An expressive look can sometimes say more,than words. The property of beautiful eyes, capable of captivating any person with one flutter of eyelashes, has been known for a long time. Poems and songs were composed about an expressive look. Delight and sadness, sorrow and joy - any manifestation of feelings and emotions can be read by the look. A special sparkle in the eyes will tell about what feelings a person has in his soul. That is why women want to make their look beautiful and attractive.
Ideal look at different eras
On how the idea of beauty has changedeyes, as well as the idea of ideal female beauty, one could write a whole book. In Egypt, a woman with slanted eyes, which were specially visually lengthened, was considered beautiful; in Greece, beauties with green eyes were valued; now it is fashionable to have thick and very long eyelashes. But women have always wanted their eyes to sparkle under the gaze of admiring men, not only in their youth, but also in their more mature years. Female beauty is fleeting and lasts until the moment when the look burns, full of life and energy. Therefore, it is worth taking care to preserve the beauty and health of the eyes for many years.
Therapeutic baths and eye treatments
Every woman wants to have beautiful eyes, butFew people know how to keep their eyelids young and fresh, and what needs to be done to make the eyes shine and prevent premature wrinkles from appearing around them. The most important thing that any woman who wants to stay young and beautiful for a long time should remember is timely rest, proper balanced nutrition and the optimal amount of physical activity. If these conditions are not met, then no medical procedures, facial and eyelid massage, folk methods will be able to make a woman's eyes shine. After several years of constant stress, lack of seasonal rest, weekends and less than 7 hours of sleep per day, not only the face, but the entire body will become exhausted and old. There are several ways to refresh a tired look:
For a beautiful and healthy eye color, you need to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, apricots, greens and berries (especially blueberries and currants).
Glitter in the eyes of women with magazine covers
Women who are not satisfied with their eyebrows andeyelashes, today can change this. The methods invented over many millennia that would allow correcting the shortcomings of nature can be listed for a very long time. These include makeup, the use of artificial eyelashes, surgery, and colored lenses to change the color of the eyes. All these methods give the desired result, but they do not always have a beneficial effect on a woman's health. Often, excessive use of cosmetics can lead to early aging of the eyes, loss of shine, premature loss of eyelashes. Therefore, it is better to try to experiment less often with the use of artificial means that allow you to revive your look and rejuvenate your face. Glossy magazines are full of doe-eyed beauties with languid looks - actresses, singers. Looking at TV divas, modern women strive to make the same hairstyles, want to have similar eyes. But few people think that the beauty of these women is most often created artificially. Just as artists often corrected some of the inherent flaws of girls in portraits centuries ago, a modern woman can not only correct her figure in a photograph, but also add sparkle to her eyes in Photoshop and other graphic programs. A woman's attractiveness depends, first of all, on herself. Only the awareness of herself as beautiful, whole and perfect will preserve her youthful expressive look for many years. We recommend reading: