ficus ginseng And you know that the elegant and even exquisite bonsaican grow with minimal time and effort? And Ficus ginseng, also known in indoor floriculture as Ficus microcarp, Ficus dulled or ginseng, will help you in this. This is an amazing plant! There are simply no analogues! And this kind of ficus is surprising by its root, which is similar to the ginseng root or to the fairy root of mandrake. You can not grow such a bonsai ficus by yourself, of course, it will not work - for this you need to use professional farming techniques. But if you buy or receive this miracle tree as a gift, then you will cope with its cultivation quite well. The main thing is to know how to care for this indoor plant. This is what we will try to find out.


Ficus ginseng or Ficus microcarp (FicusMicrocarpa) is a rather aggressive evergreen shrub that grows up to twenty-five meters in height in natural conditions. He comes from East Asia, and is also known as the Choker. Of course, for people this plant does not present any danger, but here in the wild ... In the wild these huge bushes produce a lot of air roots, which, in search of support, twist the trunks of other trees and interfere with their growth. In a word, they are suffocating. But indoor floriculture, this ficus is grown as a bonsai, or rather - pseudo-bonsai. Therefore, in our houses it looks like an innocuous little shrub of a very bizarre species. This ficus over thick, pretentious roots-trunks towers a nice crown of twigs with shiny slightly pointed or oval leaves. Decorative and fruits of the ficus of the microcarp, which at first have a yellowish color, and then acquire a dark red color. The exotic effect of the wonderful root-trunk of the ginseng ficus is not a natural given, but the work of human hands. First, the seeds of this plant are sown, then they begin to look after the shoots, as from any other young plant - water, loosen, thin out. Thus they grow full-fledged specimens with a thickened root, which, however, is still underground. It should be noted that at this stage of cultivation, professionals use special agrotechnology, which allows to form thickened roots. Then the ficus is very carefully excavated and cut off the stem (several of them) with leaves. Then the roots, peeled from the ground, are planted in separate pots, leaving most of the root above the ground. Over time, the peel on the aboveground part of the root coarsens and darkens, becoming similar to the bark of the tree. And in the place of the cut the crown is formed. Here in this form the plants already go on sale. ficus ginseng care

Care and maintenance

Special care for the ficus you will not create. The plant is, in general, unpretentious, but in need of care. First of all, you must create comfortable conditions for your miracle tree. Keep in mind that immediately after purchasing the plant can respond to a change in the situation yellowing and wilting leaves. By and large this reaction can be considered normal - the adaptation period is passing. But if after two or three weeks of staying in the new environment the plant has not recovered, then you should pay attention to how you are caring for it and whether all the conditions are observed. Your ficus needs to pick up a shaded place, well protected from direct sunlight. However, in a dark room, the ficus will also feel uncomfortable. The best place for him is penumbra. Remember also that this plant is afraid not only of direct sunlight, but of streams of dry hot air. Therefore, the place for a pot with a flower should be chosen away from heaters and radiators. He does not like ficus and drafts. For this reason, he does not always feel well on the windowsills. And the most optimal temperature in the room, where your ficus grows, will range from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. The entire care of this unpretentious plant is reduced to irrigation and spraying. So, for example, to start sprinkling the ficus is necessary from the first day of its appearance in your home. And then continue to spray the flower in a day or two. Watering it is necessary as the soil dries up in the pot, but you should not allow the earthen coma to dry out. In a word, watering should be moderate and timely. And the frequency of irrigation depends on the temperature in the room, and on the size of the flower pot, and on the age of the plant. So be guided by the situation. Just do not forget that waterlogging of the soil is also undesirable, as well as its drying out. Every year, it is necessary to transplant young plants, and as they grow older, reduce the frequency of transplants to once in two to three years. When transplanting it is desirable to use special purchased substrates or independently prepared soil mixture from equal parts of sand, scraping earth and clay granulate. In addition to watering, spraying and transplanting, you need to form the crown of the plant. But this is done exclusively for decorative purposes. Just without trimming the branches of the ficus will stretch and it will cease to look like a bonsai. If you intend to grow it as a decorative flower in the style of bonsai, do not be afraid to trim your ficus - it transfers the pruning painlessly. A crown after pruning becomes even thicker. And finally a little warning. Mass loss of leaves in this species of ficus - a phenomenon quite natural. Just the life of the leaves does not exceed three years. So let this fact not frighten you - new badges will replace the fallen leaves. But the yellowing of the lower leaves is a signal about the lack of mineral substances in the soil. In this case, the plant must be supplemented with a special or complex fertilizer, adding it to the water for irrigation. And it is desirable to carry out leaf fertilizing once or twice a month. Here such unpretentious and unusual flower in style can be grown up in the house without special work. The main thing is to remember that like any living creature, your green pet needs care and attention. If care for him is carried out according to all the rules, this fabulous wonder tree will long please you and surprise your guests with his extraordinary appearance. Good luck!

