How do you feel about your job?Do you barely tolerate it? Or, even worse, do you simply hate it? If so, you are definitely not alone. According to statistics, up to eighty percent of working people are thinking about changing their occupation. It’s simply amazing, isn’t it? It turns out that the vast majority of people in our country do not like their jobs. But what’s most interesting is that even professionals who are in demand on the labor market are not always happy with what they constantly have to do. And work takes up a significant part of our time! But only a few can give up what they currently have (low wages, a tyrant boss, envious colleagues, demanding clients). Why is this happening? Most of us are convinced that if we leave our hateful job, we will doom ourselves to poverty or a hungry existence. And no one thinks about the fact that new prospects and opportunities await us beyond the threshold that will radically change our lives. You have to ask yourself: is there any point in remaining trapped in doing something you hate? When we feel like we have no choice, life takes on a layer of hopelessness that morphs into an aura of unhappiness. When was the last time you woke up with a happy smile on your face on Monday? Or waited until the weekend to get back to doing what you loved?
Fear is the cause of all failures
If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest!In times of crisis, when there are only layoffs, fear overcomes many. Our colleagues and friends constantly discuss the ordeals of one or another of their acquaintances. For some reason, they could not find any kind of work for several months. It is much more difficult for a woman to find a good position. According to the employer, at first you will want to have a couple of three children, and for this you will, naturally, go on maternity leave. If the children are small, you will constantly sit with them on sick leave. Are you well over forty? Sorry, my age is not the same. We need young people who will bring freshness and novelty. But we have families that need our support, bills to pay, loans and, possibly, debts. Here, willy-nilly, you think: “I can’t change my occupation! I will never get a more prestigious job. I hate this position, but I’m just trapped! I hope they don’t fire me themselves!” You start running through a lot of options in your mind and come to the conclusion that everything is useless. Is this about you? Then you need to ask yourself another question: if the fear disappeared, would you feel less hopeless? Would you be able to become happier? Let's assume that you can cope with fear. After all, in fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
Learning to cope with fear
How to change your life if you are terrifiedLooking to the future? Only forward, no step back! When you are overcome by anxiety or problems arise, immediately begin to act - and the fear will gradually dissipate. If your worries are related to work, you especially need to change something in your life. After all, there is a lot at stake here. After all, this is your livelihood, and its loss can affect all aspects of your life. At first glance, it may seem that you do not have much room to maneuver. In addition, employers do not really like a person who is constantly searching for herself. In fact, you can completely control the situation without damaging your reputation. Here are the steps you should take when preparing to move to another job:
- Assess your financial situation
Take a close look at your financial situationtoday to have a full picture of your debt, assets, monthly expenses and income. If you have debt, make a plan to pay it off faster. Find ways to cut your spending and think about selling some assets that you could do without for the time being. Learn not to buy more than you currently need. This applies to food, clothes, and jewelry.
- Prepare for temporary deterioration and create a reserve
Try to create a reserve of money thatwould help you hold out while you look for another job. Cut your expenses as much as possible and start saving wherever possible. In some cases, it’s even worth making an effort and taking on an extra part-time job. By creating such a reserve, you can strengthen your confidence and also get rid of the fear of losing your previous job. By the way, experts recommend putting aside ten percent of your income every month. Just in case. If you live modestly, you won’t feel a strong shortage of finances for the first two or three months.
- Analyze your work
Assess your current position, all its advantages andcons. Write down on paper - what you really hate about it, what is tolerable, and what you even like. List everything in detail - this will help you better understand what kind of activity is more suitable.
- Determine your optimal balance between work and home
The main thing is to be able to set priorities.Consider whether you should change your lifestyle along with your job. Maybe you would like to have more time for your family, friends, and hobbies? Or would you like to reduce the level of responsibility in your new position so that you have energy for socializing with your family? Or maybe, on the contrary, you want to realize your ambitions in order to earn more money (for example, your child is involved in horse riding, golf, or ballroom dancing, and you would like to provide him with everything he needs)? Decide what is most valuable to you in order to take all this into account when looking for a new job. You don’t want to be disappointed in this one later.
- First of all, evaluate your professional skills
In order to get good anda high-paying position, you need to have a certain level of professionalism. What can you improve in yourself to be competitive in the labor market? Can you acquire additional knowledge and skills? Try to do this first. Enroll in evening classes. It’s great if you need to do an internship there. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand whether you really have what it takes to do such a profession.
- Start looking for another job
If you have already decided to change jobs, thenstart looking for it right now. After all, it is wiser to send your resume to other companies while you still have your previous position. Perhaps you will be able to find it faster than if you were already freelance. In this case, you will not have to experience financial difficulties. Go to the employment office, visit all sorts of job search websites, send out carefully prepared resumes. Tell all your relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors that you are looking for a new place. Enlist their informational support. Sometimes "word of mouth" works much better and faster.
- Think Positively
It may sound trivial, but you need tostop complaining about life. Are you afraid of being disappointed? What's the problem? There are plenty of other vacancies around where you can realize yourself. The main thing is to wait for changes. Focus on the positive things that exist. After all, even in your unloved job, you can find advantages. So, you have an opportunity to move on to a new stage in your life, to make positive changes to it. And your previous position gave you certain experience and useful skills. Break the vicious circle of anxious and pessimistic thoughts and start thinking about future improvements. In the morning, conduct visualization sessions, during which you imagine yourself working at a good and favorite job. Try to avoid communicating with negative people who can depress anyone.
Learn to control yourself
Do you think that you can actually change your life?Isn't it that easy? But thousands of people prove the opposite every day! Once you take control of the current situation, you will immediately feel that fear is gradually disappearing. You will no longer feel like a chip in a stormy whirlpool, but you will firmly hold the steering wheel in your hands. Only you can decide where to sail. When there is even a little hope, you can direct your thoughts to a better future. You can change the situation. By the way, there is great news: today is just the right day to start!
How to become competitive in this world
Coming to the interview is the first step,which few dare. But, of course, this is not enough. You must do everything possible to be chosen from a thousand other equally wonderful, smart, beautiful candidates. Also, do not forget that it is necessary to stay afloat for the first six months to a year. How to do this?
- Attend training courses
“How to change your life?” you ask.You need to be the best among the rest, and then all doors will be open. At the same time, do not try to boast about your talents. Others will notice them. Your appearance should show "I want to learn and share my experience", and not "I am ideal, and you are a nobody". If you consider yourself an irreplaceable professional who knows and can do everything, you may not even be hired. Inflated self-esteem and ambition are good, but employers need people who never stop at what they have achieved. Think about who will be preferred: a person who is constantly learning something new, or a person who talks about her merits without confirming them in practice.
- Develop a worldview
The time has passed when people were hired afterstudying resumes. Now it is necessary to pass a bunch of tests, on the basis of which the recruiting manager makes a conclusion. For example, one large company asked applicants three questions. How to put a giraffe (or another animal) in a refrigerator. How to put an elephant there? And if there is a meeting of animals, who definitely will not come? In the first case, it turns out whether a person can think outside the box, in the second - logically, in the third - whether he has a good memory. You will not necessarily be asked exactly the same questions at the interview. But you should be prepared for the fact that they will not even look at your resume, but will ask you to tell, do something unusual. Replenish your knowledge daily: solve riddles and crosswords, play chess, read the news (but not the tabloids). In the future, this will be useful to you.
- Choose the right environment
Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are!As rude as it may sound, try to say goodbye to your loser friends. How to change your life despite the obstacles? Start communicating with successful people who hold good positions. It is not for nothing that they say that one hand warms the other. Sadly, in our world, connections are everything. Without them, you will have to sit in the position of secretary for another five years. And so (under the patronage of a familiar businessman or official) you will be immediately taken as the head of the department. Ideally, if you find a person who has been able to achieve success in the area in which you want to realize your potential. Believe me, he will teach you a lot if he sees desire in your eyes. The main thing is not to try to seem better than him. Otherwise, the result will be completely opposite. Where to find connections? At seminars, conferences, meetings. Successful people will not miss the chance to learn something new, expand their worldview and find comrades who think like them. But be careful! When heading there, try to look respectable. It's like a club of interests - only those who meet all the requirements and standards are allowed in. If you come in an old suit, give inappropriate answers, start pestering everyone with questions, you'll just be thrown out the door.
- Start reading books
All successful and formed personalities have manyread. They try to learn everything, not just what concerns their specialization. Classics, economics, politics, philosophy, psychology – they are interested in many things. It is not enough to say: “I want to change myself and my life for the better.” It is necessary to act. Any information can be useful in life. In addition, a person who has read more than a thousand books certainly knows how to express his thoughts correctly, construct sentences correctly, and does not make mistakes when writing.
- Learn foreign languages
"How many languages you know, so many times you"A person", - A.P. Chekhov. Nowadays, in addition to Russian, it is necessary to speak at least English. If you can speak German, French, Spanish or Italian fluently, you will be given preference first. After all, you want to change your life: find a prestigious position, go abroad, etc. So, to do this, start watching films without translation, read books and magazines in a foreign language. But do not get carried away with self-study guides. Without practice, theory will not be useful. You will not be able to pronounce even the most common phrases. The most you will learn is spelling. Now you know how to change your life. Of course, it is not enough to just say "I want". You need to act, and not sit on the couch, dreaming of the position of CEO. Fortune favors risky, bold and assertive people who will stop at nothing. We recommend reading: