Lately, fitness at homeis gaining popularity among men and women. Quite recently, a group of experts in sociological surveys among the population found out what proportion of people who play sports do it without leaving home. A very interesting fact was established: in percentage terms, there are as many “home” athletes as people who train in the gym. And although there is a theory that it is almost impossible to build muscle mass and work out at full strength with home workouts, you will succeed if you find a little time and desire. For fitness at home, it is not necessary to buy a lot of expensive sports equipment and disks with programs from Olympic champions; it is enough to learn and adhere to basic exercises and simple, uncomplicated programs aimed at maintaining a beautiful figure and normal body weight in women. Many of these exercises are familiar to you from physical education classes at school, and you have already done some of them if you have ever visited a gym. One way or another, everyone has always admired women who strove to be beautiful and did it on their own. But no one is stopping you from joining the ranks of these selfless women!
Several reasons for doing fitness at home
Reasons why women preferThere are many reasons for training at home, one of which is saving money. A modern fitness center is a large complex with many gyms, massage rooms, a swimming pool, a tennis court, a bar that sells protein shakes and provides a number of other high-class services. But such luxury is not affordable to everyone. Especially if it is a network of fitness centers scattered throughout the country, and it is quite popular - payment for a subscription to such an establishment is taken six months in advance, and this pleasure is not cheap! The second reason is the lack of time for training in the gym. As a rule, this applies to women with small children, or whose work schedule is quite long. Then the prospect of training at home is very good - this is an opportunity to work out at any convenient time during the day, devote a lot of free time to sports, and also an opportunity to experiment. But training at home also has its downside. If, for example, you have chosen home fitness for weight loss, then such activities require enormous willpower, because every day you will have to convince yourself of the need to do exercises with increased load. When doing them in the gym, you just need to follow the example of others, or you can buy a subscription for six months in advance - this will be an excellent incentive. In the fight against excess weight, the main thing is the mood and compliance with the regime, so over time you will gain self-confidence and the desire to exercise. The second negative side is the possibility of getting injured when doing exercises alone without an experienced trainer or instructor. It is important not to overdo it, and it is better not to do those exercises that you doubt. In general, there is even a certain theory about which exercises and at what time of year are best done when doing home fitness for weight loss. For example, in the fall it is better to switch to aerobics, and in the winter to do self-hypnosis and strength training. In the spring, you need to focus on your arms and chest, and in the summer, go all out and involve as many muscle groups as possible in your workouts.
Exercises for home fitness
Now it's time to look at the main groups of exercises. Push-ups
- Squeezing from the floor
You don't need to have any experience for this exercise.special devices and sports equipment, but only a flat surface - the floor. It is aimed at developing the shoulders, chest and arm muscles. This exercise for home fitness is simply irreplaceable. For women, the most suitable position is as follows: hands shoulder-width apart, elbows horizontally along the body, then you need to rest your knees on a flat surface (floor), crossing the feet of both legs, and try to lift the body up. The body weight in the starting position should be transferred from the knees to the shoulders and arms. Slowly bend your arms and lower them down. The elbows should be kept parallel to the body. The muscles should be tense. Such exercises for home fitness should be performed 10-20 times, taking a short break, and then continuing again, reaching a total of thirty times in one session.
- Push-up for beginners
If you have a fitness mat - good,если нет, то придется использовать в качестве подстилки ковер, палас или обычный коврик. Фитнес для начинающих должен начинаться именно с этого упражнения. Примите следующее положение: упор, лежа на животе, ноги согнуты при этом в коленях. Сгибаем колени таким образом, чтобы корпус оставался горизонтально полу и таз при этом не поднимался вверх, а поясница не прогибалась под тяжестью веса тела. Такие упражнения следует выполнять по 10 раз в три захода, делая при этом передышку по одной минуте между каждыми десятью отжиманиями. Для того чтобы упражнения немного поменять, достаточно, чтобы фитнес дома для девушек, которые выполняют эти отжимания, достиг количества двадцати жимов в один подход. Тогда можно начать отжимания с носка на пятку в классическом варианте. Приседания Это очень эффективное упражнение знакомо всем и каждому, и направлено оно на укрепление мышц ног. Если в процессе занятия добавить к этому упражнению дополнительный вес, то нагрузка придется и на мышцы спины, формируя правильную осанку и препятствуя образованию сколиоза. Выполняя это упражнение, главное — следить за тем, чтобы вес тела приходился не на носки, а на пятки. Примите следующее положение: руки вытянуты вперед, ноги вместе. Приседать следует неглубоко, но так, чтобы бедра были параллельны поверхности, на которой вы стоите. В качестве фитнеса дома для начинающих достаточно будет выполнять приседания как для разминки, так и в виде основных нагрузок. Усложнить этот вид упражнений можно, приседая на одной ноге. Наклоны в разные стороны Это упражнение разминает мышцы торса. Исходное положение: расставьте ноги на ширине плеч, согнув немного их в коленях, а носки расставьте в разные стороны. Сделайте покачивающиеся движения, направляя свое тело то вверх, то вниз. Затем, наклоняясь вправо, сгибайте правую ногу в колене, а левую оставляйте прямой, при этом вес тела должен приходиться на правую ногу. Руки при этом расположены вверху, принимая форму круга, словно имитируя шар над головой. Таких наклонов нужно сделать по шесть раз в каждую сторону. Это упражнение обязательно должно войти в комплекс по занятию фитнесом дома для девушек, мечтающих о хорошей фигуре. Работа с бедрами Исходное положение: тело переносим на плоскую поверхность левым боком, правую руку согнем в локте и немного приподнимем. Левую ладонь ставим перед собой и опираемся на нее, а правая нога при этом согнута в колене. Теперь медленно поднимаем в горизонтальном положении левую ногу, стремясь при этом достичь максимальной высоты. Так нужно проделать двадцать пять раз, а потом сменить ноги и продолжать упражнение. Со временем вы должны прийти к результату в пятьдесят раз, делая подъемы правой и левой ногой поочередно. Фитнес для похудения дома как раз несет в себе такого рода силовые нагрузки, задействуя при этом многие группы мышц, возвращая связкам и суставам былую упругость и предотвращая появление растяжек. Качаем пресс Существует бесчисленное множество упражнений для пресса. Этот вид упражнения пользуется большой популярностью среди женщин, потому что все они хотят иметь плоский подтянутый живот. Бытует мнение, что фитнес — упражнения для женщин, направленные на коррекцию ее фигуры и поддержания красивых форм, особенно в области живота и ягодиц. И это правильное мнение. Качая пресс ежедневно, получить подтянутый плоский живот добиться с помощью следующих упражнений:
Aerobics - good fitness for home
How to do fitness at home and get some exercisea lot of fun? Of course, with the help of aerobics - a varied set of exercises, including walking and running, jumping and hopping, strength training along with flexibility exercises, doing all this to music. Aerobics not only improves physical fitness, but also the overall health of the entire body. Aerobics is fitness for people of any age and with different levels of physical fitness. Step aerobics is very popular today. It is aimed at strengthening a large group of muscles in the entire body and at the same time helps to reduce body weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system. By devoting fifty minutes a day to step aerobics, you lose a lot of energy and burn a lot of calories. Plus, with aerobics, fitness becomes great fun.
What contributes to the fitness at home
For good fitness at home you need to know the importantsecrets of its organization, which are simple and easy to implement. First of all, it is worth planning your household chores for the whole day ahead. This will help you understand in which half of the day you can devote attention to sports and at the same time do all the housework. You can read tips and recommendations on how other women do fitness at home. But, most likely, you will have to face a choice of this nature: to get up early in the morning, devoting time to training, or late in the evening. And, of course, no indulgences on weekends, because having missed a couple of days of training, you are unlikely to want to return to them again on Monday. If you do fitness at home, weight loss exercises should not cause feelings of misunderstanding, disapproval or simply laughter in loved ones living with you. They should be understanding of your activities and help in every possible way, for example, by answering the phone instead of you, waiting for dinner if its time has shifted a little, forgiving and understanding when freshly brewed coffee did not cause admiration and delight because you were in a hurry and the coffee turned out unsuccessful. Such trivial things play a significant role in home fitness. Fitness at home, the important secrets of which also lie in the regularity, duration, and intensity of training, should be desirable. It can and should become a habit, like, say, washing and brushing your teeth every morning. Otherwise, you will not achieve any results. With the same success, you can forget about a paid subscription for six months in advance to the fitness center. If fitness at home is exercises for losing weight and maintaining a figure, then self-control and organization are simply necessary for you. If your training lasts up to two weeks, then this is good discipline and confidence in the set goal. Gradually, you will learn to plan not only your day, but also an important meeting and personal time. After classes, you will feel younger and much more energetic. Do fitness at home, and a flat stomach and a wasp waist are guaranteed! We recommend reading: