A celebration in the life of a best friend, whether it's a daybirthday, wedding or some other important date is a great occasion to once again emphasize your attitude to her with a good gift. Of course, you can choose it for a long time from the range of ready-made products. Time spent shopping, searching for the most suitable thing, doubts and hesitations - all this will certainly bear fruit in the form of joyful surprise in the eyes of a friend. If your relationship with her has a long history, then guessing what exactly she would like will not be difficult. You will undoubtedly choose the most suitable gift for the occasion and both will be satisfied: you - with the fact that you pleased your best friend, and she - with the congratulations themselves. But recently, hand-made items have acquired special value. After all, they carry a special mood and warmth, are the center of positive energy. Designer things serve as a unique decoration of the interior, giving it individuality and a certain charm, they can also perfectly complement any fashionable wardrobe and even be useful in everyday life. So why not make a gift for your friend with your own hands, thereby deviating from stereotypes and applying a creative approach to a standard congratulation? Do not rush to sigh in disappointment, admitting defeat in advance, if you do not know how to knit or sew, draw and sculpt from clay, and so on. Of course, such skills would make your task much easier, but you can do without them. This article provides a whole list of gifts that anyone can make. Among them, of course, there will be those that require special skills and abilities, but there are also quite simple ones. Just choose the one that will suit your best friend's taste and is within your power, and go ahead, towards creativity, because any homemade gift is original and unique in itself, especially if you put a piece of your own soul into it.
Simple gifts with own hands
There is nothing easier than making it yourselfan exclusive greeting card. This type of creativity is called by a beautiful foreign word - cardmaking. You probably immediately recalled those primitive products from an ordinary sheet of cardboard that we were all forced to make at school. But now there are special stores where you can buy everything you need to create real masterpieces. Beads, ribbons, gilding, glitter and much more, if you have imagination, can easily be turned into bright voluminous flowers, abstract patterns and even seascapes. Perhaps, the creative work on creating such an author's card will captivate you so much that it will become a real hobby. There is another technique familiar to us from school years - scrapbooking. Remember, before, every girl had an album with naive poems, questionnaires for friends, drawings and stickers in her school bag? And although all these cute notebooks were very similar to each other, they were still different, since only the motive and idea were common, and each of us was engaged in the implementation individually. Give your best friend the same original excursion into a carefree time, making for her a memory album with photos from childhood, stories about first love and popular song lyrics of that time. Try to remember and write down some funny things that happened to you and your friend in childhood, sad stories, secrets and girlish secrets. Believe me, reading such an album will give your friend a lot of pleasant minutes. If your friendship began at a later time, then in the scrapbooking technique you can do something else. Let it be a blank album for photos, but not a simple one, where you can put any pictures, but an original one. Divide it into conditional periods or seasons, provide enough space to describe this or that captured event, decorate with drawings and catchphrases. In general, make the album a real author's creation, favorably different from serial copies.
Decorative decorations
Most girls and women can't resistin front of various beautiful things, usually useless, but very attractive from the point of view of aesthetic perception. If your best friend has a craving for charming trinkets, present her with an original decorative set consisting of miniature jars filled with multi-colored sand or colored salt. It looks very beautiful, and is made quite simply. Stock up in advance with special transparent containers, sand or salt and wax crayons. You can buy all this without much difficulty. As for the process of creating a gift, it is very simple. Grate the crayons on a fine grater and mix them with a loose base of sand, salt or semolina. Rub well so that the colors are saturated and bright. Then roll a sheet of paper into a cone and use it to sprinkle the resulting filler into the jars, but do this in the form of multi-colored layers. Close the containers tightly and decorate them with satin ribbons. An original and very beautiful gift is ready, all that remains is to give it to your best friend and enjoy the effect. By the way, sand or salt can be replaced with various cereals, colored pebbles, glass beads or bright beads. Lately, our refrigerators have been decorated with all sorts of magnets. We bring them from trips, buy them in supermarkets when the opportunity arises, receive them as souvenirs from colleagues, and so on. Try making such a decorative element yourself from an ordinary wooden clothespin. Decorate the front side with beads, ribbons, braid or paper flowers, and glue a magnetic tape to the back. Then take a cardboard box, cover it with fabric, put a set of your designer magnets-clothespins inside, complement it with a beautiful set of note paper and a pen. On the lid of the improvised box, write something like “Hints from a fairy tale” or “Forget-me-nots” and give this original gift to your best friend. Every time she hangs another reminder on the fridge, she will remember your unusual greeting with a smile. Candles can also serve as an interesting gift-decoration. Their production does not require special preparation and skills. Buy several ready-made wax or paraffin candles in any hardware store, cut them and remove the wicks. Then melt the resulting parts in a water bath. Prepare interesting molds in advance: these can be boxes from cottage cheese desserts, metal containers for baking muffins or plastic inserts from chocolates. Strengthen the wick in them: tie one end to a pencil placed across the mold, and leave the other hanging down, if you do not plan to turn the candle over. If its bottom will subsequently become the front side, then make a hole in the center of the plastic mold to thread the wick through it. Fix it with a knot. Now pour the melted base and let the product harden well. Then carefully remove the candles and do not forget to pack them beautifully. If you want to get colored creations from wax or paraffin, then add finely chopped wax crayons or lipstick to the melted mass.
Girl's tricks for body and soul
You can give your best friend an invigorating giftоригинальный подарок в виде сухих духов. Основа делается из растопленного воска и оливкового масла в соотношении один к двум. Ароматизатором выступают несколько капель эфирного масла илинг-иланга или апельсина. Залить основу необходимо в пустую пудреницу, коробочку от теней или в медальон на цепочке. Вдыхая подобный бодрящий аромат посреди суетливого рабочего дня, подруга не раз подумает о вас с благодарностью. А вот из детского мыла, оливкового масла и кофейных зерен крупного помола получается отличный твердый скраб для тела. Первые два компонента смешиваются на водяной бане и слегка охлаждаются, затем к ним добавляются зерна кофе. Разлить состав необходимо по небольшим формочкам и дать ему застыть. Затем аккуратные брусочки нужно извлечь и, обвязав их красивой лентой, вручить лучшей подруге. Умеете самостоятельно варить мыло? Приготовьте несколько ароматных кусочков и преподнесите этот оригинальный набор в качестве эксклюзивного полезного подарка. В последнее время среди молодых девушек и женщин огромной популярностью пользуется всевозможная бижутерия. Дизайнеры не устают повторять, что создать завершенный и целостный образ невозможно без подобранных со вкусом украшений. Поэтому авторские изделия из бисера, полимерной глины, искусственного жемчуга и других материалов пользуются особым спросом у модниц. Если вы неравнодушны к подобного рода творчеству, изготовьте для лучшей подруги оригинальный эксклюзивный гарнитур из сережек и броши или сделайте ей в подарок очаровательные стильные бусы. Материал для создания бижутерии своими руками можно приобрести в магазине по рукоделию. Металлическая основа с булавкой, органза, бусины, немного клея — и необычная брошь, мгновенно оживляющая даже самый скромный наряд, готова. Приобретите блестящую цепочку или черный замшевый шнурок, специальную застежку-замочек для браслета или бус, а также кусочек мягкой кожи. Из этих простых материалов может получится необыкновенный браслет, который на руке вашей подруги будет смотреться кокетливо и очень мило. Подарок в виде авторской бижутерии оригинален сам по себе, ведь повторить его кому-нибудь еще вряд ли удастся. Кстати, дополнить такое поздравление может шкатулочка, но не простая, а украшенная в технике декупаж. Для этого подойдут бумажные салфетки с красивым рисунком, который необходимо вырезать и наклеить на деревянную поверхность. Закрепить получившийся результат поможет обычный мебельный лак. А если хотите подарить совсем уж креативный органайзер для украшений, то поищите в отцовском гараже старую, почерневшую от времени доску. Очень хорошо, если своим видом она будет напоминать обломок потерпевшего крушение корабля. Можете покрыть ее лаком или обработать трещины золотистой краской. Теперь займитесь поиском винтажных мебельных ручек, которым отводится роль держателей всевозможных бус, цепочек, ожерелий и браслетов. Попросите кого-нибудь из мужчин прикрутить их к лицевой стороне доски, а на обратной сделать настенное крепление. Вот и все, стильный подвесной органайзер для украшений готов. Он будет не только выполнять полезные функции, он послужит отличным элементом декора в комнате современной модницы.
Other Ideas for Homemade Gifts
Don't know how or don't want to mess around with jewelry?Do you doubt that you don’t have the skills and sense of style to create something creative and beautiful? No problem, a photo frame decorated with sea pebbles, shells and pearls will become a wonderful reminder of summer and the sea, and a small glass jar with a narrow neck will turn into an unusual candlestick under the influence of your imagination and a little effort. Take several pieces of colored organza and wrap it around the base, fastening the structure at the very top with a bright braid. A candle inside the improvised candlestick can be fixed with glue and a handful of glass beads. If you can sew, at least a little, make an aromatic pillow for a friend, which you fill with dry fragrant herbs. Have you been seriously “friends” with a needle and thread for a long time? Then try sewing a beautiful beach bag from universal denim for your best friend. Are you a good knitter? Great, because in addition to a hat and a scarf, you can come up with a bright briefcase-envelope for a laptop, which is convenient to carry in your hand or on your shoulder. Even ordinary candies, decorated using the sweet design technique, acquire an original look and are quite suitable for congratulating your best friend. These trivial sweets make extraordinary bouquets and compositions, which are a pity to eat. It is easy to see that there are a great many ideas for gifts made with your own hands. Even the most inept girl will find one among them that she will be able to implement without unnecessary problems. After all, it is not so much skill and skill that is important, but the desire to give a loved one something original and unique, addressed only to him. And how nice it is to receive a thing that someone invented and created especially for you! The feeling of your own uniqueness warms the soul better than a shining diamond. And is the cost of the gift really so important? The main thing is that it is given from the heart, radiating warmth and joy. We recommend reading: