mint growing Mint has long been recognized as a miraculous plantpractically all over the world. Its peculiarity is not only that it grows everywhere, but also in that it is both spice, seasoning and a medicinal product. Such a universal application is associated with the peculiarities of mint as a plant. Who grows mint, know that it is quite fragrant. Using the many essential oils that it contains, can surprise you with its effect. Growing mint at home helps to purify the air, interrupts unpleasant odors - in a word, the house will only benefit from this. And those who have a persistent cold, it is recommended to put a pot of mint at the head of the bed. But before you talk about how to properly plant mint and how to grow mint houses from seeds and cuttings, I want to talk about its useful properties.

Useful properties of mint

Mint has many useful properties. It has found application in cooking, medicine, perfumery. As a rule, not only the leaves of the plant are used, but also its stems, flowers and seeds. If we list everything that will help to cure or "disguise" mint, then all of us first of all recall mint chewing gum. In fact, the spectrum of its action is much broader. So, peppermint can relieve nervous overexertion, agitation, it should be used for insomnia and, if desired, normalize or restore a healthy sleep. Mint helps to cope with bad breath. If you have problems with sweating, then a mint decoction can serve as a good tool for fighting excess sweat and the volume of its secretion. For those who have a long time to sit at the computer, behind the monitors of the surveillance cameras, behind the screens of complex instruments, it will be logical to use lotions for the eyes from decoction of mint leaves. Mint leaves are frequent guests at the table of many housewives. Spicy leaves are added to salads, desserts. For sure everyone remembers from childhood peppermint gingerbread? Also mint is used for perfume in liqueurs, home tinctures, vodka. You should pay attention to the fact that mint has a rather sharp and specific smell. Do not forget that some people react to the smell of mint in a special way. They can have an allergic reaction, which is not easy to cure. how to grow mint at home

Features of mint growing

There are times when you do not want to usePurchase mint from the pharmacy and decide to grow it yourself. In this case, you will be interested to learn how to plant mint and grow a really chic mint bush. We are ready to help you learn how to grow mint houses, and make it a copy of useful properties. Growing a plant, caring for it in the garden or at home does not require much effort. The plant is not whimsical and undemanding. The plant loves a loose, moist soil rich in humus. You need to plant in spring or autumn. If you decide to grow mint from the seeds of the house - on the balcony or the windowsill, then remember that "home" mint likes full mineral fertilizer. Propagation of mint can be cuttings, division of rhizomes and layers. If you still doubt whether the plant will be able to settle down at home, then we can assure you - all your doubts are vain! Peppermint live very well, it can be grown throughout the year. In summer, the mint on the balcony feels well, in the winter, on a well-lit windowsill. In the cold season, you will need additional fertilizers and nutrients.

Care for mint

If you do not know how to care for mint, then youit is quite simple to recall everything that was once heard from grandmothers about caring for plants. Mint does not require special care. Remember that at room mint care will be different at different times of the year. In summer, mint grows well on the windowsill or on the balcony. In this case, it receives a lot of sunlight, settles a little dust, etc. In the pot tray, there must always be water, the soil contains a moist one, otherwise mint will be an easy prey for spider mites and aphids. Water the plant only with roomy water, occasionally spraying the leaves. In winter, it should be watered especially carefully. In the leaves and stems of this plant, various processes quickly pass, which fill the plant with juice and useful essential oils. In winter, mint grows slowly and smells weaker than in the summer. Do not forget that mint in the winter should not be exposed to drafts. Next, we will tell you how to grow peppermint on a window sill from seeds and cuttings, and you choose for yourself the most optimal and easy way.

How to grow mint?

So we got to the point. There are two main ways of growing mint: seeds and cuttings.

  • How to grow mint houses cuttings?

Preliminarily rooting the root in the sand, you canput the cutting in a jar with water and wait for the growth of the roots. Dig out a small bush with a clod of earth. If the bush is large, it can be neatly divided into several parts, so that each one has several buds or shoots with roots. At the bottom of the pot, fill the drainage, then the ground with humus and garden soil (1/2). When mint is planted, the soil is moistened prematurely, and roots are covered with shoots. After about 2-3 weeks you will have young leaves. Now shoots can be fed. For top dressing use a solution of urea (1-2 gr per 1 liter of water). In winter, "feed" the plant is not necessary. Choose a well-lit place for your plant. He must have enough light for growth, especially in the winter. Those mistresses who already know firsthand how to cultivate mint on a window sill or on a balcony can confirm that under direct sunlight, especially in summer, mint can perish. Its soil will dry up, and the plants do not like it. Therefore, make sure that there is always water in the pan. Water the mint with water at room temperature, do not forget about spraying.

  • How to grow mint house from seed?

The second simple solution is how to grow mint onThe windowsill of the house is growing from seeds. Mint, grown cuttings, of course, mistresses love more, because mint in seeds can grow less active. The plant planted with cuttings gives a fairly quick and good result, but at the same time contributes to the rapid accumulation of moisture in the plant due to the thick stalk. In the room conditions, a peppermint grows well on the windowsill. You can enjoy the whole year with young fresh shoots and plant leaves. Mint: growing from the seeds of the house is quite simple. It is enough to find those seeds from which you want to get a plant. There are times when the plant is dying. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use seeds of different species that can be dusted during growth. How to plant mint seeds? Seeds are planted at a depth of 0.5 cm. Shoots begin to appear after 2-3 weeks. If you have poor lighting, then mint should be highlighted, otherwise the mint will stretch and eventually die completely. The optimum temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees. The soil must be loose and fertile.

  • How to grow a plant in a garden?

And in conclusion I would like to tell you howto grow mint in the garden. In the garden, like all plants, pest is threatened by numerous pests. In addition, if the mint grows close to beets, cabbage or cucumbers, then you can see on it dark spots. This suggests that the plant has pests and disease. To cure it is practically impossible, and treatment with pesticides will only make it unsuitable for collection, drying and subsequent consumption in food. Therefore, you need to decide exactly where to plant mint in your garden. Its separate growth in a bright sunny place, the absence in a radius of sixty to eighty centimeters from flowers, vegetables and spices will help you get a quality plant. In summer, mint in the garden requires watering almost every day. If it's very hot, then twice a day, but not at the time when the bright sun is shining, as it can "burn". Peppermint does not tolerate swampy soil. It grows well in lowland areas, flooded in spring, on peatlands. The rhizomes of mint are placed at a depth of about 5 cm. If you want to have a healthy plant, it is necessary to change the place of planting of mint every two years. A bed for mint must be prepared on a level, well-dug site. Remove all weeds and, if necessary, season the soil with organic fertilizers. Pepper is planted in an open ground, on a bed 1 meter wide in three rows. The distance between the rows is about 40 cm, and between the plants in the row is about 30-40 cm. For the summer, the bed should be loosened 2-3 times. Regularly remove the weeds. how to grow mint houses

How to collect and store mint?

For drying, mint is harvested at the beginning of flowering, whenits leaves are still quite young and have the highest content of essential oils. Choose for yourself a more convenient way of collecting mint: you can cut whole stems, and you can break off individual leaves. Lay them thinly on a piece of paper or cloth. Leaves should dry well. Further, the leaves are cut off from the stem, they are ground up, someone likes to leave the leaves untouched. Keep mint in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry and protected from light place. In this form, the mint retains its aroma for the whole winter. And for consumption of mint in fresh form, leaves and shoots are torn as needed. We advise you to read:

