fitness at home for weight lossFitness is considered one of the most effectivemethods of maintaining excellent shape. It allows you to make your body more flexible, and your movements - graceful and smooth. It will put your muscle mass in order and improve your overall health. However, not everyone can afford to visit fitness centers today. There may be many reasons for this: financial difficulties (after all, it is known that the services of a qualified trainer and the price of a membership are far from cheap), inconvenient location of the fitness club, and simply lack of time. It is in such cases that entire complexes have been developed that allow you to do exercises at home.

Features of fitness at home: the pros and cons

Of course, exercises for weight loss,performed in a specially equipped room, and even with additional consultation with a trainer, will bring more benefits, but - with the right and competent approach - the same effect can be achieved at home. Cheapness is, perhaps, the main advantage of home fitness. You do not need to spend money on expensive subscriptions - if you calculate, you can come to the conclusion that it is easier to buy several exercise machines for home than an annual subscription. In addition, fitness at home allows you to save time, which is especially important for those people whose day is completely busy, and it is not possible to find time to visit a fitness center. You can do exercises whenever you want, without thinking that no one will compensate you for the cost of a missed lesson under the subscription. And if you are a resident of a metropolis, then, among other things, you save on travel. And, of course, comfort is no less important. It is at home that you can relax like nowhere else and do exercises without thinking about your clothes and appearance and without paying attention to the people around you. You won’t even have to remember the endless queues to the exercise machines and the shower – at home you are free from all these inconveniences. Well, and about the disadvantages, which also exist. Fitness at home is suitable for people who do not doubt their willpower and are well motivated – they will clearly and consistently perform the required exercises, without postponing training to another day. If you know that you will not perform the exercises with sufficient effectiveness on your own, then in your case it is better to stop at classes in a fitness club – training at home is not for you slimming at home

Training shells

If you decide to do fitness at home, then don’tHurry to the shops to buy exercise machines – to start, you will need some equipment. First of all, you will need free space. Allocate one room for training so that you have a few free meters at your disposal. Do not forget that the exercises should be done in tracksuits, because the fabric they are made of allows your body to breathe freely. The same applies to special shoes – buy good sneakers to feel as comfortable as possible. From the equipment and apparatus, buy a sports mat. In addition, when you do weight loss exercises at home, you may need a bench or a chair. Dumbbells, balls, weights will also not be superfluous. And then, when you understand which muscles need to be worked out, what you need to pay attention to, you can buy one or two professional exercise machines – at the initial stage, this is not necessary.

Fitness at home: fat burning workouts

If you are trying to lose weight, then youyou need to pay attention to some fat-burning workouts that involve a comprehensive effect on the body. We recommend that you pay attention to the following high-intensity workout, which will allow you to “sculpt” the perfect body. So, in order. First, a little warm-up. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and start spreading them back. Now do swings and smooth circular movements with straight arms. To finish the warm-up, stand on half-bent legs, and put one of them to the side. On the leg that is bent, spring a little. These simple exercises will warm up the body well. Now the workout complex. Please note that the following exercises for weight loss are recommended to be done ten times, without breaks for rest and rest. Three workouts a week will be enough. For the first exercise, dumbbells will come in handy - take them in both hands. Now do squats and do not forget to raise your arms up when squatting. You need to sit down on an inhale, and rise on an exhale. Now get into a push-up position and slowly raise one arm at a time (still with a dumbbell), then press it to your waist. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise alternately with your left and then right arm. This is the second exercise. To do the third, stand up straight, keeping your legs together. Lean forward and raise one leg at a time, without bending it at the knee and keeping it straight. For the fourth exercise, dumbbells will come in handy again. Lie on your back and hold your arm with the dumbbell in front of you. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your other arm on your stomach – you should feel your abs. Rise to a sitting position without lowering your arm with the dumbbell. Another weight loss exercise that is effective for doing at home is jumping forward. Jump further each time. And finally – jumping rope. It would seem to be a very simple, but incredibly useful exercise. During such jumps, all the muscles of the body are in an active, functioning state. This is one of the most effective cardio exercises for weight loss, which we will discuss in more detail later.home fitness exercises for losing weight

Features of cardio training

Considering home fitness for weight loss,It is worth remembering about cardio exercises, and also figuring out when such training can give the maximum effect and how exactly to do such exercises. Practice shows that the optimal time for cardio is considered to be morning, and it is useful to do such exercises immediately after strength training. If we are talking about morning aerobics, then its advantage is obvious - the load on an empty stomach will lead to the maximum consumption of sugar in the blood, and only after that fat is used. Immediately after waking up, blood sugar levels are low, so the body almost immediately begins to burn fat. By training at home or outdoors in the morning, you do exercises with greater benefit for the body. If such aerobics are regular, then all biorhythms and processes in your body return to normal: you will notice how your sleep improves and how easily you will endure stressful situations. Aerobic exercise is something without which good fitness at home is impossible. Cardiovascular training activates the secretion of growth hormone, which, as you know, is the most powerful fat burner imaginable. When you do aerobic exercise immediately after strength training, fatty tissue is destroyed faster and more effectively. This is because fat molecules, when they enter the bloodstream, immediately go to the liver, and this is where they are destroyed. When considering fitness and aerobics as a means of losing weight, it is important to clarify a few points. Workouts should be done when you feel great - do not torture your body. Choose the right time when your strength is activated - if you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, it is better to postpone the workout until the evening. And do not forget about the basic diet, the rules of which are described below. If you eat immediately before training, then during the exercise you will burn not the fats that you need to get rid of, but the carbohydrates that have just come with food. Naturally, you need to remember about the right diet. Make it as useful as possible: cereals, fruits, vegetables, light soups, dairy products - all this will benefit everyone who is losing weight. Only when you pay attention to your health and your own body, you will be able to achieve great results, and fitness will certainly help you with this.

