Every woman has thought about it at least once in her lifeover whether bangs will suit her. Sometimes, having decided on such an experiment, a representative of the fair sex begins to realize what a serious mistake she has made. Modern beauties are ready to spend more than one thousand rubles to at least partially tidy themselves up. But there are situations when money does not help. Sometimes you just need to wait at least a month before it will be possible to make a more successful haircut. And then any methods and means are used, with the help of which you can very quickly grow your hair.
We grow bangs: folk recipes of beauty
There are a lot of them todayways to quickly grow bangs at home. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Some people are helped by masks and herbal rinses, while others use special shampoos and balms. Often, to find the right option for yourself, you should experiment a little with two or three products.
- Burr oil
In fact, representatives of the fair sexBurdock oil is very rarely used. The problem is that it is quite difficult to wash it out of your hair, especially if it is long and thick. You will need to take a shower at least 4 times to stop your hair from sticking together at the roots. Despite such a huge drawback, this product can be considered the best in this case. Of course, you will hardly be able to quickly grow your bangs in a week. But 2-3 cm, if the haircut turned out to be completely unsuccessful, will be enough for the first time. So, you can rub pure burdock or castor oil into the skin. Wrap the treated area with cling film and a towel. After 2-3 hours, rinse your head with plenty of water. Repeat every day until the bangs grow to the desired length. Also, experts recommend adding a couple of drops of this product to shampoo or a store-bought hair mask. Thus, every time you wash your hair, the oil will be able to affect the skin. As a result, you will be able to grow very beautiful, thick hair.
- Bow
The juice stimulates blood flow to the scalp andsaturates the roots with vitamins, minerals and useful microelements. First, grind the onion in a meat grinder or blender, then strain it through cheesecloth. Please note that if you do not do this, the next day you will have to deal with particles stuck in the roots and a very unpleasant smell. Rub the resulting juice into the scalp with your fingertips, then wrap the bangs area with a bag, put on a special bandage. After a couple of hours, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with plenty of water. To quickly grow bangs, repeat the procedure every week for one month. The only downside of the onion mask is a persistent, pungent and unpleasant aroma, which is not so easy to get rid of in one go. Therefore, it is recommended to do such procedures on Friday or Saturday evenings, when you do not need to go anywhere the next day.
- Herbal tinctures
A decoction of juniper, chamomile, nettle andBirch is another great way to quickly grow bangs in just one month. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions (about 1-2 teaspoons), then pour boiling water over them and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Before washing your hair, warm the liquid slightly. A decoction of parsley seeds, hop cones, burdock root and calendula also copes well with this task. You can use this product in the same way as a regular rinse. After using it, you should not use shampoo, balm, conditioner, etc. products.
- Cognac
In cognac, vodka or alcohol (4 tbsp.l) add a decoction of burdock roots (7 tbsp), onion juice (5 tbsp). Mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous liquid. Rub the mixture into the roots along the bangs. After two hours, rinse the mask with plenty of water and wash your hair with shampoo.
- Egg
You can also prepare it at homeNourishing and restorative egg mask. It will not only help you grow your bangs quickly, but will also make your hair soft and silky. To prepare it, you will need mustard powder (2 tbsp), hot water (2 tbsp), yolk (1 chicken or 3 quail), olive oil (2 tbsp), granulated sugar (no more than 2 tbsp). Mix all the ingredients and beat the mask in a blender. Apply this product from the bottom and top (along the bang growth line) and leave for 15 minutes. Note that the base and ends remain untouched. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair and apply conditioner.
- Tar
There are rumors about the magical properties of the tar masklegends. It is believed that thanks to this product, you can increase the length of your hair by 4-5 cm in just one week. Whether this is true or not, you can check it out on your own experience. So, mix tar and dimexide (2 tbsp each) in a 1:1 ratio, add cognac (1.5 tbsp) and camphor alcohol (0.5 tbsp). Please note that this liquid is applied only to the roots (for 15-20 minutes). Be careful and do not leave the mask on longer, otherwise you can simply go bald or get a severe burn. By the way, when making such mixtures at home, first test the product on a small area of your skin. There is a possibility that you may be allergic to one of the components.
- Pepper
If during the first two weeks the bangs are not veryhas grown a lot, you can try making a mask from pepper. In some cases, hot ingredients, causing a rush to the scalp, also help to get rid of baldness. In a 1:1 ratio, mix a pharmacy tincture of capsicum, burdock oil and hair balm. Use exactly the same as in the previous case.
Products that affect hair growth
Why often even the most effective masks andBalms do not work? The problem lies in improper nutrition. You can not grow bangs, depriving your body of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. So, for example, your menu must include meat dishes. Only as a result of processing animal protein will you get amino acids. And they are very important building materials for vegetation. Be sure to eat beef or pork liver. It is rich in vitamins A, B6, B2 and molybdenum. However, be careful when buying such products. Always ask for certificates confirming the safety of meat. Remember, if the animal was given injections or chemical additives (to stimulate growth), it is in the liver that the most dangerous substances are preserved. It is very useful to eat fish, eggs, cottage cheese, drink milk. In the summer, eat fresh apples, preferably those that grew in your region. The fact is that imported vegetables and fruits may contain chemicals or wax. Such measures are necessary to prevent the product from spoiling during transportation and storage. As a last resort, peel and wash the products in plenty of water. You can also take a course of brewer's yeast. But first, consult your doctor. Do not forget to drink liquids. The human norm is at least 1.5-2 liters per day. This can be still mineral water, juices, dried fruit compotes, green and black teas. You should avoid drinks that contain too many chemical additives (dyes, stabilizers, preservatives).
Extreme measures for unsuccessful haircut: go to the hairdresser's
In case there is no time and desire to wait,When the bangs grow out, it is best to consult a specialist. If the length of the cut hair is more than 5 cm, you can extend artificial strands. Of course, this is not a cheap pleasure, but you will not have to go around with an unsuccessful haircut for the next 2-3 months. The only thing is to choose good beauty salons, do not skimp on the work of the master and on materials. After some time, when you think that the bangs have grown out enough, you yourself will be able to remove other people's hair. During the period of hair growth, try to traumatize it as little as possible. Do not use hair dryers, curling irons, foams, hairsprays. Do not curl or dye the strands. Any thermal, physical or chemical impact on hair can lead to slower growth. In this case, you will have to wait at least six months to a year until the bangs reach at least the level of the cheekbones. The second way to grow hair very quickly is to use special ampoules, shampoos and balms. It is better to buy them either in hairdressers or pharmacies. Please note that some women are allergic to such products. Therefore, consult a dermatologist beforehand. It does not matter whether you do the procedures at home or in a salon, do not forget to test the purchased product beforehand. We recommend reading: