proper protein diet in pregnancy Today, the industry is very developed,as medicine, and in particular one of its directions - midwifery. Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period in the life of any woman. One of the fundamental rules here is a correct, balanced diet. In pregnancy, the so-called protein diet is used. Its advantages over other diets are that it provides the mother and fetus with full proteins. Many people know the fact that the health of the woman and the future child depends on nutrition in this period of time. If the diet is low in protein, then the child can be born weak and subsequently often get sick.

Importance of protein nutrition

Very important and the fact that during pregnancy, the exchangesubstances sharply increases, and energy consumption goes directly to two people. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all pregnant women comply with the protein diet. Proteins are the most important nutrients. They are part of cell membranes, participate in the formation of antibodies, enzymes and hormones, perform transport functions (hemoglobin), are sources of energy and useful amino acids. Let's consider what the protein diet for pregnant women is. products with a protein diet

Description of the diet for pregnant women

Diet for pregnant women is characterized by the followingpeculiarities: the number of proteins consumed per day should be 100-120 g, that is, approximately 2 g per kg of body weight. With regard to fats, the rate of their consumption is 80-100 g, 20 g of them must be of plant origin. The share of carbohydrates, starting from the second half of pregnancy, is reduced to 300 g. From this moment it is necessary to limit flour, cakes, juices. Protein diet for pregnant women limits the intake of salt and water. Excessive fluid intake can cause swelling. The diet excludes the use of fried, spicy dishes. The most optimal is to cook food for a couple or cook. To obtain the necessary proteins, with each meal, you need to consume 1 serving of products from the following: 200 g of cottage cheese, 6 egg whites, 150 g of fish or poultry, 120 g of red meat, 250 ml of milk or sour-milk products. So, all these products are the most valuable for a future mother. Per day, a pregnant woman should drink 500 ml of milk or sour-milk products. This is very important, because in addition to protein, calcium is also contained there. Nutrition and a list of prohibited foods Feed the future mother should regularly, through certain breaks. The optimal regime is five meals a day in small portions every 3-3.5 hours. This will promote better absorption of proteins and other beneficial substances. The diet includes an assortment of so-called forbidden dishes. These include: fatty meat, herring, mayonnaise, mushrooms, alcohol, fast food, spicy seasonings, canned goods, concentrated broths, condensed milk, confectionery products, fried foods, strong coffee or tea, sugar. Limit and consumption of salt to 5-6 grams per day. Caloric content of the daily ration should be distributed in the following order: breakfast should account for 30% of the daily calorific value, for the second breakfast - 10%, for lunch - 40%, afternoon snack and dinner - 10%. In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that during pregnancy, you need to consume as much fruit and vegetables as possible, do not neglect polyvitaminic complexes, which contain all the vitamins necessary for the child and mother. It is not recommended to abuse fruits such as bananas, grapes, as they help increase blood sugar and thus improve appetite, and extra calories - it's not so good. fruits during pregnancy are very necessary for the woman's body

Than a protein diet is useful

Many mothers mistakenly believe that the more theyeat, the better for the baby. In fact, everything is not so. Excess body weight will contribute to the fact that more and more nutrients will flow through the placenta to the baby. This can contribute to the development of a so-called large fetus with a large mass at birth. That, firstly, will cause complications of the course of labor, and secondly, in the future such a child will be more likely to get sick or suffer from endocrine or cardiovascular diseases. In addition, in large children immunity is often reduced. Diet for pregnant women allows you to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, which will help regulate the weight. In addition, high-grade proteins contribute to the increase of muscle mass, increase the tone of the uterus, ligaments, promote the full growth and development of the baby, increase immunity, and much more. When pregnancy is very important to know that there are some contraindications to the use of this diet. First of all, these are liver and kidney diseases, for example, kidney failure. Therefore, before you organize a protein diet during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. He will give instructions and tell you which food is the most optimal. menu of protein diet for pregnant women

Conclusion, conclusions, recommendations

Based on the foregoing,the conclusion that during pregnancy the most optimal and balanced is the protein diet. It allows to completely fill the lack of proteins, including animal origin. Of great importance here is the fact that in the total structure of the consumed pregnant protein the proportion of animal protein should be at least 60%. A source of animal protein are products of animal origin: meat, milk, eggs, cottage cheese. An important and vegetable protein. Its source is legumes and nuts, which also need to be periodically introduced into the diet during pregnancy. In addition to all this, proteins contribute to the strengthening of the placenta and birth canal, ligaments, increase immunity, regulate the full growth and development of the child. All this plays a decisive role in the development of the fetus and the further life of the child. Protein diet for pregnant women is a universal diet, it can be used in many other cases. When using it, you need to remember that the food is steamed or boiled, in this form the protein will be the most valuable and digestible. Of great importance is the diet during pregnancy. There is a need 4-5 times a day in small portions at equal intervals. It is not recommended to eat at night. So if you are pregnant, then eat full proteins!

