how to increase nails The procedure for nail extensions is growingpopularity among the beautiful half of humanity. Materials on how to increase the nails correctly enough. And this is not accidental. Of course, it is much easier to go to a beauty salon and to grow nails of the required length than to wait until they grow themselves. In addition, there are many ways of building up. Every woman can choose the most suitable for herself. You can not only grow nails of the desired length and shape, but also beautifully decorate them with various patterns.

Types of nail extensions: gel and acrylic

First of all, let's try to figure out howgel and acrylic build-up are different. Gel is a photo-polymer having a special composition, which solidifies only under the action of ultraviolet rays. Acrylic is a combination of acrylic powder and oxygen, as a result of which a thick viscous mass is formed, from which it is possible to lay out nails of different length and shape. Acrylic hardens due to the evaporation of acid. This process is accompanied by a rather unpleasant odor. The choice of the method of building depends on the structure of the nail plate, which depends on the type of skin of the hands. It is recommended to use the gel for women whose nails have a dry or normal structure of the nail plate. Gel has protective properties against the effects of adverse factors. Acrylic is a more versatile substance suitable for the fair sex, with both a dry and a fat nail plate. However, the minus of acrylic is that, due to the acid contained in its composition, it overdry the structure of the nail, thus having an adverse effect. Gel on the other hand has protective and strengthening properties for the nail plate. As for strength, the gel build-up is inferior to acrylic longevity. With a mechanical action, the gel breaks like glass. However, modern cosmetology does not stand still. Methods have been invented that promote the strengthening of the nail plate based on the gel. But acrylic nails still remain more durable. If you break them, it's only with your own nails. In appearance, acrylic nails are easy to distinguish from gel nails in thickness. Due to the fact that the gel build-up is made due to the special technology of the C-arch of the arch, this nail looks a little thicker. The procedure for building up acrylic allows you to lay out a thinner layer. Due to this acrylic nails look more natural. Another advantage of increasing acrylic is the speed of the process. This material does not require a long drying under an ultraviolet lamp. Even considering the design, acrylic extensions are much faster. Lacquer coating with nails, based on the gel, can be removed with absolutely any liquid to remove varnish. Acrylic acrylic nails require special care. It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics containing acetone. It will destroy the structure of the nail. A very important difference between acrylic and gel build-up is the degree of their harmlessness. This question is probably of interest to many women. It is much easier to get rid of gel build-up. Such nails are cut with special tools. Acrylic build-up will have to be removed with a strong liquid, which will damage the structure of the nail. After this, a fairly long process of restoration of the nail plate will be required. If you are concerned about the cost of the procedure, then I must say that acrylic is less expensive material. As a rule, gel build-up is made for a higher price. However, it all depends on the nuances of the procedure and how the manicurist will evaluate his work. It may also be that the acrylic build-up will cost you for the same price as the gel, or even slightly more expensive. This should not be surprised. how to grow nails

Choose the desired shape of nails

There are several varieties of the shape of the nail,which can be achieved through building. You can optionally choose the desired length and shape of the free edge. The square shape is created thanks to visual parallels on the sides and a flat tip. Special attention should be paid to the sidebars. There should not be emptiness. In addition to the square, it is possible to order a round, sharp, daggerlike shape or stilettos. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

Types of gel build-up systems

More details on how to increasenails with gel. After all, this variety is more popular among modern women of fashion than acrylic nails. There are three-phase, single-phase and two-phase systems of gel build-up.

  • The three-phase system consists of three stages. The first is the base, which is created from the base gel. It is very liquid in consistency and easily spreads. The base gel of some manufacturers has a pungent odor. It serves as the basis for gel build-up and allows you to firmly connect with the nail. The second phase is called modeling. It consists in applying a thick sticky gel that connects to the base. The final stage is the imposition of a fixing layer. Gel for joining the first and second phases of a liquid consistency without a sharp odor.
  • Single-phase expansion system. This system of nail extensions is more economical in comparison with the first one. For it, you only need to purchase one active component. This procedure consists in applying a universal gel containing substances that replace three phases of growth. Due to this you will have to spend much less time and money on the procedure.
  • Features of gel build-up

    It is necessary to know that non-compliance with the rulesGel extension can lead to deplorable results. The nail plate will quickly peel off. Or the protruding part of the nail will break. It often happens that during the procedure under the nail plate gets air, which completely spoils the effect of build-up. To avoid unpleasant consequences, adhere to clear rules and recommendations on how to grow nails. The quality of the procedure depends largely on the surface on which the nail plate is grown. It should be roughened and fat-free. On a smooth surface, the artificial nail will not last long. Before you start the procedure for building, you need a thorough manicure. Cuticles and pterygium should be completely eliminated, otherwise the overgrown skin over the nail plate will prevent qualitative and even gel application. Pterygium is a thin layer of cuticle, which grows to the nail. It is almost invisible to the naked eye. However, it makes it difficult to make a neat manicure and build-up. The overall physical condition of a woman affects the efficiency and quality of the buildup. The detachment of the nail plate can be observed during pregnancy or hormonal disorders, against the background of taking antibiotics and other medications. Premature peeling can occur in the case of rejection by the body of a certain type of gel. In this case, it is recommended to use other material for building. It is easily picked up by an experienced specialist.

    Materials for nail extensions

    Nail extensions are a rather complicated procedure,you can say, jewelry work. After all, even the slightest untreated section of the nail can lead to detachment of the nail plate. It is very difficult to make nail extensions at home. In any case, you need certain knowledge and skills, which will teach you an experienced specialist. It is practically impossible to master this science independently. If you still decided to conduct the procedure for building at home, you need to purchase all the necessary materials for this.

  • Flat brush. It is necessary for the growth of gel nails.
  • Brush with a sharp tip for nail extensions with a gel.
  • Forms for nail extensions. They come in two types: templates and tips. Templates in turn can be disposable and reusable. Tips are similar in form and function to templates. But they are made of plastic and are glued to the nail plate with a special glue.
  • Guillotine - scissors for correction tipsov.
  • Brush for cleaning nails from dirt. You can buy special equipment for building up or use an ordinary male shaving brush.
  • Cleaning wipes for removing dispersion film and fat from nails.
  • A liquid that degreases the nails.
  • Several abrasive nail files of different sizes.
  • Basic, modeling and fixing gel (for a three-phase system of gel build-up).
  • UV lamp.
  • Single-phase gel (for single-phase expansion system).
  • It should be recalled that it is necessary to make regular disinfection of tools for nail extensions. And in the cabin should be provided for the sterilization of materials after each procedure. how to increase nails gel

    Design of embossed nails

    Along with the length and shape of the nails, there isthe opportunity to choose and the most attractive design. Stylish and elegant looks build-up "French" with the use of combinations of different colors. An interesting variant of nail design is an aquarium. Due to this effect, a volumetric pattern is obtained, consisting of different details: dried flowers, pieces of foil or fabric, sequins, feathers, shells, sand and even mini photos. It seems that the picture is as if under glass. Due to this, this design is called an aquarium. In the process of three-phase expansion, the bulk material is laid out in front of the modeling layer. You can choose the simplest version of the design - you can make the finished nails yourself with a varnish of any color. There are also special acrylic paints, with which you can draw on your nails all that your heart desires. It's even easier to use ready-made drawings - templates that you can buy in the store. A beautiful adornment will serve all kinds of glitter and baubles. However, remember that the picture should not be too bright and nalyapisty. Try not to overdo it with color, glitter and volume.

    Correction of nails

    Correction of nails is a procedure thatis an integral part of the build-up. As a rule, the need for it arises in 2 - 3 weeks. However, it all depends on the specific organism. After all, the speed of nail growth in all is different. To determine if correction is necessary, consider your fingernails. If the gel from the cuticle grew 3 mm, it's time to do restoration. For correction use the same set of tools as for the extension. The order of the correction procedure.

  • First of all, remove the lacquer and move the grown cuticle if necessary.
  • We adjust the length of the nail file and shape the nail according to our own preferences. It can be square, round, dagger or sharp.
  • We process the nail at the base. It turns out, we are filing not grown, but our own nails.
  • Carefully file and degrease the surface. We make sure that the air does not get under the nail plate.
  • After the nails are carefully processed, you can apply gels for building - three-phase or single-phase. The choice is yours.
  • Correct the shape of the nail file, eliminating small imperfections.
  • We do manicure and artistic design of nails.
  • How to remove nails

    Sooner or later there will be a situation when youwill have to get rid of the nails. You can do it yourself. Acrylic build-up is easily removed by a special acid that cleaves the artificial nail plate. To remove nails, narlovchennye by means of gel, it will be much more difficult. To do this, you need to get nail files of different abrasiveness. With a guillotine or tipper cut carefully the free edge. Make sure that the nail fragments do not hit the eye. It is safer to carry out this procedure with glasses. After the edge is cut, we begin to remove the surface of the narcotic nail, beginning with the thickest layer. This is done using a nail file with an abrasivity of 100. After reaching the thin layer, we change the nail file to a thinner one and process the rest. Experts recommend not to remove the gel completely, but leave a thin layer that will serve as a kind of protection for your natural nails. If all the layers are removed completely, strengthen the nails with a special biogel.

    Hand care after the procedure of building up

    There are many opponents of nail extensions. However, in case of proper procedure and care of hands, no negative consequences are not terrible for you. And if we talk about gel build-up, then it even has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails. The gel layer is in its way protecting the nail plate from external influences. Make sure that the build-up and correction is done carefully and carefully. Do not allow air to enter the gel layer. Such an environment is a paradise for pathogenic bacteria. Pay attention to the quality disinfection, filing and degreasing the surface of the nail. If under the gel you saw a patch of greenish color, immediately remove the exaggerated nail and disinfect. Harm brings not the procedure of building up, but getting rid of artificial nails. Use only special materials and cosmetics for this purpose and follow the instructions exactly. After getting rid of the narcotic nail regularly use the means that promote the regeneration of the nail plate. No matter how carefully you did not build up, your nails will in any case suffer. Nail extensions are a very convenient procedure. You can resort to it in the event that you urgently need a beautiful manicure. It can be done at home. But this process should be carefully prepared and read at least a couple of articles on how to properly nail. Although, frankly speaking, it's better to contact an experienced specialist after all. For this process, it is necessary to use only high-quality materials. In this case, you should not save. After all, improper build-up can lead to disastrous results. Choose a manicurist with intelligence. In this case, as a result of the procedure, you will get a beautiful and stylish manicure.

