causes of artificial menopause In the life of every woman there is a place for 5 hypostases: birth, menstruation, maternity, menopause and death. Year after year they succeed each other, accompanying our life cycle. This process is completely natural, conceived by nature, and menopause or menopause are its usual components.

The concept and causes of treatment

With age, sexual estrogenic hormones of womenstop to be developed, and the climacteric occurs. However, sometimes the process is purposefully provoked by doctors. Such actions are called artificial menopause. It is characterized by a conscious stop by the doctors of the functioning of the ovaries, which leads to the cessation of the production of estrogen hormones. Artificial menopause is one of the ways to treat uterine fibroids, endometriosis, bleeding. Artificial menopause is also considered surgery for the partial or complete removal of the ovaries, uterus, side effects of chemotherapy or radiation exposure. Stopping menstruation in most cases is temporary and reversible. At the end of the course of treatment, which often lasts up to six months, the menstruation resumes and the woman's body can function in a natural mode. Artificial menopause is a complex process, both physiologically and psychologically, that's why it requires maximum information and support of the patient, because the treatment, and especially the way out of it, is a very complicated and uncomfortable period. So, what can cause the need for targeted intervention in the natural female cycle? The most common and global cause of bilateral removal of the ovaries is called cancer. It can manifest itself in the endometrium, the degeneration of the cervix or directly the ovaries. Among the less dangerous culprits mention uterine fibroids, extensive purulent lesion of the appendages, some forms of endometriosis. When the production of sex hormones is turned off, the foci of the disease atrophy and decrease. Artificial menopause appears in the protocols of IVF due to the similarity of conditions. This method is undoubtedly not the most pleasant, but effective enough, it is appointed for a period of 2-6 months. Terms less than 60 days and more than 180 are considered inappropriate for treatment. consultation with a doctor

What is dangerous artificially caused stopping of sex hormones?

Natural menopause reduces the level of productionestrogens gradually, giving the body time to adapt to a new state, life without sex hormones. Artificial method implies a sharp drop in output: during the day the amount of hormones drops to almost zero. The body simply does not have time for adaptation, it gets stressed, shocked, and the woman has to face all the delights of postavariectomy. These symptoms are similar to menopause, but proceed in a more severe form:

  • tides, or, in a scientific way, vegetative crises,
  • sleep disorder,
  • headache,
  • aggression or depressed mood,
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • a sharp decline in libido,
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa and, as a consequence, discomfort during sexual intercourse,
  • change the condition of hair, nails, skin,
  • Spreading spotting blood,
  • reduction in the size of the gonads,
  • urogenital pain,
  • exacerbation of skin, nervous and cardiovascular diseases.

But do not be afraid of the side effects. The above list is a set of all possible manifestations in different patients. It is unlikely that all signs will fully manifest in you. But to underestimate the danger is not worth it. According to statistics, 60% of women have a severe course of artificial menopause, 26% have moderate and 14% have lung. Note that not all syndromes manifest themselves immediately. Doctors distinguish between early and late manifestations. The early ones include hot flashes and night sweats. They are typical of 70-80% of patients. Tides can be single or frequent, up to 20-30 times a day. In 20% of women, seizures disappear one year after surgery, others may suffer 3-5 or even more years. Often, women experience headaches, palpitations, dizziness, "asterisks" in front of the eyes. There may be sudden mood swings, irritability and imbalance, sleep and appetite disorders, fatigue and reduced ability to work. one of the reasons for artificial menopause may be ovarian cancer

Late symptoms

To later symptoms, which are usuallymanifest in a few months after surgery, refers to skin aging. Estrogens are not only sex hormones, they also affect the production of elastin and collagen, which give tone to our skin. The lack of these components reduces the elasticity of the skin, makes it dry and thinned. Wrinkles appear, nails and hair become brittle. Estrogen deficiency also affects the work of the urinary tract. Without sex hormones, the mucous membrane of the urethra and the bladder becomes thinner, the ligaments and muscles of the perineum weaken, so many women complain of frequent urination, incontinence, pain and infection. Estrogens are also known for their cardioprotective action: regulation of glucose and cholesterol level, an obstacle to vasospasm, preventing the formation of thrombi and atherosclerotic plaques. Termination of estrogen production increases the incidence of vascular and heart disease by 2-4 times. After the operation, the density of bone tissue decreases and calcium is washed out of the female body. There may be pain in the joints, especially in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Often, patients pay attention to changes in the nature of fat deposits in the body: it often settles on the hips and buttocks, cellulite increases. Artificial menopause contributes to weight gain, although many doctors consider this factor to reduce thyroid function, increase the amount of food consumed and reduce physical activity.

How to ease your condition?

Very much when leaving artificialThe climax depends not only on the individual characteristics of the organism or the age of the woman, but also on her psychological mood and nervous state. Cheerful spirit and positive attitude will help you and your relatives to survive this difficult period with minimal losses, without disturbances and pathologies. First of all, make the most correct your diet in favor of a proper and healthy diet. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, cereals, if you really eat fats, then only useful: fish, olive and other vegetable oils of cold pressing, high-quality dairy products. Avoid fast carbohydrates like potatoes, white bread, sweets. Drink more liquid, better clean water, not tea or coffee. Do not allow thirst. Smoking and alcohol actively contribute to the tides, so it is better to give them up. Warm up and throw in the heat can and hot dishes, fried, smoked, spicy and fat, so be careful. Tides can also be caused by a hot drink, so to ease the onset of sweating and fever, drink a glass of cool water. Watch your body, observe the cause-effect relationships, what is good for him, and what makes you feel worse. Try to avoid stress and do not get nervous, take time for pleasant and favorite activities: take a walk in the fresh air, read a book, watch your favorite movie, chat with friends and relatives. Fill your life with the most pleasant things, in order to keep a good mood and cheerfulness. You can do sports, but not weightlifting. Pilates, swimming, yoga, health school are the most suitable. to facilitate the condition will help yoga

Practical recommendations

Reconsider your wardrobe. It is better to wear natural fabrics in this period, like flax, silk, cotton. A successful choice will be a multilayer ensemble, with jackets, cardigans or jackets. During the tide, you can safely remove excess clothing. Make sure that your clothes do not squeeze and do not constrain, especially during sleep, as tides have the ability to annoy women at night. Spread the cotton linen on the bed, pick up a comfortable blanket, ventilate the room before going to bed. Do not be superfluous and special moisturizers in the apartment, especially if your skin dries up. It is better not to allow overheating, so do not lie in the bathroom for long, do not wrap around unnecessarily. In this state, it is better to cool slightly than to warm up. In this period, appropriate drugs will be calcium and vitamin D3, so that the first is better absorbed. If you are irritated by the dryness of the vaginal mucosa, start using special lubricants during sexual intercourse, emphasize the romantic component: the atmosphere, caresses, foreplay. If your emotional state is unstable, you can take calming herbal remedies, like valerian, motherwort and others on their basis. In this case, you should always consult a doctor. Keep in mind that all homeopathy has a cumulative effect and does not act immediately. Of great importance is the regular intake of such medicines, and not exclusively in a pumped and stressful environment. Be sure to take hormone replacement or phytoestrogen drugs that your doctor will appoint you (Qi-Klim, Divigel, Klimadinon, Proginova, Remens or others). After successful treatment, the reproductive function of the female body is restored. Usually menstruation occurs 10-16 weeks after the last injection, but do not blindly attach to the lines. At each woman they are individual, depend on age, a condition of an organism and many other factors. A relatively real test for hormones is possible in a couple of months.

