folk remedies for hair loss Because of the constant use of variouschemical means for "care" for the hair, the problem of hair loss is acute in front of many women. Not every girl uses home-made recipes from hair loss, which does not harm the scalp. In addition, the habit of giving ladies from the 18th to the 19th century, covering their head against the effects of sunlight and wind, has receded into the background, and sometimes even in severe frost the girls allow themselves to walk without a hat, which, believe me, is very bad for the condition of your roots hair. Nevertheless, the very problem of hair loss, albeit not so common, but existed from a very long time. Already in ancient Oriental tracts, which are many centuries old, it was possible to read some ancient recipes from hair loss and to restore their strength and brilliance. In China, for example, styling decoctions of rice and extracts from sugar cane were used for styling hair, making the hair brittle and dry. Hairstyles at that time were heavy, which also did not help to preserve their strength and beauty, because the roots were damaged. This hairstyle had to be combed methodically every day, otherwise because of the amount of stowage, ancient Chinese women risked losing it permanently. But it was in the hair, according to ancient legends, was the secret mystical power of a woman, her erotic attraction, and therefore hair care became like a ritual.

Recipes for strengthening hair

Here are a few folk recipes from hair loss:

  • Nutrition of hair. To prepare the broth, pour 200 grams of chamomile flowers and marigolds (1/2 cup of hot water) (but not boiling water). Put the flowers in a porcelain or earthenware vessel and slowly pour water along the edge of the vessel so that it gradually heats up creating the desired temperature regime. After that, cover the vessel with a lid and wrap it with warm material. Infuse the mixture for 2 hours, after which they can rinse hair or simply dip your head into a large container with a decoction. With the latter method, be sure to add to the decoction the juice of one leaf of aloe. Aloe juice should be added immediately after you have ripped off the leaf, with prolonged contact with air, the plant loses its useful properties;
  • The next recipe for Chinese women is called upongive brilliance and strength to your hair. The infusion is prepared almost as well as in the previous recipe, but instead of the flowers of chamomile, take the dry leaves of the nettle. Dip and massage the head as well as in the first recipe;
  • Endowing the hair with mystical features,Oriental beauties rinsed hair with a nettle tincture of ginseng and an extract from a seahorses. It was believed that this way a woman enhances her sexual attractiveness.
  • All these recipes against hair loss should be used at least once a year for a week. Be sure to use the recipes for clean hair.

    The problem of hair loss

    In our time she is familiar to many. Check the condition of your hair yourself: if during the day you lose less than 100 hairs, then everything is normal and no reason to worry. You can count them after each combing, the dropped hairs on the tip will have a small white seal, and the broken hair does not have such a seal. If every day you lose more than a hundred hair, then immediately proceed to the treatment of folk remedies for hair loss - the earlier you start, the faster your hair will grow stronger. There are several reasons for hair loss:

    • malnutrition;
    • lack of calcium and vitamins in the body and scalp;
    • chemical perm and hair coloring;
    • frequent use of a hair dryer;
    • improper hair care.

    In order to stop hair loss, inFirst, remove all unfavorable factors. First, pay attention to your nutrition, to a sufficient moisturizing of the scalp, as well as softening and strengthening the hair. For this, use special shampoos and conditioners suitable for your hair type, as well as folk recipes for hair loss. After rinsing, leave the cosmetic balm on your hair for a few minutes. When applying shampoo or balm on the hair, do not apply too much pressure to the skin and try not to injure it with nails. Thus, you with gentle massage movements will have a beneficial effect on the scalp, increase blood circulation, and therefore accelerate the growth of hair. It is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics for hair care. Virtually everything you need to care for your hair you can make at home. If you are concerned about hair loss, treatment with folk remedies will be the best way for you. folk remedies against hair loss

    Folk remedies for hair loss

  • With frequent hair loss, it is recommended to wash the head with a decoction of birch leaves;
  • It is claimed that with the beginning of baldness,drink a decoction of buckthorn sea-buckthorn. Prepare it this way: 2 tablespoons sea buckthorn berries pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, insist 3-4 hours in a tightly closed dish in a dark place. After which the broth should be filtered and drank one glass 2 times a day, before meals, and also every day rubbed into the scalp at night.
  • Another home prescription against hair loss -brew in 1 liter of boiling water 20 g root roots, 20 g of burdock roots, 10 g of calendula, 15 g cones of hops. The broth should be infused for 2 hours, then drain and drink one glass at night.
  • Try also rubbing alcoholic tincture of castor oil in the head, which prevents hair loss.
  • If your hair is dry, after washing rinse them with water with the addition of lime flowers. To do this, 1 liter of boiling water to insist with 1 tablespoon. lime-colored.
  • Many folk remedies against hair losscontain the root of burdock. Infusion or decoction from the root of this plant is rinsed and rubbed through the hair after washing. You can also use ointment from the roots of burdock, for its preparation, take 200 g of butter to grind with the roots of the plant.
  • An excellent folk recipe for hair lossthe use of burdock oil is also considered. In fact, it is an infusion of burdock root on olive or almond oil (but sometimes for its preparation you can take sunflower oil).
  • To strengthen the roots of hair, include in your diet fresh onions. Some home recipes against hair loss can be prepared on the basis of onions:
    • From a green onion make a gruel and put onhair before washing your head. Then cover your hair with polyethylene and tie your head with a warm kerchief. Wait half an hour, then rinse with warm water using shampoo. If you have fatty hair, add a little alcohol to the onion gruel;
    • For accelerated hair growth, use onion juicemixed with honey. Mix onion with a spoonful of honey. After rubbing the mixture, wait 30 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water. And it is even better to use a warm infusion of birch leaves for rinsing. If your hair is very dry, then add a little (1 tablespoon vegetable oil) to the gruel from the onion. After that, wash your head with shampoo and rinse with birch infusions;
    • With active hair loss, try rubbing ina scalp onion juice with cognac and strong broth from a root of a burdock. For one tablespoon of cognac, add 4 tablespoons of onion juice and 6 tablespoons of broth from the root of burdock. After use, flush the mixture with plenty of water.

    Treatment masks for hair loss

    When using different shampoos andConditioners your hair does not get enough nutrients, so we recommend using masks recipes against hair loss. After applying the mask, rinse the hair with herbal decoctions. So your hair will get shiny and silky. There are various recipes for masks, including for accelerated hair growth. No shampoo can restore and strengthen hair like home masks and decoctions. Masks for hair intended not only for restoration and nutrition, but also for general maintenance of the hair condition. Therefore, you can use such folk remedies against hair loss regardless of whether you have hair problems or not. To achieve maximum effect from masks, it is necessary to apply them at least once a week, but not more often, because too frequent application of them can be negatively reflected on your hair. Do not also use different masks, choose for yourself the most suitable and complete the entire course. Only after that it is worth trying some new mask recipe against hair loss. If you liked the course and the hair got the proper shine and strength, then you can apply it once every 2-3 months. In hair masks, you can add various components at your discretion. Apply such folk recipes against hair loss in this way: the composition is rubbed into the scalp and hair about an hour before washing the hair, then wrap the head with a towel and then wash it off with warm water and shampoo. Below are the best recipes from hair loss and beneficial to the scalp:

  • Mask of castor oil with rum. To prepare it you need to mix a tablespoon of castor oil and a tablespoon of rum. Cover the head an hour before washing your hair.
  • Mask of yolks using cognac. 2-3 spoons of vegetable or olive oil mixed with two egg yolks, add to the mixture 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cognac (this will ensure increased blood flow to the surface of the skin, and thus contributes to the growth of hair). Carefully apply the mask on the scalp from the roots to the tips, then massage the mixture over the entire head and put a towel on your head. After an hour, wash the mask with shampoo;
  • Mask of aloe juice (century) - perhaps the mostA popular folk remedy for hair loss. There are two versions of this recipe. First: mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of aloe juice, add a chopped clove of garlic and egg yolk. This mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair with infusion of nettle or chamomile. The second recipe: mix a spoonful of carrot juice, yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice, a spoonful of cognac and a spoonful of castor oil. Also keep this mixture for half an hour and rinse with warm water;
  • Nourishing mask for hair treatment. In equal parts, mix the mother-and-stepmother's grass, birch leaves, marigold flowers and hop cones. All this should be poured with boiling water, insist, drain, then rub into the scalp.
  • Therapeutic mask of quince. Cut the core with the seeds from the fruit and fill it with a glass of water. Slightly boil the mixture and rub this broth into the scalp. Be careful, this mask will dry your hair.
  • Mask with essential oils. Take 15 drops of tea tree oil, 15 drops of rosemary oil, 15 drops of cedar oil and 100 ml of aloe juice (can be replaced with tincture or essence bought at the pharmacy). This mixture is insisted in a dark place for a week, shaking every day. This mask needs to be rubbed into the scalp and hair after each hair wash.
  • Cherry Mask. Suitable only for the owners of chestnut and brown hair, as it slightly dyes the hair in a reddish hue. One hour before washing hair, rub a glass of cherry juice into your hair, then wash your hair in the usual way;
  • A yeast mask. Take half a pack of raw or a pack of dry yeast, mix with three tablespoons of warm water, until completely dissolved. Mix this mass with egg white and rub it into the scalp. When the mixture is completely dry, rinse hair with warm water and shampoo.
  • Home Shampoo for Hair Loss

    Shampoo prepared at home and using natural ingredients can also serve as a good hair mask. Here are home-made shampoo recipes for hair loss:

  • Mustard shampoo. Dissolve one tablespoon of mustard in two liters of warm water and this mixture wash your hair. It is perfect for oily hair and promotes accelerated hair growth;
  • Egg shampoo. Take a tablespoon of any herbal shampoo, 1 egg yolk and rub this mixture into the hair, after 3-5 minutes can be washed off with plenty of warm water. It is also possible to prepare egg-and-oil shampoo: one yolk with 1 tsp. castor and olive oil. A ready-made mixture is especially useful for shampoo for dry and brittle hair;
  • Tansy shampoo. 1 tbsp. Tansy pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 2 hours. After straining the resulting shampoo, wash your hair. In addition to the fact that this infusion helps with hair loss, it also removes dandruff;
  • Kefir shampoo. Kefir, curdled milk or sour milk creates on the hair a fatty film that helps protect the hair from the harmful effects of the environment. To do this, take yogurt or kefir and apply on hair. Wrap your head with a towel or polyethylene, after an hour, wash your hair under warm water. After that, rinse your head with a weak solution of vinegar;
  • Shampoo from starch. Take a handful of dry starch and sprinkle them with hair, then whip them with warm water as when washing, and after 10 minutes wipe with a dry towel. Starch left on hair is removed with a brush or a dry scallop;
  • Rye shampoo. Cut a piece of rye bread in hot water until you get a gruel. Allow her to stand for 10-15 minutes and rub her hair with this mass. Then rinse thoroughly with water. Such a shampoo has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair, on the condition of hair - density, volume, shine;
  • Herbal shampoo. Take 10 g of dried flowers of calendula, 10 g of birch leaves, 10 g of hop cones. Mix the herbs and pour a glass of hot light beer, allow the mixture to steep for an hour. Strain and lightly apply on hair instead of shampoo.
  • But all these grandmother's recipes for hair losswill not give the proper effect if the cause of hair loss in the internal state of the body. So, the health of your hair in the first place depends on proper nutrition. It should be eaten moderately, eliminating fatty and spicy dishes from the diet. Eat more raw vegetables, bring in your diet yeast, milk, honey, vegetable oil. With proper nutrition and proper care the body will not make you wait for the result and thank you for giving you beautiful and strong hair for many years! We advise you to read:

