cowberry sauce Do you like cranberries? For those who answered this question negatively, the following information. Cowberry - one of those berries, useful properties of which it is difficult to overestimate. It is rich in vitamin C and carotene. And the concentration of the latter in this berry is greater than in cranberries, apples and lemons. And vitamin B2, mineral salts, catechins, organic acids, tannic and pectin substances, copper (useful in diabetes mellitus).

Cowberry use and its use

The leaves and berries of this culture are used asdisinfectant and diuretic for rheumatism, cystitis, kidney stones, gastritis, for oncology, for recovery after illnesses, and much more. More recently, scientists have proven that cranberries, in particular, syrups from it, contribute to the improvement of vision. This is not the whole list of diseases that this berry helps to combat. For sure, after reading about such benefits, many will rush to find an acidic, bitter berry culinary use. Jam, compotes, teas - all this, of course, is good, but far from the limit for us. There are really interesting recipes for sauces from cranberries. They are suitable not only for desserts, but also for fish and meat. Cowberry sauce was first cooked in Sweden. Today he is especially popular in this country, they are complemented by many dishes: from simple fruits to give them a special flavor to a variety of elite dishes. There are recipes, which include honey or sugar, a variety of spices, as well as a small number of spirits from wine to vodka. If you want to give the meat a piquant flavor, but there is no time or the desire to prepare the sauce, you can simply add pounded berries when extinguishing in a pan or baking in the oven. There is a recipe for sauce, which is as easy to make: rastolkite half a glass of berries, add a teaspoon of sugar and a little salt. The resulting mixture can be served on the table with meat. In addition to an interesting taste effect, your dish will also differ brightly due to the color of the sauce. By the way, berries cranberries can be used for sauce both fresh and frozen. As you know, with the proper freezing, almost all the vitamins in the products are preserved, which can not be said about dried berries and fruits. The principle of making cowberry sauce is as follows: the berries are cooked until soft, grinded so that the mass is uniform. Then add the remaining ingredients. It happens that I would like to make the sauce a little thicker; in this case, add starch, which must first be diluted in water. cowberry sauce for meat

Recipes of sauce with cowberry

Classic cowberry saucevarious casseroles, and to fish, and to meat. You need 0.5 kg of cranberries, 250 ml of water, 150 g of sugar, a little dry wine, 1 tsp. starch. Preparation. We put berries and sugar in boiling water, bring them to a boil, cook for 2 minutes. The resulting mixture should preferably be ground with a blender, then boiled and add wine. Separately dissolve the starch in water, add to sauce and stir. Boil it after adding starch in no case it is not necessary - immediately remove from heat. Cowberry and quince sauce Combines with meat and fish. Thanks to the minimal heat treatment of cranberries, this recipe preserves all the vitamins. You need a glass of cowberry, half a glass of wine, 1 quince (you can replace it with a green apple), a little olive oil, honey and sugar (1 tbsp.), Spices to taste (a good combination of black pepper, cinnamon and cloves). Preparation. Prepared berries pound and pour the wine so that it covers the mass. Leave the mixture in a closed bowl for an hour. Quince the skin, finely chopped and sent to stew in a suitable container, adding oil and a little bit of the wine from lingonberry. At the end add sugar, honey and spices. When the sauce darkens, add cranberries to it, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Baked pork meat in cowberry sauce This recipe is suitable for both a festive table and as a daily dish: the ingredients here are the simplest ones, the recipe is inexpensive. But cooked meat will decorate any table. You need 0.5 kg of pork pulp, orange (for making peel and juice), 300 g of cranberries, salt and honey. Preparation. Mix honey and orange juice, beat with a blender. Then add the zest. Cut the meat into slices 1 cm thick (as on chops), salt. In the form, pour a little mixture from the blender, put the meat there and pour it with the remaining sauce. Bake at 180 ° C for an hour.

