why the legs swell The swiftness and vigor of our modernlife takes a lot of energy and energy. Running to work, running to the shops. We have so little time to just relax in the chair and just relax. And with such a life, the moment comes sooner or later, when we ask ourselves the question: why do legs and arms swell? Every woman faces this problem in her life. There are many reasons that lead to ugly puffiness. What happens in our legs, why do they start to disturb us and how to do so that there is no edema?

Causes leading to edema

  • Flat-footedness

Flattening is the deformation of the foot. The very first bells about the development of this disease are a drawing pain in the feet and legs of the lower leg and thigh. Usually by the evening there are edemas that fall off during the night. If the flat feet start, do not treat it, then you are guaranteed a clumsy, heavy and constrained gait, constant pain in the legs. For preventive measures, you should purchase special orthopedic insoles and start doing gymnastics for your feet. Treatment of flat feet should go in a complex aimed at removing and reducing pain and procedures to strengthen the calf muscles.

  • Phlebeurysm

Varicose veins are now more and morewomen. And if earlier this disease was accounted for by women of advanced age, now varicose veins are getting younger. Why is this happening? Wearing tight and narrow shoes, thin pantyhose in the winter - we are sometimes careless in pursuit of beauty. And we pay with the appearance of ugly stars and wreaths of swollen veins of reddish-blue color on the calves of the legs. With progressive varicose veins are very swollen by the evening, permanent pain begins, burning and itching are felt. Edema on the legs at first are invisible, with the development of the disease, they become chronic, sometimes even terrible wounds and wounds appear on their feet. Varicosity is treated easily and quickly in the initial stages. It is necessary to call the doctor in time and take all preventive measures.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The existence of such problems is indicated byswelling in the ankles. In the elderly, the legs swell due to the presence of chronic heart diseases. This is because, with problems with the heart, the endocrine system shifts and the sodium ions stay in the body, which leads to an excessive accumulation of fluids in the tissues. Only your PCP can recommend the necessary treatment.

  • "Elephant" disease or elephantiasis

This exotic name of the disease wasbecause of the presence of terrible swelling, which makes the legs look like elephants. Swelling of large sizes occurs due to stagnation of lymph under the skin. Lymph nodes do not cope with the load, their degradation occurs when the disease occurs. At the very beginning of the disease there is a slight swelling of the foot, gradually swelling spreads up the leg and the disease becomes frightening. The leg becomes ugly and in shape resembles the leg of an elephant. The disease is cured surgically in 90% of cases.

  • Dysfunction of the kidneys

Kidneys, as is known, serve as a pump insystem of the body. If for some reason the work of the kidneys is suspended, the body accumulates fluid and, as a consequence, swelling in the legs. This condition is accompanied by migraine, drowsiness and even convulsions. In severe cases, pulmonary edema develops.

  • Pregnancy

Virtually all women who are lateperiods of pregnancy, swelling. Particularly affected are the legs and hands. To understand why swelling of the legs during pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the body of a pregnant woman works for two and experiences a double load, which increases in the last months of wearing a child. Kidneys can not cope with the load, and there is an accumulation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman. Such swelling should be treated, otherwise it can provoke a serious complication of gestosis. Help to eliminate swelling during pregnancy can be the strictest diet and allowance for liquids.

  • Unsuitable footwear

A very high heel is, of course, beautiful. But the prolonged wearing of spectacular shoes leads to the appearance of edema in the area of ​​the feet. Also, do not get carried away with shoes on solid soles. The most optimal for permanent use is to have shoes on the middle heel. Hairpins should be left for solemn occasions. Shoes should be large enough that the feet are not squeezed, and the fingers are in a natural position.

Preventive measures

Our recommendations to avoid puffiness:

  • Try to change your shoes during the day. It is very useful to periodically massage your feet, knead your fingers
  • Do not walk in the same shoes for more than two days in a row
  • Very useful for legs wearing special medical tights and orthopedic insoles
  • Limit your diet intake of salt and water. Eliminate the sweet soda from the menu
  • Caring for your feet, do daily baths with the addition of decongestants
  • During sleep, place a small pillow under your feet
  • If these tips do not help to reduce oravoid swelling, if swelling becomes painful to the touch, heat and temperature appear - contact a doctor immediately. Delay and postponement of the visit for later can lead to sad consequences. The legs of a woman should please their owner, we hope that the question: why my legs swell, will remain just a question, and not become a pressing problem. A visit to the doctors you need only if you get advice, not treatment. Beauty will save the world - let's help it and we will take care of what we have received as a gift from nature - our beautiful, slender legs. We advise you to read:

