romantic gift to her husband on the anniversary Many believe that the married life of the newlyweds withevery year becomes more boring and monotonous. The reason for this is everyday life, material problems, troubles associated with the upbringing of children. But how do you want to return the tale, which was like a joint life in the first year after the wedding. Perhaps that's why humanity came up with the idea that the anniversary of the wedding should be a special day for the couple. It was on this day between the husband and wife that the spark that allows them to be together again jumps. Well, and what a holiday without gifts? Sometimes it is very difficult to decide on what a surprise to cook a loved one on the anniversary of the wedding. Undoubtedly, every woman dreams of giving her husband something completely extraordinary, something that would not be for others. Of course, this is a very difficult task, because make a gift to a girl is much easier - there are so many beautiful, useful and interesting things that she can like. But the choice of a surprise for the husband of many of us leads to a dead end. Therefore, some women are limited to oral congratulations. Others spend several weeks preparing the gift, because they want to do something really incredible, so that their wedding will never be forgotten. Among the myriad of various gifts and souvenirs so want to choose the one that most like the beloved and dear person. In fact, it does not matter what you present to your husband on the anniversary of your relationship - the main thing is how this surprise will be served.

Erotic option

Every woman knows that men often visiterotic fantasies, which very often do not coincide with the chastity of their wives. But on the anniversary of the wedding, you can make an exception. Try to remind your husband how beautiful you were on the day of marriage. Meet him in a beautiful white lace lace and veil that was on you on your wedding day. Do not forget about the romantic dinner. Let the table be decorated with white roses and wedding candles, and champagne in the glasses. Your man will necessarily remember what you were before, and new notes in your image on the anniversary will only strengthen his confidence that his wife is the most charming and attractive. pleasant surprise to her husband on the anniversary

Extreme option

This is probably the most unusual surprise thatcan be done on the wedding anniversary to her husband. In this case, you can meet your husband after work and mysteriously offer him a trip outside the city. The main thing is not to tell him exactly where you want to go with him. You can even ask him to blindfold, so as not to see the path. Take him to the airfield if there is an aeroclub near your city and tell him that you want to mark your date with a parachute jump. Words of congratulation are desirable to think in advance, so that when congratulating do not get confused in your thoughts. In your speech, remember how your relationship was born, how he decided to make you an offer. You can compare your family life with this jump. However, do not forget to add that on this anniversary you trust yourself and your life as you did the year you were married. Of course, this option is suitable only if you yourself are not afraid of a jump, since it will necessarily have to be done by two. To be confident, visit a couple of classes in the flying club in advance.

Comic-romantic option

Arrange a romantic evening for the husband, on whichDeclare to him that all the time he lived with you, he passed exams for family life, and you were his examiner. Depending on the years lived together, come up with comic names for the items that you have already set. Remind also about those subjects which it will have to hand over to the next anniversary of the wedding. This option can be diversified by making a loved one an original gift that will surprise him and become a reason for pride and good mood. As such a gift, you can use a souvenir with a funny drawing that will characterize your husband. You can also order in the workshop a funny figure with the scene depicted on it from your family life. romantic surprise to her husband

Romantic retro options

Remember the saying that every manshould plant a tree, build a house and raise a son, and use these words to arrange a surprise for her husband. This option is most suitable for couples celebrating the first anniversary of the wedding. Bring your husband to the place where you first met (kissed, explained in love) and hand him a scapula and a tree sapling. Ask him to plant this tree, and let it grow with each year you lived together. It will be the tree of your love. And every subsequent anniversary you will come to this place and remember how it all began, and also make a wish to live for more than one year in love and harmony. Remember how quite recently it was fashionable to congratulate relatives and friends, advertising in the newspaper. you can also use this method. Carefully look at what newspapers your husband reads most often and order a romantic congratulation with your wedding photo in the editorial office of this newspaper. In addition to joy, your husband will also feel the pride of this surprise, because surely many of his friends will see this congratulation. If your man is rather conservative and does not like surprises, you can present him a memorable gift. For example, fulfill his cherished desire and give him that thing, which he had long dreamed of, but he could not buy it himself. As a gift, a good book is perfect, but it is, of course, provided that your husband likes to read. Present it in a beautiful festive package, which can be ordered at the bookstore. A great gift will be a family ticket to a gym or a diving club. In this case, your gift will not only be pleasant, but also useful. A gift to her husband on this day can be anything. It does not matter if it's big or small. The most important is to give it from the bottom of the heart. A loving man will appreciate even the most simple trinket, because the main thing is what her beloved gave her.

