Shiny nails with natural pinkish tintshade of each woman are a clear indication of good health and careful attention to their appearance. At the same time, well-groomed nails only favorably emphasize the femininity and beauty of the hands of their beautiful owners. But today, among the numerous complaints heard among women about the condition of their nails, you can increasingly hear: nails break, crumble, change color and grow poorly. If you are wondering why fingernails flake despite constant and proper care, then we will be happy to help you figure this out. This problem is called, without exaggeration, a disease of civilization. The outer surface of the nails, like a mirror, reflects the slightest change occurring inside our body. Unfavorable environmental conditions, a deficiency of essential vitamins and unhealthy, unsystematic nutrition - all this instantly affects the condition of the nails and signals the owner about the need for treatment. Before considering this issue and searching for effective treatment methods, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon. After all, without finding the root of the evil, you will never get rid of nail splitting. In each specific case, there may be an individual source of this annoying problem, completely different from others. The best way to start searching for and determining the cause of nail splitting is with a detailed analysis of your lifestyle.
Why can the nails
So, what are the possible causes of nail splitting?
Methods of treatment of nail bundle
How to help your nails stop them from peeling?We offer you several masks and baths that can make your nails healthy and shiny. And if you carry out such procedures regularly, you will very soon notice that the strengthened nails become smooth and shiny and grow faster than before the treatment.
- One of the proven and popular waystreatment of the foliation of nails is the use of natural olive oil, which contains many useful substances. The proper effect is observed if you do the mask twice a week. To do this, you need to mix a few drops of olive oil with lemon juice. The resulting mixture with a thin layer should be applied to the nails and the area around the nails, after which it is necessary to put on cotton gloves. This mask is recommended to be done just before bedtime, to keep it so long enough without unnecessary inconvenience to itself.
- Well helps in combating the foliation of nailsCompress, which consists of 35-40 grams of water (or about two tablespoons), alum five grams and one spoon of glycerin. It is necessary to stir well these ingredients and moisten the wadded disks in the resulting composition, then put the disks on the nails and hold it for twenty minutes.
- Excellent help with the foliation of the nailsapplication of sea salt. Despite the fact that you need to treat every other day, doing this will not be difficult for you at all. It takes about twenty minutes to hold hands in warm water with a teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in it. The positive effect will become noticeable if the procedure is carried out for two weeks, then give the hands a rest for a month, and then again repeat the treatment. In the future, to maintain the nail plate in good shape, it is recommended to make such a salt bath once a week. If desired, a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil can be added to the bath water.
- There are special oils for cosmeticcare of nails and prevention of their diseases. These oils should be used daily, while not only lubricating the surface of the nail, but also the cuticle, and the place under the overgrown nail. Single-layer application on the nails of ordinary iodine also helps women well in the fight against foliation. Do not be afraid of the yellow color that iodine leaves on the nails, it quickly disappears under the influence of light. And you will get one more option of low-cost, but very effective in action and useful procedure for nails.
Do not do a manicure if your nails are splittingIt is prohibited, but it is necessary to follow one rule. It is important to take a break between manicures, giving your nails a chance to rest and "breathe". During the break, you can apply "Smart Enamel" to the sore nails in several layers, which is also recommended to be applied before each nail polish application. When choosing cosmetic manicure products and new nail polishes, do not give in to the temptation to buy cheap products from unknown manufacturers. And to remove the polish, use special liquids, because acetone dries out the nails very much. When filing your nails, try to give them a rectangular shape with slightly rounded edges, but in no case should you sharpen them. After removing the polish, do not be lazy to make salt baths, then lubricate the nails for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes with cosmetic or olive oil, and only on the next day apply new polish to the surface of the rested nails. By following our simple tips, you will always have beautiful nails and hands. Remember that healthy nails with a neat manicure, even if you don’t have any jewelry on your hands, will always highlight your grooming and tell others that you are a woman who knows her worth!