exercises to strengthen the muscles of the handsMany women, when going on a diet, do notthink about the consequences. And, naturally, they are not prepared for the fact that after losing weight they will not have the ideal result that they were looking for. After all, a sharp change in weight leads to stretch marks on the skin and flabbiness of the muscles, and this, you must admit, does not look aesthetically pleasing at all. These unsightly changes are especially noticeable in the arms, hips and abdomen. And if the stomach and hips can still be hidden under a long skirt or trousers, then the arms are always in sight in the hot season. Therefore, you need to start the correction with them. Exercises for strengthening the arm muscles are selected in such a way that they act not only on problem areas, but also on the chest muscles, tightening it, making it more elastic and higher. Having started to exercise according to the program below, you, as they say, “kill two birds with one stone”. Which, of course, can only please.

Secrets of a successful workout

First, let's look at the basic rules of training, following which you will achieve results in a fairly short time.

  • For some exercises from the program you will need a dumbbell. Choose them individually. Weight should not be less than 0.5 kilograms, but not more than 2 kilograms;
  • In addition to dumbbells, get a special rug, as well as comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • Never overload yourself in the first lesson! Otherwise, the next day you just can not get out of bed;
  • Do exercises in a measured manner, breathe smoothly;
  • The main thing is not quantity, but quality - this rule applies to all physical activities;
  • Before the start of the workout, be sure to do the warm-up, and after it - stretch for the muscles.

exercises to strengthen the hands

Exercises for hands with dumbbells

We have studied the main nuances, now we canto start the exercises themselves. And the first ones in line are exercises with dumbbells. They differ from regular exercises by a heavier load. But the result of such training is many times more effective.

  • Extension of hands

This exercise can be done either sitting or standing.The back should be straight, the chin slightly raised. Take one dumbbell in your hands, inhale deeply and raise your straight arms above your head. Exhale and put your hands behind your head so that your elbows bend at a right angle. Then smoothly twist them back. Do the exercise at least 8-10 times;

  • Corner

Take a dumbbell in your left hand.Make a small lunge forward with your right leg. Bend over and rest your right hand on your right knee. Keep your head raised and your back perfectly straight. Press your arm with the dumbbell to your body at a right angle. Inhale and move your arm back, straightening it completely. As you exhale, return it to its place. Make sure that the upper arm muscles are tense. After 8-10 repetitions, change your support leg and take the dumbbell in your right hand. Repeat everything;

  • The bench press

Lie down on the mat, bend your knees, armsPlace the dumbbells on your chest with your palms facing forward. Imagine that you are lifting a barbell. Exhale and smoothly stretch your arms up, inhale and return them back. Repeat 10-15 times;

  • Hand cultivation

We continue to lie down.Arms with dumbbells are spread out to the sides. On the count of one - smoothly raise your arms above you, two - lower your elbows to the floor and the dumbbells to your chest, three - again spread your arms to the sides. Repeat at least 10 times. A similar exercise can be done standing; Exercise "elevator"

  • This exercise, too, is performed for one-two-three. We stand, hands are lowered along the trunk. Once - we bend our arms in the elbows and slowly raise them. Two - we breed them in the parties. Three - we omit. We perform the exercise smoothly, no sharp movements should not be, Repeat 10 times.

By exercising according to this program, you will achieve strengthening of the muscle tissue of your arms quite quickly. With each workout, try to increase the number of approaches for each exercise.correct exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hands

Classes without dumbbells

This complex is also quite effective, although it is not weighted down with sports equipment.

  • Simple push-ups

Sit on one thigh.Place your hands on the floor, slightly wider than your shoulders. Your fingers point at each other. Begin lowering your torso to the floor, bending your arms at the elbows. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, and you will feel how your arm muscles tense up. Then rise back up. 5 push-ups will be enough for the first time. Gradually increase them to 30-40 times;

  • Complex push-ups

Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor.We perform the movements described in the previous exercise, with only one difference - when lowering, we press our elbows to the body. We increase the load gradually, based on our condition;

  • Exercise "prayer"

Sit cross-legged.Place your palms together as if you were praying. Now start pressing them together with force. When you reach maximum force, hold the position for about 20 seconds. Exhale and relax. Repeat 3-4 times. The same exercise can be done with your arms raised above your head or lowered down;

  • Push-ups on the contrary

We lie down on our stomach, pressing our buttocks and lower abdomento the floor. Place your palms on the floor so that your fingers point forward. Now push off the floor, straightening your arms. Hold for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself. Repeat 10-15 times;

  • Push from the table

Sit at a table against the wall and lean your hands against its edge. Start pushing it away from you with force. Hold this position for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

  • Raising the hull from the floor

This exercise strengthens the triceps.Sit on the mat, bend your knees. Lean back a little and rest your hands on the floor, clenched into fists. Now start lifting your body off the floor, rising up on your hands. You will feel how the back muscles of your arms - the triceps - are straining. Do 10 such lifts;

  • Push-up in the rack

We remain sitting on the mat.Now we rest our feet and hands on the floor. The fingers point forward. Throw one leg over the other. Now almost all the weight of your body is transferred to your hands. We begin to do push-ups, lowering the body to the floor as low as possible. Do 10 push-ups, change legs and repeat the exercise;

  • Side-push-ups

We lie down on our right side.Legs are straight, head is raised. We clasp ourselves around the waist with our right hand, rest our left palm on the floor near the chest. We start pushing off the floor with one hand, raising the torso, the buttocks remain in place. We repeat 10 times and change sides. This is the complex. It should be done 2-3 times a week, devoting 20-30 minutes to the workout. You do not need to combine these two programs in one session. For example, on Tuesday you have simple exercises, on Thursday - strength exercises. On Saturday - simple again. This way you will achieve results and will not get too tired. And of course, do not forget about other parts of the body. Include in your program exercises for the legs, for the press, for the waist. After all, the figure should be completely proportional. To achieve the best results, as well as to prevent cellulite and stretch marks, sign up for a massage parlor. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant. And try to take care of your appearance all year round, then you won't need any diets, and you won't have to urgently restore muscle elasticity. Regular training is all that is needed for a beautiful and healthy body! We recommend reading:

