Beautiful hair is the pride of every woman. Unfortunately, the rabid pace of life in which we live, sometimes does not allow our hair to look like it all: bad ecology, constant stress, lack of time for care. And in pursuit of the brilliance and beauty of the hair, we succumb to the persuasion of advertising, buying all the new expensive shampoos, promising instant radiance and strength to our hair. But just for some reason on my head all the same tangled, dull strands, which are so lacking in gloss and gloss. By the way, our grandmothers did not have expensive cosmetic hair care products, no shampoos and balms - rinsers, and their hair always looked surprisingly healthy and strong. What's the secret? And the whole secret is that, unlike us, our ancestors on the female line found time to take care of their hair, and did it with natural products at home. In their lives, for sure, stress and amusement was no less, but still they cared about the condition of their locks, using the time-tested recipes for this. They applied masks to the hair, decoctions of medicinal herbs, rubbed into the roots of the oil and infusions. And nowadays any mask for shine hair, cooked at home, is the best way to give your hair a healthy and well-groomed look.
Recipes for the best masks for shiny, healthy hair
Let's remember the principles of our grandmothers andwe will try on ourselves magnificent house masks for shine of hair. Making them is much easier than you think, but they take a little time. Moreover, the decision to create a hair care product at home is ideal for women whose financial resources are limited. In our recipes, we do not suggest you take a long search for outlandish overseas potions - all the ingredients for masks are right at home, on your favorite kitchen shelves and in the refrigerator. Do not forget that the masks for shine are applied to dry hair. After you apply the mixture on your head, you need to create a thermal effect, so that valuable substances penetrate more actively into the skin and the structure of the hair. This can be done by putting a cellophane cap on your head, and then wrapping it with a towel. After the mask is washed off, you need to wash your head with shampoo for your hair type and take advantage of the conditioner balm. Let after washing your hair dry naturally: if we have taken up their treatment, do not spoil the result by heat treatment of hair dryer. Mask with egg yolk, glycerin and apple cider vinegar. For medium length hair, two yolks, two tablespoons of castor oil (sold in pharmacies), one teaspoon of five percent apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of glycerin will be needed. Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to dry hair. Hold for forty minutes, then rinse with water. This mask perfectly nourishes the roots and improves the structure of the hair along the entire length. Mask with vegetable oils The almond oil and peach oil are best for this mask, but if there are none, you can use the usual olive oil or even sunflower oil. One hundred and fifty grams of vegetable oil should be heated in a water bath so that it is slightly higher than the temperature of your body. Spread the warm oil over the entire length of the hair, hold the mask for three and a half hours. It is best to perform this procedure in the evening before going to bed or at a time when you do not need to go out. Wash your hair thoroughly. Such a mask will not only give your locks strength and shine, but also perfectly strengthen the roots, preventing hair loss. Mask with mayonnaise and garlic For one two-hundred bag of mayonnaise you will need two or three small cloves of garlic. Mix the ingredients (pre-crushing garlic through the garlic, of course) and distribute along the length of the hair. You can make this mask at home, but the effect will exceed all expectations if you use it in a sauna or a sauna. Hot air excellently activates all the most valuable substances in products, as a result you will get not only a luxurious shine, but also accelerate the growth of your hair. Mask with yeast and egg white Mix well in a ceramic dish one protein, one tablespoon of yeast and one teaspoon of water. Apply the mixture on the hair, distributing it along the entire length. We wrap our head and hold the mask for ten minutes. After that, rinse with shampoo and conditioner. After this mask your hair will turn shiny and silky. Mask with cinnamon, nutmeg and oat flakes Prepare a coffee spoon of cinnamon and nutmeg powder. Two tablespoons of oatmeal is added to flour, add cinnamon and nutmeg. Fill with warm water so that the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Apply the mask on the hair and hold for half an hour. After this, rinse with water and enjoy the chic, shiny strands. Mask of banana, yogurt and vegetable oil You will need one ripe banana, fifty grams of any vegetable oil and one yogurt. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply a mask and comb hair comb with rare denticles. After half an hour you can wash off using your favorite shampoo. Mask of tea, milk, yolk and honey Before you begin to prepare a mask, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to honey. If you are out of risk, take one hundred grams of strong tea leaves from black tea, add three tablespoons of boiled high-fat milk, one whipped yolk and a teaspoon of melted honey. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the hair, not forgetting to rub the mask into the scalp. After creating a thermal effect, hold the mask for an hour, then rinse. This is an amazing tool not only for shine, but also for strengthening the roots of hair. In addition, with the regular use of this mask, the problem with the split ends disappears. Mask made of red mountain ash, yogurt and eggs. Few people know that red ashberry is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also an excellent means for treating hair. In addition to giving shine, it helps to cope with the problem of dandruff and soothes irritated scalp. So, take a hundred grams of fresh red beret berries and grind them in a blender. Add one glass of curdled milk and one chicken egg. All thoroughly mix to a homogeneous mass and apply to the hair for twenty minutes. Mask of lemon, orange, olive oil and green tea leaves This mask is especially good for hair extensions, it's no secret that over time they lose their original shine and gloss. But for natural hair this mask is also very useful - it gives them a beautiful, well-groomed look. You will need a juice of half an orange and half a lemon. Add to the mixture two tablespoons of green tea leaves and the same amount of olive oil. Whip with a blender. Apply the mask for the entire length of the hair, and rub into the scalp with light massaging movements. Hold for fifteen minutes, then rinse. Mask of beer with egg Beer, oddly enough, an excellent tool for giving hair vitality and brilliance. Take a quarter of a glass of drink and add one raw chicken egg. Stir well and apply the mask to the hair. After fifteen minutes, rinse with shampoo and conditioner. Mask of honey, onion juice, olive oil and shampoo Take two tablespoons of melted honey, olive oil, onion juice and shampoo for your hair type. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply to the hair. Keep the mask for half an hour. After rinse with water with shampoo. The mask well cures hair, gives them shine and shine. Doing homemade masks for shine hair regularly, you not only give your locks a chic, well-groomed look, but also improve the structure of the hair from the inside. After all, how nice to receive a long-awaited compliment: "You have such beautiful, amazing hair!" We advise you to read: