causes of hidden infections Deterioration of the environment, malnutrition, imagelife - all this only weakens our immunity, makes it vulnerable to many diseases. Very often we do not even know about the existing diseases. And it happens because many diseases, in particular sexual infections, are of a hidden nature. Hidden infections are dangerous because they are asymptomatic. We are used to treating the disease only when we know about it. But very often we forget that sometimes it is necessary to be checked at the gynecologist, to pass analyzes which will exclude those or other diseases. Hidden sexual infections can be very different. So what are the types of hidden infections that exist? The group of these diseases includes the following: ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes virus, human papillomavirus, gardnerellez, cytomegalovirus and others. Increasingly, cases of papillomavirus infection began to occur. As a rule, all listed diseases are transmitted sexually (STDs). Treatment should be done immediately for two partners, otherwise it will simply prove to be ineffective. The question arises: why are these diseases considered invisible? And all because all these infections can not manifest themselves for a long time, and only when the immunity of the patient significantly decreases, the first symptoms of the disease appear. The most terrible thing is that these latent sexual infections can harm the human body even if they do not show themselves. And this damage can be irreparable. These infections are considered one of the acute problems in obstetrics and gynecology, perinatology and urology. analysis

What are the dangerous hidden infections?

After one of the listed infectionsgets into the human body, it begins to spread in an ascending way. So, there are infections of several types. The first type includes those that result in damage to the cervix and vagina in a woman, as well as the genital and urethra in a man. It is at this stage that a woman often develops erosion of the mucous membranes of the cervix. Erosion is known to be an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria and viruses. The second type should be attributed to infections in which the uterus and uterine appendages are affected in a woman, sometimes an infection of the urinary tract is possible. Such manifestations are characteristic for ureaplasmic infections. In men, as a rule, the prostate gland is exposed, and in rare cases, the kidneys. The third type implies infection with the whole organism. Complaints related to mucosal problems are possible. Stomatitis, conjunctivitis may be disturbing and even a stomach ulcer may develop. This is due to a weakening of the immune system. Hidden infections are very often one of the most important causes of infertility in both men and women. All these diseases can damage the functions of procreation, make spermatozoa immovable, and the ovaries are unable to grow an egg. There are cases when, during these diseases, pregnancy does occur. But, as a rule, it ends with all miscarriages. It is possible to detect hidden infectious diseases only by visiting a gynecologist and having passed all the necessary tests.

Chlamydia as a type of hidden infections

This disease causes the so-calledbacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is an infectious disease that affects the urino-genital organs. Infection develops due to the action of the intracellular parasite, which is called chlamydia. Chlamydia affects the mucous membranes that line the channel of urination, the cervix, the vagina, the oral cavity, sometimes the tissues of the testicles and appendages, the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and the prostate gland. The incubation period after the infection with this infection is approximately 12-14 days. This time is quite enough to detect infection in the laboratory. Very rarely, clamidiosis is noticeable, as a rule, the absence of symptoms accompanies the whole process of the disease, which can last even up to several years. In rare cases, a man may experience unpleasant sensations when urinating, itching and redness of mucous tissues. In women, symptoms are even less common than in men. Symptom of chlamydia can be discomfort in the vagina, itching and unpleasant sensations during urination. Both men and women sometimes have tonsils and redness in the throat, which can signal a disease that has come. Chlamydia is very difficult to recognize, independent treatment is not allowed, it is necessary to be examined only from a competent and qualified specialist. It is very important not to allow a chronic form of infection, which can lead to infertility. taking a smear for tests

Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

To the smallest of the free-livingmicroorganisms include mycoplasma, which are the cause of such a sexual infection as mycoplasmosis. In the event that favorable conditions are created in the human body, mycoplasma will multiply and cause inflammation. The result of such inflammatory processes may be a violation of the reproductive function, namely infertility, and in both sexes. Mycoplasma in men can be the main cause of prostatitis. And in women, this infection can cause inflammation in the pelvic organs. Mycoplasmosis is very dangerous for pregnant women. It can lead to miscarriage or develop an intrauterine infection, which can lead to premature detachment of the placenta. As such, the symptoms do not have mycoplasmosis. There may be scant excretions from the urethra and vagina, cystitis in women and unpleasant sensations when urinating in men. If these symptoms make themselves felt, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. Another hidden infection is ureaplasmosis. The bacterium that causes this disease belongs to the Mycoplasma family. This bacterium does not have a cell wall. As a rule, during this disease there are no symptoms. Infection can only occur in 5-10% of cases. Examination for ureaplasmosis is recommended for all who plan a pregnancy, or if the woman is already pregnant, otherwise the infection of the fetus may occur in the womb. It is very important to exclude any hidden infections.

What to say in conclusion

In addition to all the above, there are alsoand other hidden infections. Treatment of these infections can include both the use of antiviral drugs and antibiotics. Sometimes a repeated course of treatment, combined with different procedures, is required. For the duration of treatment it is recommended to use condoms as an obligatory contraceptive, in order to avoid re-infection. It is worth noting that the treatment, like the methods, can be different, it all depends on the form of infection, neglect of the disease. It is recommended after the passed course to repeatedly pass all necessary tests that will allow to exclude this disease. Do not neglect your health.

