Let's start with what is Feng Shui?The ancient science of energy and space has a centuries-old history. The focus of Feng Shui methods is on creating harmony in a person’s personal space, which is vital for attracting Qi energy – the energy of luck. It is best to start working from the basics, namely with the magic octagon Bagua – a regular octagon, each side of which carries a certain trigram. According to ancient teachings, events and situations occurring in life are divided into 9 categories, united in a certain order. The generalized order of categories forms Bagua as a result.
Each of the nine parts has its owncompass direction, its own trigram, its own color and natural element. The fundamental principles of Feng Shui state that this magical octagon should be superimposed on the plan of your home, starting from the house, apartment and ending with a separate room. With the help of this technique, specific Bagua sectors are determined. To achieve specific goals, it is necessary to clearly navigate the corresponding sectors and know how to activate them correctly. To determine where in your home the money zone is located according to Feng Shui science, you will need a compass, a Bagua grid and a scaled plan of the room. Divide the room into nine relatively equal parts - the central part and eight parts of the world around the center. The central place is responsible for Creativity and Health of the inhabitants of the house, the eastern part is for Family, the north-eastern part is for Knowledge and Wisdom, the northern part is for Career, the north-western part is for Travel and Help of friends and patrons, the western part is for Children, the south-western part is for Love and Marriage, the southern part is for Glory, and finally, according to Feng Shui, the Money and Wealth zone is determined by the south-eastern part of the room. Having mastered the skills of working with the Bagua octagon, you will gradually be able to use it for individual rooms.
Colors and elements of the wealth zone
So, with the direction of the wealth zone we alreadydecided - this is the southeast. This zone should be in harmony with its main colors - purple and green. The main element of the zone is considered to be the Tree. This sector works according to Feng Shui to attract money and everything connected with it, including power. It is no secret that money gives a person power, independence and freedom. Depending on the circumstances and the appropriateness of specific items, an aquarium with fish, a decorative fountain, or a tree with rounded leaves resembling coins should be placed in the zone. Do not forget that the Tree requires light to grow, so provide good lighting in the wealth zone. If your tree grows, then your income will grow accordingly. The profitable sector of your apartment must be cleared of debris in the form of unnecessary items and unnecessary things. They will certainly slow down the flow of money into your home. The wealth zone should be marked by the presence of symbols of abundance. In order for money to flow into your home in accordance with Feng Shui, the wealth sector must “know” about your plans to attract income, namely, have wealth zone activators. We will talk about them in more detail.
Activator - water
Chinese natural philosophy states thatThe governing element of the southeast zone is Wood. Water is necessary for the growth of wood, so the water element should be introduced into the zone as a matter of priority. There can be many different options, from a bowl of water to an aquarium with live fish. Clean water is the key to success. Stagnant, dirty water, instead of working according to Feng Shui to attract money, will bring financial problems. If one or two fish suddenly die in your aquarium, then simply replace them with new ones at once. It is believed that their death prevents misfortune. Excesses in Feng Shui are not always welcomed. Water is a powerful element that requires careful use. You should not have a huge aquarium, otherwise a large amount of water can “flood” the Tree of Wealth. As an alternative, the water element can carry a landscape or a picture of water. In Feng Shui, symbolism is of great importance.
Activator - plant
Money tree - sakura More powerfulactivator than a healthy plant, you will not find for the Wealth zone. It is preferable that it is the so-called "money" tree. However, financial well-being can be achieved not only by a living plant, but also by an artificial tree, which consists of symbolic elements and represents wealth. If a cactus has settled in the south-eastern zone, then Feng Shui for money will act exactly the opposite. With its thorns, the cactus spreads negative energy and will scare away money. Constantly monitor your plants so that they always have a juicy and healthy appearance. The slightest signs of wilting must be corrected, or the plant must be replaced with a new one.
Activator - moving object
Moving objects are considered traditionalenergy activators and can make money literally "swirl" around you and settle in your home. "Wind chimes", mobiles, fluttering flags will give the Universe signals about your desires to attract wealth and prosperity. Using Feng Shui recipes for money, use all your creative imagination to come up with symbolic images of wealth growth. Even ordinary green paper squares located in the Wealth zone can work for your benefit.
How to properly activate the wealth zone?
Activation of the wealth zone according to the rulesfeng shui promotes good lighting, for this reason, in the south-east zone, you should place decorative light sources or special candles that need to be lit regularly. The design of the hallway is also important. Near the front door, you can place special objects that will provide a constant flow of energy of monetary well-being into your home. When adjusting the furnishings in the house in accordance with the theory of zone placement, competent use of zone energy activators, performing certain feng shui rituals, there will be significantly more money in your home, and you yourself will be able to protect yourself from sudden financial losses.
Gods of Wealth
Chinese Philosophy and Feng Shui Philosophyfilled with communication with various gods, symbolic images of which also help a person to increase his wealth. The god of wealth with an ingot in his hands helps in the matter of financial success to representatives of the male sex, and the goddess of wealth - to women striving for business success.The Goddess of Wealth, God Tua Pe Kong, is another representative of the great cohort that helps to decide how to attract money using Feng Shui.
God Tua Pe Kong Great Chinese GeneralGuan Gong gained great fame, which over time developed into a religious cult. Guan Gong received the status of the god of wealth and war. In addition, he is considered the protector of businessmen and politicians, who should place a figurine of the deity behind their workplace so that they will always be supported by influential people.
Guan Gong
Other activators are symbols of wealth
We have already listed the main activators of the zonewealth - green objects, water, plants, "wind music" and other moving objects. However, you can also use other effective symbols of prosperity, which will find their worthy place in the designated area. For example, "8 symbols of happiness" will attract not only wealth into the life of its owner, but also luck and perfection. And the vase of wealth will serve as a very favorable symbol, denoting harmony and endless peace in the house. Be sure to put coins, paper money or gold bars in your vase. In the wealth zone, you can also use special amulets that activate beneficial energies. For example, a symbolic gold bar will work for the wealth and prosperity of your home. The "master of the house" figurine reliably protects savings and increases them.Vase of Wealth Since ancient times, ships have serveda symbol of abundance brought by the winds on the water. By placing a ship in the house so that its bow is turned towards the house, you can attract material well-being, wealth and security. You can put coins or banknotes in the ship.
Ship Another reliable talisman isa statue of a three-legged money toad sitting on ingots, as well as Chinese coins. Coins are usually taken in multiples of three and tied with a red ribbon - such a talisman has miraculous powers. The unchangeable coin Nanbu helps to retain wealth.
Money Toad A red money napkin with a hieroglyph of Wealth on it promises fabulous wealth to its owner.
Money Napkin No less effective symbol in the money zone is a cat. A wooden cat in the south-east zone will take care of your prosperity.
Money Cat Yang energy is generated by the bat, whose symbol brings happiness, longevity and prosperity to the home.
The Dragon Turtle Bat is depicted as a creature with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle, sitting on gold coins and bars, symbolizing longevity and monetary success.
Dragon Turtle One of the luckiest fish in China is the golden arowana, which brings prosperity and wealth. The image of an elephant with a toad enjoys the same fame.
Golden Arowana We have revealed to you the theoreticalknowledge of feng shui how to attract money to the house. All you have to do is put into practice valuable advice, time-tested, and see for yourself the value of the philosophy of money energy. We recommend reading: