In many countries around the world, virtual shoppinghave finally entered everyday life. You can buy everything online: from a plane ticket to groceries. For many Russians, this form of trade is still something unusual. At first, the idea that you can buy any thing you need right now, without getting up from your chair, seems adventurous. But once you try it, the benefits of walking around virtual stores become undeniable. You don’t have to choose between your favorite show and running around shopping centers; no one is watching your movements; buying the desired thing will cost less than in a popular boutique. Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and many large cities have already appreciated the benefits and convenience of online shopping, especially since most online stores provide courier delivery of goods around the city. Any
has other obvious advantages.
Affordable prices. The cost of maintaining an online store is several times less than the cost of renting retail space in a busy area of the city. Even
will be more accessible than in a huge shopping center.
The freedom of action. A sales consultant who meets you with a smile on the threshold of a boutique is good if your wallet bursts at the seams. If you went only to look, and your solvency looks doubtful - the presence of a consultant and his attitude to you will be perceived in a completely different light. Choosing an item on the net, you can safely visit the site several times, comparing prices and assortment with an offer on a "nearby" resource.
Product information. The assortment and description of the goods are available for viewing at any time of the day. This is especially attractive for the fair sex, who like the process of choosing a new outfit.
Payment and delivery. Online stores offer several forms of payment and delivery methods. If you live in the same city where the online store is located, courier delivery is possible with payment in cash upon receipt of the order. When placing an order from another city, you usually offer two options: prepayment or cash on delivery. The prepayment can be made by bank transfer, with the help of terminals or also, without leaving home through electronic payment systems. The cost and speed of delivery depends on the method you choose.
Analysts predict active development of trade via the Internet and life confirms their forecasts. So is it worth resisting if goods become more accessible and closer.