possible consequences of abortion Before a woman decides to interruptpregnancy, she should pay attention to the consequences of abortion. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy in a period of up to 22 weeks. Abortions happen spontaneous (miscarriages) and artificial. Artificial abortion is carried out by various methods, based on the period of pregnancy. The most common method is surgical (medical) abortion. Its essence lies in the killing of a living fetus and extracting it from the uterine cavity. Since the artificial termination of pregnancy is contrary to the natural nature of the person, at whatever time and no matter how an expert abortion is carried out, its consequences can not be avoided. And it's not just the moral side of the matter. Abortion unquestionably causes violations in the work of the entire body of a woman, leading to female genital diseases and affecting the health and life of women in general.

Mental consequences

Regardless of whether a woman is aware of the fact,that deprives the life of her unborn child, or not, after the abortion she will face a number of mental disorders. It can be fear, guilt, insomnia, nightmares, irritability, irrational crying, neuroses, frequent mood swings, depression, thoughts of suicide. There may be sexual disorders. Such moral and psychological consequences are called post-abortion syndrome, and may adversely affect the general well-being: can appear headaches, heart palpitations, decreased or increased blood pressure, problems with the digestive system, etc. There is a risk group most susceptible to attack dangerous consequences.:

  • women who interrupt the first pregnancy;
  • women who have made two or more abortions;
  • women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Women who have undergone surgery on the uterus or ovaries.

The most dangerous abortions in the first pregnancy. According to statistics, 75 out of 100 infertile women artificially interrupted their first pregnancy. The first artificial termination of pregnancy can lead to a malfunction in the endocrine glands. As a result of changes in the hormonal background, there is a violation of menstruation and mental health of a woman. The organism remembers the history of the interrupted first pregnancy and in the subsequent can repeat it by spontaneous miscarriages. In addition, due to abortion, the cervix loses its elasticity and elasticity, which can prevent a woman from becoming a mother in the future. mental consequences of abortion

The early consequences of abortion

The consequences of abortion can be divided into groups, depending on the time of their onset. Even during or immediately after the operation, the following consequences may occur:

  • damage to the uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • complications associated with the introduction of anesthesia.

When performing an induced abortion with a view tokilling and removal of the embryo of the cervix, the canal of which is narrow in its normal state, expands. In this case, the longer the gestation period, the greater the expansion of the cervix is ​​required. This leads to abrasions, cracks and tearing of the cervix, and, as a consequence, to the disruption of normal labor during the subsequent "desired" pregnancy. In addition, during scraping, the uterus itself can be injured. Abortion is carried out with a metal instrument, the doctor acts blindly. In this case, damage not only to the mucous membrane of the uterus, but also the muscle layer. There may be scars, scars, polyps, which creates problems with bearing pregnancy, leads to miscarriages, and, in the end, to infertility. In the case of severe damage to the uterus, its rupture, there is a danger to the life of a woman, so her surgical treatment, and sometimes urgent removal, is required. Any intervention in the uterine cavity can cause severe bleeding, requiring blood transfusions, urgent surgical intervention, and sometimes removal of the uterus. There is also a risk of complications as a result of anesthesia. The most dangerous consequence of anesthesia is an allergic shock. In addition, breathing, work of the heart, liver can be disturbed. Even if problems were avoided during the abortion, soon after it, such negative consequences as inflammatory processes and thromboses may appear. After the artificial termination of pregnancy in the uterus, fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity, or in perianth adipose tissue, one should fear the development of inflammatory processes, as well as the infection of blood (sepsis). They can arise as a result of entering the infection during surgery and are accompanied by sharp pains, fever, general deterioration of well-being. In the case of blood infection, immediate treatment with antibiotics is required. As a consequence of abortion, it is possible to distinguish also a violation of blood coagulability, and, as a consequence, the formation of thrombi, which requires urgent treatment. physiological consequences of abortion

The long-term consequences of abortion

Most abortions do not pass without a trace. Their consequences are felt throughout the life of a woman. Among them are:

  • violation of menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs;
  • infertility;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the impact of abortion on future pregnancies;
  • increased risk of cancer.

One of the consequences of abortionis a violation of menstruation, caused by the formation of scars on the mucous membrane of the uterus. Menses become more painful, accompanied by heavy bleeding. Bleeding can also occur between menstruation. In this case, in the nulliparous women, the process of restoring the menstrual cycle will take much longer than in those who gave birth earlier (up to six months or more). Inevitable for the body of a woman who has had an abortion, and hormonal disorders. From the moment of fertilization, the organism of a woman under the influence of hormones is seriously reconstructed, changes occur in the nervous and endocrine systems. Any intervention in this natural process, the interruption of pregnancy leads to a severe hormonal failure in the entire female body. Aborted functions of the ovaries, which produce the corresponding hormones, cause menstruation disorders, infertility. Under the influence of hormones, there may be mental problems, obesity, etc. Damage to the uterus or cervix during an abortion affects the course of subsequent pregnancies. When injuring the cervix, its elasticity is lost. In addition, it can be shortened as a result of damage. Such consequences of abortion lead in the future to miscarriages, premature birth, weak labor. In turn, the injury of the uterus is fraught with its rupture during the next pregnancy. Thus, the chance to endure and give birth to a healthy child in a woman who has once had an abortion is sharply reduced, and, conversely, the risks of ectopic pregnancies, fetal and placental pathologies (increment, premature detachment of the placenta, improper attachment of the child's place).

The most dangerous consequences of abortion

As a result of abortion-induced inflammationprocesses of the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes can develop infertility. Most often it occurs as a result of obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the adhesion of their mucous membrane under the influence of inflammatory processes, but it can also occur with a strong damage to the instrument of the uterus itself. Most often, infertility is a consequence of abortions performed during the first pregnancy. Suffice it to say that about 20% of families in Russia are childless. One of the serious consequences of abortion is the increased risk of cancer. In connection with the hormonal failure in the body of a woman caused by the artificial termination of pregnancy, the risk of cancer of the breast, cervix, thyroid, abdominal swelling is increased. For example, the risk of developing breast cancer rises to 150% in girls who have undergone abortion to 18 years. Especially dangerous are the so-called criminal abortions, conducted outside medical institutions and unqualified specialists. It is after such abortions that infertility and death of a woman occur most often. The death of a woman can occur as a result of a number of complications caused by abortion, in particular, due to bleeding, perforation of the uterus, infection, thrombosis, blood infection.

