparations of gastric enzymes. In doses recommended by a specialist, they are able to compensate for the lack of activity of the secretory glands of the gastric mucosa;
  • preparations of pancreatic enzymes are used to improve digestion (in the presence of signs of pancreatic insufficiency);
  • combined drugs have a complex effect on intestinal digestion.

Positive effect on the course of the diseasein pregnant women of the fair sex has the reception of probiotic drugs. They have antagonistic action against Helicobacter pylori and contribute to the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional recipes for the treatment of gastritis Often when exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy, there is a desire to solve the problem, using only natural means. In this case, medicinal herbs and tinctures with anti-inflammatory, enveloping and analgesic properties can help. Most often in complex therapy of gastritis with increased secretory activity are used: trefoil, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, rhizome of calamus, celandine, flax seeds, oat seeds, birdwort. In case of a decrease in the acidity of the gastric contents, the following may be useful: cumin, cumin, wormwood, thyme, parsley, wormwood, trifolia, parsnip, psyllium leaves, oregano and fennel. The main thing is to buy products only in pharmacies and correctly brew, following instructions on the package. And do not abuse them, as taking certain drinks can adversely affect complex treatment. Positive effect on the general condition and have such herbs with a sedative effect, like valerian, motherwort. However, it should be remembered that the organism of the pregnant woman of the opposite sex reacts differently to any therapy that is being performed. Therefore, even with the use of phytopreparations, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe you a full-fledged treatment. It must be remembered that the therapy of chronic gastritis in pregnancy should primarily be safe for your child. That's why you can treat this disease only after consulting a competent specialist! If gastritis has become aggravated, urgently go to the gastroenterologist. Remember once and for all: the health of the baby depends on what the mother used to eat and what she took during the gestation period.

