How to Get Pregnant FastAlmost every woman dreams of her owna child - some earlier, some later. And this is completely normal - the instinct of procreation is inherent in people by nature itself, as well as the maternal instinct. A very rare woman is able to live a full, interesting and rich life without the first child's smile, the first tooth, the first babble and first steps, without the huge bows of the first of September and without the first love of her child. And when a woman decides that it is time, she, naturally, thinks about how to get pregnant quickly. After all, we all know how we want to quickly achieve the desired result, after making perhaps the most important decision in life. Very often, gynecologists hear the question of how to get pregnant the first time. After all, this does not always work out, despite all the great desire of the parents. In order to understand what days you can get pregnant, a woman must have an accurate idea of ​​​​how the female reproductive system functions and how the conception process itself occurs. This is exactly what this article will be about – how to get pregnant for sure. However, in addition to this, the topic of some deviations from the normal functioning of the female reproductive system that can prevent you from getting pregnant the first time will be touched upon.

What is conception?

The female reproductive system organs are constantlyadapt to new conditions as the menstrual cycle progresses. The mucous membrane of the uterus begins to swell, preparing to accept the fertilized egg. The cervix becomes thinner and relaxes so that sperm can easily penetrate inside. First, let's talk about what conception itself is. Conception is a very, very complex process, the essence of which can be divided into three main stages:

  • Ovulation

After a certain period of timemenstrual cycle, the egg reaches the stage of full maturity. After this, the mature egg is completely ready for the fertilization process and leaves the ovary. This is called the first phase of conception.

  • Fertilization

After the mature egg is released from theovary, the most favorable period for conception begins. If a viable sperm gets into the genitals, it penetrates the egg shell into it. During sexual intercourse, about 50 million sperm enter the woman's genital tract. Some of them die under the influence of the woman's vaginal microflora. The rest penetrate the fallopian tubes - about 2,000 sperm. After the end of the "journey", only about two hundred of the most viable sperm reach the egg. After this, the sperm wait for some time until the egg is released from the follicle. And only one of the millions of sperm will be able to penetrate the egg and fertilize it, as a rule, the healthiest and most viable one reaches the goal.

  • Oocyte division

In the event that the fertilization of the eggwent well, and both the egg and the sperm do not have any deviations from the norm, the egg begins the process of division and movement through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. In order for this process to proceed without any complications, the conditions in the woman's body must be favorable. To create such conditions, a number of factors must be met. For example, during ovulation, the follicle (an egg that has not reached the required degree of maturity) is stimulated by a special hormone, the formation of which is the pituitary gland. In order to prevent the occurrence of a violation of the normal hormonal background of the body, a woman should regularly undergo a preventive examination by a doctor - an endocrinologist, especially if she plans to become a mother in the future. In addition to this hormone, a healthy endocrine system of a woman of reproductive age, as the process of maturation of the egg occurs, begins to intensively produce a special hormone called luteinizing. This hormone is essential for the normal fertilization process - without it, the follicle will not rupture to release the mature egg. This process is called ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle - this should be taken into account when deciding when it is best to get pregnant. After ovulation, the egg moves towards the fallopian tube, through which it enters the uterine cavity. The egg retains its viability and ability to fertilize for about one day, no more. If fertilization does not occur during this time, the egg dies and is removed from the uterine cavity during menstruation, along with the exfoliated mucous membrane. However, when talking about the period in which you can get pregnant, you cannot forget about the sperm. Getting into the woman's genital tract during sexual intercourse, the sperm does not die immediately. It retains the ability to fertilize an egg for 72 hours after ejaculation. By simple mathematical calculations, it can be calculated that the period during which you can get pregnant is approximately 4 days - take this into account if you are interested in how to get pregnant quickly. This feature of the female body must be taken into account by a woman who is looking for ways to get pregnant quickly. However, if you are hoping for the possibility of getting pregnant in the middle of the cycle, take into account some adjustments that can significantly affect the standard menstrual cycle calendar and the ability to conceive in a woman. Be sure to keep this in mind:

  • Amount of germ cells

A woman who really wants to become a mother likeas soon as possible, you should keep in mind the fact that often during ovulation not only one egg matures, but two or even more. And their maturation does not always occur on the same day - as a rule, this occurs over 3 - 4 days. Thus, the number of days when the probability of getting pregnant is highest increases by 4 days.

  • Ovulation time

Besides the fact that sometimes not one but several ripensseveral eggs, it is impossible not to mention that very often ovulation itself may not occur exactly in the middle of the cycle. The ovulation process can shift by several days in one direction or another. Therefore, the range of days favorable for conception increases even more - up to 5 days in both directions - before and after ovulation. Sometimes, under the influence of various factors, women have a menstrual cycle disorder, in which it is very difficult to calculate the time of ovulation, since it occurs each time differently - sometimes at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and sometimes at its end. This phenomenon is especially often observed in young girls who have not given birth before. Most often, such disorders are a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the female body, and in adult women, menstrual cycle disorders can even be caused by psychological factors - chronic fatigue or severe stress.

  • The presence of a woman with any gynecological diseases

Unfortunately, there are a huge number ofvarious gynecological diseases. These include various tumors - both benign and malignant, and even sexually transmitted diseases. And not all of them manifest themselves in any way, proceeding completely asymptomatically. A woman may not feel any symptoms of the disease: no pathological discharge from the vagina, no painful sensations in the abdomen, no bleeding, or even a visible violation of the menstrual cycle. The only possible way to find out whether a woman has problems with reproductive function is an examination by a gynecologist and the necessary laboratory tests. This is why it is so important to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist on time. If the disease is detected when a woman seeks medical help because she cannot get pregnant, the disease will be in an advanced form. And its treatment takes much more effort, time and money than if the disease was detected at its very beginning. If a girl plans to have children in the future, she needs to regularly visit a gynecologist. The recommended frequency of visits to the doctor - gynecologist - is at least twice a year.

Conception Time

As mentioned above, the question of howconceive a child quickly, worries many women. In order to conceive a child the first time, the best option is to use an ovulation calendar. However, we draw your attention once again - this method is effective only if a woman's menstrual cycle is stable and regular. As mentioned above, spermatozoa remain active and viable for only two days, and if the egg does not have time to mature during this period, they die. That is why, when talking about the best days to get pregnant, doctors say the day of ovulation plus five days in either direction. Male reproductive cells are able to remain active for two days. If the egg does not ovulate during this period, conception will not occur and they will die. Therefore, it is clear that the most favorable day for conceiving children is the ovulation period with slight deviations in one direction or the other. However, as mentioned above, women often have an extremely irregular menstrual cycle. What should she do in this case? How to get pregnant with irregular periods? The best option is to calculate the time of ovulation based on the basal temperature chart. Women ask whether it is possible to get pregnant after ovulation. As has already become clear from the above, it is immediately after ovulation that you can conceive a child. In order for pregnancy to occur, the couple must have sexual intercourse on the most favorable days for this. Fertilization is possible only if there is a mature egg in the woman's ovary. The probability of getting pregnant during ovulation, provided that both partners are completely healthy, reaches 90%. In the female body, on average, 5 days a month are extremely favorable for fertilization of the egg. The most optimal day for conceiving a baby is the day of ovulation. However, the probability of getting pregnant after ovulation in the first hours is also quite high.

Basal temperature

Despite the fact that, it would seem, there are not so many such days, however, knowing them, it is not difficult to calculate on which days it is easier to get pregnant. To do this, you will need only two things:

  • A stick and a pen.
  • A thermometer, preferably electronic, but in its absence, an ordinary mercury thermometer will also work.

Write down the days of the month in your notebook.Mark the first and last days of your cycle. If you take the path of least resistance, you can do the following - calculate what day the middle of your cycle falls on. For example, if a woman's cycle is 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th - 15th day. However, it is necessary to remember that this method is suitable only for those women who have a stable cycle for at least six months. If your cycle fluctuates by at least a few days, such a calculation of the days of ovulation will not bring the desired success, since ovulation can occur on any day of the menstrual cycle. But even in this case, there is always another physiological method to calculate what day you will ovulate. This is exactly the method you will need a thermometer with which you will determine the basal temperature. Basal temperature is the body temperature in a woman's rectum. It is very important to measure the basal temperature, not the armpit, to determine the day of ovulation. This is necessary in order to clearly know about the changes that occur in a woman's reproductive system during a particular period of her menstrual cycle, under the influence of various hormones. It is by measuring basal temperature that it is quite easy to determine with high accuracy the day on which the ovulation process occurs, to assess whether a woman's ovaries produce the hormone progesterone, which is simply necessary for the body to prepare the uterine mucosa for possible implantation of the fertilized egg. Gynecologists advise women to change basal temperature in the following cases:

  • If a woman wants to get pregnant as soon as possible

Thanks to the fact that with the help of measurementBasal temperature a woman can determine the day of ovulation with almost 100% accuracy, the probability of pregnancy during intercourse on this day reaches 98%, provided that both partners do not have any serious health problems. And if a couple really wants to conceive a child as soon as possible, it is measuring the basal temperature in order to determine the day of ovulation.

  • Inability to get pregnant within a year or more

In the event that the couple does not have anydeviations in health, but, nevertheless, pregnancy does not occur, the doctor can suggest that the couple measure for several months and carefully record the results in a notebook. Based on this data, the doctor will be able to analyze the course of the woman's menstrual cycle and identify deviations from the norm, if any.

  • Suspicion of the presence in the body of a woman hormonal disorders

An accurate basal temperature chart cansignificantly clarify the situation with the woman's hormonal background and prescribe, if necessary, corrective treatment. Many women are interested in how the basal temperature measurement method works. As you already know, the menstrual cycle is divided into two cycles. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the body temperature is an order of magnitude lower than in the second phase. This is explained by the fact that in the second half of the phase, immediately after ovulation occurs, the woman's body begins to produce the hormone progesterone in an enhanced mode. It is the production of this hormone that causes an increase in body temperature by an average of half a degree Celsius. Body temperature reaches its maximum value on the day of ovulation. But in order to find out what temperature is the maximum for you, you need to simply measure your basal temperature for the first month and write it down in a notebook. At the end of the cycle, connect the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200busing lines and you will easily determine the maximum. And next month you will already know exactly what temperature of your body indicates that ovulation has to get pregnant the first time

Correct temperature measurement

Pay attention - in order to reliablyопределить день овуляции, необходимо измерять именно базальную ректальную температуру. Только в прямой кишке можно измерить истинную температуру тела, без каких – либо воздействий внешних факторов – температуры окружающей среды, наличия физических нагрузок и прочего. Базальная температура измеряется в строго определенное время, когда женщина находится в состоянии покоя. Именно эта температура и будет истинной, базовой. Отсюда и ее название – базальная температура. При соблюдении базальной температуры, для достижения точных результатов, женщина должна соблюдать несколько несложных, но очень важных правил. Перед сном подготовьте градусник – утром вы должны его достать, протянув руку, но не поднимаясь с кровати. Вы не должны совершать ни малейших физических усилий. После этого введите в анальное отверстие градусник примерно на глубину 5 сантиметров и измеряйте температуру в течение 10 минут ртутным градусником, и около минуты – электронным. Извлекая термометр, внимательно следите за тем, чтобы не коснуться руками его ртутной части. Тепло рук может изменить показания термометра. А ведь, как вы помните? Разница температур составляет всего – лишь на всего десятые одного градуса – именно поэтому так важны точные измерения. Не стоит полагаться на свою память – обязательно немедленно занесите показания в вашу тетрадь. Зная все эти нюансы, любая женщина будет знать, как посчитать когда можно забеременеть. В том же случае, если цикл носит уж совсем нерегулярный характер и у женщины никак не получается срочно забеременеть, ей необходимо обратиться за помощью к врачу – гинекологу. Современные методики позволяют установить процесс овуляции с точность до одного дня. Делается это без каких-либо затруднений, на основании лабораторного исследования содержимого, взятого с шейки матки – этот способ идеален для тех, кто беспокоится о том, как забеременеть при нерегулярном цикле. Кроме того, в последние годы в аптеках в свободной продаже можно приобрести тест на определение овуляции. Воспользоваться данным тестом совершенно несложно – любая женщина справится с этой задачей. Принцип работы данного теста такой же, как и теста на беременность. А минусами его является достаточно высокая стоимость и необходимость покупать их каждый день. Говоря о том, что нужно сделать, чтобы забеременеть, нельзя не напомнить женщине о необходимости предварительной консультации у врача – гинеколога. Для того чтобы беременность протекала успешно и малыш и мама чувствовали себя хорошо, будущая мама должна быть здоровой. Несложное обследование, проведенное накануне планируемой беременности, поможет выявить возможные отклонения в состоянии здоровья женщины и своевременно начать лечение заболевания, которое может препятствовать наступлению или нормальному течению беременности. Ведь вероятность забеременеть с первого раза высока только у совершенно здоровых женщин. Если у вас есть какие – либо заболевания, их необходимо лечить. Помимо посещения врача, есть еще кое – что, что надо делать, чтобы забеременеть. Существует несколько несложных правил, которые должна соблюдать любая женщина, которая планирует стать мамой:

  • Try to get rid of such bad habits as smoking as fast as possible, use even low-alcohol drinks, as well as caffeinated drinks.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: more sleep, walk in the fresh air.

Pregnancy during menstruation

If we talk about the features of the calendarmethod of conception, it is worth mentioning whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation. Many women believe that it is simply impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. And after some time, she is surprised to discover that the long-awaited miracle has happened and she is expecting a baby. It would seem that this is simply impossible, but absolutely any woman can get pregnant during menstruation. However, this depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each specific woman, so it is simply impossible to say for sure what the probability of getting pregnant after menstruation is. Gynecologists explain the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation by two main factors, described in more detail below:

  • Violation of the duration of the menstrual cycle

It is very common to get pregnant duringmenstruation is explained as follows: the egg, under the influence of some reasons, matures earlier than it should according to the term during a normal cycle. And spermatozoa are able to maintain their ability to fertilize, as already mentioned, for two, and sometimes three days after entering the woman's genital tract. In this case, if sexual intercourse occurred on the last two days of menstruation, provided that the woman's menstrual cycle is disrupted, a situation is possible when conception occurs two to three days after sex. And, in addition, the chance of getting pregnant during menstruation also exists - it is possible for absolutely any woman to get pregnant during menstruation, since at least once in her life everyone faces a failure of the menstrual cycle. The chance of getting pregnant during sex during menstruation is especially high for those women whose menstruation is long and protracted - 7 - 10 days. Pregnancy cannot occur only in the first three days, when the woman's vagina has an aggressive environment and the discharge is so intense that sperm simply cannot get into the woman's uterus. And the chances of an egg maturing in the first three days of menstruation are negligible. If you belong to the group of women whose menstrual cycle is either too short or irregular, keep in mind that luck can smile on you at any time. However, also remember that often the cycle gets disrupted absolutely unexpectedly - and a woman discovers it only when she finds out about her pregnancy. Doctors explain the existing possibility of getting pregnant after menstruation by these same reasons.

  • Ovulation that is spontaneous

Much more rarely, but it still happens thatthe reason for pregnancy during menstruation is the maturation of two eggs at once during one menstrual cycle, but at different intervals. This phenomenon is most often found in young girls or women who experience serious hormonal surges, which provoke the maturation of two eggs at once. Also, gynecologists believe that the tendency to simultaneous maturation of two eggs is often inherited from mother to daughter.

Pregnancy before menstruation

Also women very often ask, is it possible?Is it possible to get pregnant before your period? It would seem that such a possibility simply does not exist, if you follow the knowledge about the menstrual cycle. However, gynecologists, in response to the question of what is the probability of getting pregnant after your period, answer that the chances of getting pregnant a few days before the onset of menstruation, although not high, still exist. The chance of getting pregnant after your period is explained by the same factors as pregnancy during your period. A woman's menstrual cycle is greatly disrupted, and the eggs mature with a short break. At the very time when one egg, along with the mucous membranes of the uterus, is expelled with menstrual discharge, the second egg is just in the stage of full maturation. Thus, the possibility of getting pregnant before your period remains in any case. Conception and birth of a child are very important issues that must be approached with the utmost responsibility and seriousness. However, to our great regret, sometimes even those couples who desperately want to have children and make every possible effort to do so, for one reason or another, still fail to get pregnant, not to mention the possibility of getting pregnant the first time. And doctors often do not pay special attention to the problems of such couples, leaving them alone with their problem. In one article, with all the ardent desire, it is impossible to fully cover this issue, so we suggest getting.We hope that in this material you will find the most complete answers to all your questions, presented in a language understandable and accessible to the average person. Our team sincerely wishes you to hear the cherished word "Mom" as soon as possible! We recommend reading:

