flowers of paper with your own hands We, women, are creative. And we are by nature a creator. All of us do something to create, improve, decorate and improve. And we are very fond of including our children (and others too) in this process. Well, we also have pedagogical inclinations. And for many and many mothers (grandmothers, aunts and sisters) crafts with children - one of your favorite activities. And what only we do not do together, what we do not teach our offspring: we sew, knit, embroider, sculpt, draw, master. So, in order to calm your creative itch, to realize pedagogical potential and to attach children to the beautiful, we suggest you make flowers from paper with your own hands. Special skills are not needed for this, materials will be required the most accessible, and the process, believe me, will give pleasure to you and children. What good are these crafts? First of all, the availability of materials and a variety of techniques. Make paper flowers in the technique of quilling, origami, kusudama, paper-plastic. They are made from ordinary color, from cigarette paper and corrugated paper. And the children happily craft such handmade items as a present to moms and grandmothers.

Paper Rosettes

All kinds of crafts made of paper are very popular withchildren: they like to mess around with paper. And if you also share your child's hobby, then together you should get something. Try, for example, to make paper roses. Unusually simple, but very impressive. And most importantly - it's affordable and easy for children. For such colors, you only need color paper (two-sided), scissors and a pencil. We work in stages.

  • From the colored paper, we cut out a square with a side of ten centimeters.
  • With a solid line draw a spiral on it, starting from the center and bringing the line to the edge of the square. From the point of intersection of the line with the outer edge of the paper, we draw a line perpendicular to the line of the previous coil.
  • On the drawn line we cut out the scroll with scissors.
  • Now, from the outer end of the spiral (that very section), we begin to twist the strip of paper into a roll: the spiral curls into a rose.

That's all. The flower is ready. Such paper roses are perfect for decorative panels, for voluminous greeting cards or even for a bouquet. By the way, if you attach these paper flowers to dry twigs, you can create a great composition in the Japanese style. flowers with own hands made of paper

Flowers made of tissue paper

Also a fairly simple technique for children. Flowers turn out to be gentle, translucent and "airy", as in a fairy tale! And do not like fabulous crafts for children? For such magical flowers prepare a tissue paper, a ping-pong ball, a thin soft wire, cotton wool, gluten grits, and a floral tape. First make stamens. Cut from the wire pieces of five to seven centimeters long. For each piece, wind on one side a little cotton wool, wrapping it around the wire and rolling between the fingers. Wrap the rest of the wire with white tissue paper. Now thick (with cotton wool) edge of wire dipped in glue and millet. Stems for flowers also make of wire, wrapping it with floral tape. For each stem, attach about eight stamens, collecting them in a bundle and wrapping them with a floral tape. Now start making petals. Cut out of the tissue paper five rectangles with sides ten and five and a half centimeters. Put the ball on paper and half wrap it with paper. The ends of the rectangle twist, and take out the ball. You should get a "cup" with two sharp tips of twisted paper. Paper lobes attach to the wire, alternately applying and wrapping each petal with floral tape. Then trim the outer sharp edges and straighten the petals. These are the fabulous flowers made of paper with their own hands! Corrugated paper flowers with own hands

Peony from corrugated paper

Corrugated Paper Craftsnot just for children. Even experienced needlewomen enjoy working with this material. And flowers are especially beautiful from corrugated paper. Of them, I make roses, crocuses, lilies, irises, peonies. And, believe me, the flowers look very natural, and sometimes even better than the real ones. Try to make peony from corrugated paper and see for yourself. We will need:

  • corrugated paper sheets of green, yellow and pink;
  • soft wire for stems;
  • teip-tape (floral tape);
  • glue stick.

We cut out oblong petals from pink paperwith a narrow straight and wide wavy edge. For one flower - fourteen petals about twenty centimeters high. From the green corrugated paper, we cut out two double leaves for each flower. Of the yellow paper, we cut strips with a width of ten and a length of fifty centimeters. Pay attention: for the petals and leaves cut out the blanks according to the proportional pattern of the corrugated paper. For the yellow stripe, the paper is unfolded so that the grasped "grain" is parallel to the long side of the strip. Now wrap the floristic tape with a wire, pulling it slightly and smoothing it with your hands. Strips of yellow corrugated paper are cut from one side with fringe about one third of the width of the strip. And then we turn the stems with these strips, winding the strips on one end of the wire and leaving the fringe edge free. We fix it with a tape tape. We form petals, slightly stretching their wide edges and making the petals a little "curly". With the help of glue we attach the petals to the stem, collecting them in several tiers. Petals straighten, making the flower fluffy and like a real peony. On the leaves of green corrugated paper, we put the wire wound around the floral tape and glue it to the paper. The paper is slightly dented around the wire, giving the leaves volume and imitating veins. If desired, pull the paper, making the edges of the leaves wavy. We attach the leaves to the stems with flowers and admire their creation. Flowers made from paper with their own hands are a great way to spend time with children, to teach them how to work with this material, to make hand-made articles for free or just for the soul. Children's crafts have a special energy. Adults, unlike children, can no longer selflessly give themselves to the process. Use the opportunity to "energize" the creative energy of children. Good luck and success in your work! We advise you to read:

