how to become a good leader So, you have successfully overcome several stepscareer ladder, and now you have a very real prospect of becoming the leader of a team. This pleases and frightens a little, because now it is necessary to answer not only for their own actions, but also for the actions of other people. How to become a good leader? What are the general rules for managing people today? Is it possible, following these rules, to lead a firm without encountering the same problems all the time? Let's try to understand this question.

How to manage a team

Current level of production developmentcontributes not only to global changes in business, but a colossal coup in the socio-economic environment of society. The old mechanisms of managing this production, when the staff was perceived as a kind of faceless and asexual mass, fulfilling a certain goal, are now safely forgotten. Today the management of any, even the smallest organization, requires a completely new tactic and strategy. There are new psychological aspects of team management, which are the main tools of the current leader. The classical, time-tested theory of management is based on three pillars: people, financial policy, technical issues. In the first place, of course, is the human factor. Thin, wise use of the creative potential of each employee, adjustment of relationships in the team increases the productivity of the work not only of the subordinates, but of the firm as a whole. Effective management team primarily provides guidance on the human factor. how to become a first-class manager

Knowledge of psychology is the tool of a good leader

It is now impossible to become a good leader withoutstudying psychological aspects of communication with subordinates. We can say that the work collective as an object of management is a kind of living being with its own character and habits. Knowledge of the characteristics of people's perception of each other, orientation in the nuances of the relationship between the collective and the administrative apparatus are the fundamental components in the management of people. Only considering them, you can know exactly how to become a first-class manager. This requires an understanding that any employee is primarily a person. This serves as an excellent incentive for the coordinated work of the organization and gives an almost complete answer to the question of how to become a first-class manager. To treat subordinates as mechanical executors is very dangerous. For example, to everyone, even having tremendous creative potential, a person is characterized by stages of decline in psychological activity, when excessive stress only reduces overall productivity. To demand from him in such periods of maximum devotion is impractical. Quality work is involuntarily replaced by a surrogate, which instead of the expected benefits can cause significant harm to the production process, and the performer himself. Feelings of people can be not just their subjective experiences, but also an excellent indicator of the overall psychological mood of the team. A good leader should be open to emotional exchange in order to correct his own actions in case of negative situations. And such situations, as a rule, from time to time ripen in any organization.

Be attentive to employees

Another important rule of successmanagement team - attention to the interests of employees. Each person is unique, unique and motivating, and goals, so trying to impose public interests to the detriment of personal interests can be fatal: the company will lose a valuable employee, which will not be easy to replace. But the unification in any form of personal interests to the benefit of the public will benefit both the atmosphere in the team and the overall productivity of employees. With the coincidence of personal goals, it is quite easy to create human groups that are much easier to manipulate than each individual employee. Within such a grouping, as a rule, there is some competition, from which a competent director can derive significant benefits for the organization. However, it should not be forgotten that competition often turns into a conflict, when everyone aspires to destroy the competitor first. This situation, of course, is destructive, and it must be able to stop at the very beginning. It will require emotional openness and psychological flexibility, based on close attention to the internal state of employees. Such a management tool is quite effective, but its danger lies in the fact that the work of the head will reduce to control and maintain a balance of power. The collective involuntarily can be formed a kind of dual power: the control of the head over employees - on the one hand, and its dependence on the behavior of these employees - on the other. To avoid such a dead end, it is necessary to learn how to maneuver between loyalty towards subordinates and authoritarianism. One of the methods of such maneuvering can be an unobtrusive orientation of the interests of groups of subordinates on the organization's goals. And then providing solutions to the achievement of these goals by the subordinates themselves. This situation in the team is quite favorable. The task of the head in this case will be the delivery of necessary information and the regulation of administrative matters. Therefore, in order to know exactly how to lead a team of one kind or another, you need to look at each of its members and determine exactly what role it can take. But first you need to learn how to choose the best employees, while adhering to certain conditions. how to become a good leader correctly

Advices for a novice manager

The beginning manager inevitably encounterssuch problems as the selection of personnel and the creation of the most favorable situation in the team. Unfortunately, there are no universal tools for solving these problems. Nevertheless, there are certain rules, adhering to which, you can achieve significant success in leadership. How to become a successful leader? Some managers try to apply proven "good" techniques: the selection of a team of like-minded people or the introduction into the organization of a leader - a professional who sets his example to others. However, "good" techniques in fact may not be so kind. No professional leader can replace an entire organization, and the most committed adherents always remain separate, self-thinking people. And their goals, in the end, can be different. In addition, for the successful development of any business requires an established mechanism, where each part performs a certain function. And in the case of like-minded people, it's rather difficult to distribute these functions. After all, each of them strives to perform exactly the work that he considers most suitable for himself. Willy-nilly will ponder how to properly manage a team of this kind. In other words, the main thing for a novice leader is the ability to determine the place of every subordinate in the system of the labor mechanism. Someone will be most useful, as the generator of ideas, someone - as the executor of routine work, and someone - as the inspirer creating in collective necessary for productive work an atmosphere. In general, this is precisely the psychology of team management. This task is not simple, but it is completely solvable if people are not chosen subjectively, from the position "like - do not like", but in accordance with the task. Coexistence in the organization of people of different, with all kinds of tastes and habits, is one of the most important stimuli for its development. The unity of opposites always implies progress. There is a lot of advice on how to become a leader, but they are based on one principle: the modern manager should remember that an organization is an association of people, and its goals are achievable only if their cooperation is successful. Plus, you need to learn to appreciate the employee, even if you do not like him as a person. Can you leave personal preferences behind the cabinet door? Become an excellent leader. And learn to restrain yourself. Sometimes we really want to disrupt our anger at those who depend on us. Scream at one employee, scold another subordinate. But before doing this, think about what you are running? Dissatisfaction with the work done or just a desire to release steam? We advise you to read:

