gifts for boys on February 23 On the eve of February 23, we are all worried thatgive our men on this wonderful holiday. But do not forget that, in addition to the adult men, our gifts are waiting for the boys - future defenders of the fatherland. They just like their older comrades hope that on this wonderful day they will not remain without signs of attention. And if an adult man to choose a gift is not so difficult (we have already got used to coping with this task every year), then the boys are much more difficult: try to please these inquisitive, cheerful, mischievous guys! Moreover, this gift should reflect at least a little the theme of the holiday itself, otherwise the child will simply not be imbued with all the importance and significance of this wonderful day. So, what do we expect from future heroes? It's not military exploits, God forbid, that this was never unnecessary. From the young defenders of the fatherland, we are waiting for them to grow strong, clever, intelligent and skillful. And if so, then the gift should be such as to help develop these qualities in our boys. Thinking about the gift, you must always take into account the nature and wishes of the child himself, otherwise you will not see joy in the eyes of the gift. So, what to present to the boy on February 23, so that the gift turned out to be both pleasant and useful?

To be strong and agile

For any boy, gifts will be very useful,which are able to develop into, dexterity and accuracy. In order to please the child, you should go to the sports goods store and look at the following things: Balls Training with the ball is not just entertainment, but also a wonderful physical and emotional development for the child as a whole. Playing the ball, the child develops motor activity, concentration of attention, coordination. You can purchase either an ordinary rubber ball, or a ball for football, volleyball, basketball. Everything depends on the age of the child, the level of his physical development and personal preferences. Many boys, chasing an old, scuffed ball around the yard, will be incredibly happy if as a gift you present a high-quality, beautiful, new ball. Dumbbells For boys who have reached the age of seven, you can give dumbbells. If your child is already accustomed to physical activity, enjoys doing exercises in the morning and loves physical education lessons, you can not find a better gift. Thanks to the exercises with dumbbells, the child has a musculoskeletal system, which is very important for his health. However, be careful: do not buy a child too heavy dumbbells, if he is too young. At the younger school age, children are actively forming the bones of the skeleton, excessive burdening can do him harm. Expander Do you want the boy to become stronger? The expander is a great way to develop its muscles without resorting to expensive sports simulators. With it, you can train the muscles of the legs, back, chest and hands. Any boy-teenager dreams to exceed his peers in the relief of muscles and the level of physical strength. Give him an expander, and after hard work, his dream will come true. Yo-yo What is yo-yo? This is an old toy that has acquired a "new life" in our time. It looks like this: two halves of plastic are connected by a bearing on which the rope is fastened. The whole design weighs about 60-65 grams, so even the smallest boy is able to learn how to manage it. With the help of yo-yo, you can do a lot of tricks, because when rotating with a rope the balls spin and "make up" funny shapes. The ability to play yo-yo does not add physical strength to the child, but it will perfectly develop dexterity, fine motor skills, and memory. what to give to boys on February 23

To be smart

Of course, it's good when a boy grows strongand dexterous, but we all want the child to be smart too. To receive at school only good grades, so that everyone could think faster and grasp everything "on the fly." So, what can you give on February 23 to a boy who wants to develop his mental abilities? Tabletop puzzle games The best way to tear the boy away from the computer and teach him to think logically is to give him an interesting puzzle game. Now in any store of children's goods full of developing toys, which are just called to carry out this task. Games where you need to compose words, adding letters to the ones already available; games, where you need to rearrange the figures in a special order - so that each of them fit on the playing field. In a word, there are lots of options. And one more important plus of such games is that they can be played by the whole family. The child will feel your attention and support, and due to this, he will be drawn into useful entertainment with a head. Designers If in our childhood there were only iron constructors, where with the help of screws and nuts it was possible to assemble different items, now there are a lot of types of different designers for children. Here you and the famous Lego, and mageom (from rubber tubules), and wooden designers, from which you can create cars and airplanes. In short, for every taste and color. If the boy is not very diligent and does not like to delve into the details, considering how to combine them in the model, then at first you will have to help him. As soon as the first masterpiece comes out from under his hands, he will certainly want to try again. If only you manage to interest the child, soon he will start collecting the models himself. Encyclopedias Whatever one may say, the book is still the best gift. Especially for a boy who wants to know everything in the world. Children's encyclopedias are very colorful and entertaining, they are designed to really interest the young reader. And, of course, the knowledge gleaned from this clever book will definitely help your child learn better. In addition to the new information that the boy will draw from the encyclopedia, the child will necessarily develop memory, imaginative thinking and curiosity. what to give to the boy on February 23

To be beautiful and neat

Tell me honestly, you like men who can notmonitor your appearance? If not, try to instill in your child a sense of beauty and style. Of course, one should not treat this issue too fanatically, but it is necessary to teach the boy to look neat and attractive from the very childhood. Shower gels and shampoos Now on sale you can find many all kinds of bathing suits, where the packages are painted favorite children of the characters from the mul'serialov. Then you and the spider-man, and Ben Ten, and Bakugan. Any boy, even if he does not particularly appreciate the water procedures, will gladly use a gel or shampoo on which the face of his favorite hero is painted. Moreover, boys are very fond of imitating their elders, and bathing about "adult" soapy supplies for them means being like dad. Children's toilet water Do you think that children's toilet water is only for girls? You are mistaken! And for boys, you can find a multitude of multicolored bottles with a pleasantly smelling liquid, on which steep adult cars are painted. Eau de toilette for children does not contain alcohol, but it smells nice and allows the child to feel really attractive. Yes, and there is such a gift inexpensively: the toilet water with the image of a Ferrari or Lamborghini on the bottle will cost you 250-300 rubles. Chain with a suspension For the holiday you can buy a child an elegant chain with a charm. You can buy for him a silver or gold chain, but do not forget that children are very mobile and can easily tear and lose jewelry. In any case, such a chain should be light and strong, its alloy should not contain nickel (it can cause allergy). But you can do with ordinary jewelry, now it is very fashionable for boys to wear chains with funny pendants. It can be funny skeleton, spider, etc. If your child at a young age will love to wear accessories, then this can contribute to the development of his taste and style in the future. Making a present to a boy on February 23, it is very important not to offend him. If your child is a typical "nerd" who likes to sit with a smart book and watch a cognitive program on TV, it is not necessary to give him sports equipment. It is unlikely that this way you will "reshape" it, rather hint that you are dissatisfied with its physical form. Similarly, it is not necessary to give a future sportsman a purely intellectual toy - he just does not appreciate it. A holiday is a time of waiting for joy and gifts, so try to bring the boy to delight in choosing the most necessary and interesting gift for him. We advise you to read:

