suitable days for conceiving a child Planning a pregnancy is especially important foryoung spouses who want to give birth to a healthy baby at a chosen time of year, to first resolve household issues and prepare for the arrival of a new family member. In any case, having planned a pregnancy, you need to make sure of your own health, and then determine favorable days for conceiving a child. Both spouses must be tested for sexually transmitted infections and undergo a medical examination in advance. If there are some deviations in the health of the parents, problems with conceiving and bearing a child are likely. Talking about what period is considered optimal for conception, it should be said that the main role in determining favorable days for conception is played by the menstrual cycle of the female body. In order to achieve your goal - pregnancy as quickly as possible, you need to learn about the features of the cycle and how to calculate the days of ovulation - the most favorable period for conception. Experts advise using a menstrual cycle calendar to determine this date, where this day is calculated. However, first it is worth talking about other factors that affect the effectiveness of conception.calculation of ovulation

Age of future parents

From a medical point of view, it is beneficial forconception of a child age - 20-30 years. Children born to such couples suffer from congenital diseases less often. The human body in these years in most cases is fully formed, the hormonal background has stabilized, chronic diseases are unlikely. The tissues and muscles of the female body still have sufficient elasticity, which becomes a favorable sign for the normal course of pregnancy and easy childbirth. However, in recent years, an increasing number of women give birth to children after 30 years, or even after 35. A modern woman strives to achieve success in her career and stabilize her financial situation before having children, and often ignores this favorable period, when there are almost no problems in conception. Such a late period does not at all serve as a harbinger of deviations in the health of both the woman herself and the future child, but the likelihood of these troubles is high compared to younger women. For example, one of the reasons for the development of Down syndrome in children in the womb is the "risky" age of the parents: for women under 18 and over 35 and for men over 45. In most cases, the child receives genetic abnormalities due to this factor. Pregnancy in these cases often proceeds with complications.

Efficacy of spermatozoa on different days

As for the male body, itPhysiology is such that the semen of a healthy man is produced regularly, regardless of the date, day of the week or other time frames. However, when planning conception, it is worth considering that you should not have sexual intercourse too often, otherwise the sperm will not have time to "gain strength" and will be inactive and immature. Experts say that the most optimal ejaculation intervals for successful conception are 3-4 days. Accordingly, abstinence during the process of fertilization of the egg will be beneficial. It is worth considering that high-quality sperm retain their functions, having entered the woman's body, for several days. Future parents can independently calculate the ovulation period and plan sexual intercourse taking into account these indicators of the "strength" of male semen. Also, some experts say that the psychological state of a man also plays a role in the possibility of conception. Stress, fatigue, neuroses, as well as various chronic and acute diseases of the body can lead to the absence of ejaculation and affect the quality of seminal fluid.correct ovulation count

Definition of ovulation

What is ovulation and what happens infemale body during this period? In gynecology, ovulation is the middle of the menstrual cycle - the date of maturation of the egg, when it is ready for fertilization. It is during this stage of the cycle that sexual intercourse should be performed in order to conceive a child, in order to make this process as effective as possible. Calculating the days of ovulation with a stable menstrual cycle is very simple. The most accurate conclusions can be made by analyzing 2-3 menstrual cycles. The standard way to determine the day "x" is as follows. It is necessary to count one week from the first day of menstruation, add a few more days and you will get approximately the middle of the cycle. The next 7-10 days after this date are considered the most favorable for conception. Another option is to determine the middle of the cycle based on a special calendar, which is an observation of past cycles. This day corresponds to the approximate ovulation. Then you need to determine the boundaries of possible ovulation - the selected day should be the middle of the weekly time period. Now it is enough to calculate the number of days from the beginning of the period to this week using the calendar. Based on the date of the next menstruation, you can draw the appropriate conclusions about the time of the next ovulation using the calendar. Interactive calendars on thematic Internet portals will also help you calculate this date, where you need to indicate the first and last days of the previous cycle and see the date of the next ovulation. In case of an unstable menstrual cycle or failure to conceive, despite timely sexual intercourse during the period of calculated ovulation, doctors recommend using the basal temperature measurement method. It is necessary to measure body temperature rectally daily and record the graph readings to determine favorable days for conceiving a child. Approximately by the middle of the cycle, the basal body temperature rises by several degrees, which serves as a signal of ovulation. Moreover, the date of ovulation itself is usually marked by a decrease in temperature, and the period following this event - by an increase. The chart will clearly show this. What other ways can there be to determine ovulation? There are other methods for determining favorable days without calendars, which every woman can notice in herself. Natural vaginal discharge becomes more abundant and less viscous. Ovulation days are characterized by signs similar to the onset of menstruation: painful sensations in the chest, increased oiliness of the skin, and others. However, this method is subjective and is the most inaccurate, unlike the calendar, for example.

Causes of ovulation

It also happens that ovulation does not occur.Despite systematic sexual intercourse on "lucky" days and careful adherence to the calendar for conceiving a child, nothing works. What are the reasons for this? Most often, this is due to disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Dysfunction can be provoked by stress, chronic diseases of the reproductive system, infections and other factors. Problems with the health of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, inflammatory processes in the genitals are the main causes of deviations. If conception does not occur for several periods of menstruation, and the menstrual cycle is unstable, you should consult a gynecologist. Having found out the reasons for the lack of ovulation, doctors will prescribe adequate treatment, possibly with the use of hormonal agents. The correct treatment will help get rid of existing problems and conceive a child on "lucky" days.

