A problem that causes a lot of trouble, you canconsider a weak bladder. With the problem of a weak bladder, women most often encounter, especially in old age. Men this pathology also does not bypass, but urinary incontinence is most often affected by representatives of the weaker sex. How to solve such an unpleasant problem, can it be fixed? How to strengthen a bladder to a woman?
What is the cause of problems with urination?
Before starting treatment or tryingsomehow to solve the given problem, it is necessary to find out precisely the reason on which it has arisen. What is the algorithm for working a healthy bladder? Urine fills a healthy bladder until it overflows. When this happens, special receptors located in the wall of the bladder send a signal to the brain. As a result, we feel some pressure in the lower abdomen. After urination has occurred, the bladder is shortened, and the nerves responsible for contracting the muscles and sphincter, the musculature of its walls, help it. If at least one of these components is not able to cope with its task, problems with urination begin to arise. As a result of a decreased tone of the sphincter of the bladder, involuntary discharge of urine during coughing, heavy lifting, laughing, etc. may occur. Here it is already possible to talk about urinary incontinence. Very often this is observed in women in menopause. This is due to the change in the hormonal background of a woman.
Urinary incontinence: the main causes of pathology
In the absence of any pathology, urine can notcome out spontaneously, because the muscles of the bladder overlap the urethra. Nevertheless, in the case of muscle relaxation, a permanent and spontaneous discharge of urine can occur, otherwise incontinence. If men have incontinence due to prostate adenoma, women have a problem for other reasons. Statistics show that in women, a weak bladder occurs three times more often than in the male half. First of all, this is due to the fact that during the pregnancy and during childbirth the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are significantly weakened and stretched. As a result, the internal organs, descending, begin to press on the bladder. In the climacteric period, problems are added even more. Against the backdrop of hormonal rearrangements, the muscular sphincter is significantly weakened and is no longer able to block the bladder. Sharp and frequent urge to urinate often occurs without filling the bladder. Such a problem can appear in inflammatory diseases of the bladder, for example, with cystitis. Sometimes urinary incontinence is also observed at times when the bladder is irritated. This can be the result of worries and fears. It is not easy to distinguish an excited bladder from a cystitis, it requires the help of a doctor. You should know that an excited bladder can be the result of chronic cystitis or another inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system. Men face the problem of a weak bladder much less often and, as a rule, such a pathology occurs in them as a result of an increase in the prostate gland. In 60% of men over the age of 50 years there are benign tumors, which are prostate adenoma. The prostate gland is enlarged, thereby compressing the bladder and impeding the flow of urine. If men have frequent urge to urinate, then, most likely, he had this pathology. It is already necessary to treat a patient with the prostate. Both men and women are recommended to strengthen pelvic muscles and perineal muscles. This will give the muscles the necessary tone. Exercises should include special exercises that help get rid of the sensation of an excited bladder.
Training of pelvic and perineal muscles
In order for organs to function normallysmall pelvis, they must in the first place anatomically correct location. This is what determines the condition of the pelvic floor muscles, therefore, with the existing problem of a weak bladder, it is necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles. In addition to the pelvic muscles, the muscles of the perineum should be strengthened. You can feel them by visiting the toilet. To do this, you need to try to stop the urine output yourself. Muscle training is a fairly long process. However, the results from regular training will be visible in three weeks. It should be noted that all exercises should be performed daily. It is recommended to rest 3-5 min. after each exercise.
Other exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles and perineum
Strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor canand during daily activities. So, for example, being in a queue, moving in the transport, walking on the street, doing household chores, you can simultaneously strengthen the necessary muscles, making the bladder stronger.
Often problems with the bladder, especially in women, arise from a variety of stressful situations. How to get rid of these situations and what exercises have a soothing effect?
How else can you strengthen the bladder
Important role in strengthening the muscles of the bladderplays and food. The bladder and its work are favorably influenced by products containing a sufficient amount of zinc (sunflower seeds, red fish, cereals, mollusks), vitamin E (green vegetables, nuts, wheat germ oil). Very useful pumpkin seeds, any fish dishes, horsetail tea and lemon balm. First of all, the food should be balanced. It is worth remembering that spicy and spicy food has a diuretic effect on the bladder. Therefore, you should limit yourself in using such dishes. It is able to retain liquid in the body food salt. Salted, eaten before going to bed, will hold the liquid and, therefore, eliminate pressure on the bladder. It is recommended to drink during the day as much as possible herbal tea and water. Observance of all these rules and exercises will help you get rid of the problem of urinary incontinence and strengthen your bladder.