communication etiquette Can you communicate with other people? It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious: yes, of course! But often it turns out that you do not even know about the mistakes you make in communication. Because of this, difficulties, misunderstandings and, as a consequence, the effectiveness of interaction with other people is low. Of course, it is better to learn the rules of communication in childhood, when a person, like a sponge, absorbs all norms from the external environment. Unfortunately, parents of the child are not always experts in social norms and can raise the child correctly. And it's sad, after all, a well-bred person lives better in society, since he easily observes the rules of behavior in any team. He makes a pleasant impression on people, achieves success in interpersonal relationships, and this in the modern world is the key to a successful career. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of communication in various life situations.

Etiquette of communication at work

As you know, every sphere of life has its ownfeatures - just as different etiquette of communication in its various aspects. The rules of behavior and interaction of people in the workplace are of great importance in a professional environment. They can even depend on the success of major negotiations, not to mention less significant projects. In addition, the etiquette of communication allows you to save time and effort associated with thinking about your line of behavior, because there are rules in which it has long been written what to do. The basic postulates on which business communication should be built look like this:

  • Punctuality. There is no greater sin for the business man than the inability to come on time to work or to a serious meeting. No one likes to wait - especially in business. Therefore, never be late for work and wherever your punctuality is important.
  • Restraint. At work, there is no place for emotional outbursts, which is sometimes especially difficult for women to accept. Judge for yourself what would have happened if during a business interaction an employee suddenly started to cry or shout at you because of your own problems. Surely you would not be at ease.
  • Politeness and tact. A good attitude towards a person can work miracles. Of course, you do not have to love your colleagues and clients, but demonstrating a positive attitude to communication usually increases the effectiveness of your work activity several times.
  • The rules of business communication include suchthings like gestures of good tone, the art of a proper handshake, the order of greetings, etc. ... Where does your every working day begin? With a meeting with colleagues. Do not forget to greet everyone - just say hello once a day. A handshake is a gesture quite common in the business life of a modern person, so they should be perfectly mastered. People shake hands with greetings, acquaintance, congratulations and in other situations. The first hand is held by the senior person to the youngest, the woman to the man, the boss to the subordinate. If several people greet simultaneously, then we should not allow the situation of "cross" handshakes: in this case, first the hands of a woman are stretched out to each other, and then the men. Serve the right hand, and use the left hand only in exceptional cases. Gesture should be decisive and easy at the same time. Squeeze the handed hand, grasping it with all your fingers. A handshake can only be carried in gloves when they are worn on both people. The situation of acquaintance in business circles means the exchange of business cards, which must be properly decorated. The name, surname, company name, position and contact details of the cardholder should be spelled out in a well-readable font. The reverse side of the business card must remain clean - for records. If your activity involves contact with partners from abroad, it is better to order individual business cards in two languages. The rules for exchanging business cards are the opposite of the rules of handshakes: the first card is given by a man to a woman, the elder to a younger one. There are many other aspects of business etiquette worthy of consideration. In particular, the appearance of a person must match the dress code of the company or the situation of the meeting. The most common suit is gray, blue or brown. Men should wear a tie, and women - tights, and in any weather. Expensive and flashy decorations are not welcome. A man must be clean-shaven. Women are required to wear a strict hairstyle, loose hair is a bad form. Of course, all situations and aspects of business communication can not be covered. Protocol questions about the reception of business partners, rules of communication in the conditions of a business dinner, the classification of receptions, rituals concerning the use of alcohol, the manner of the leader and the subordinate - all these spheres are full of the smallest nuances that it is very difficult to remember. We recommend that you study these details when such situations occur in your professional life (almost always you can find fifteen minutes to search and read information). And in the ordinary working life, use the rule that at the head of the corner there should always be respect for the people around you. etiquette of communication with people

    Etiquette of communication between a man and a woman

    The feeling of love that arises between a man anda woman, beautiful and amazing. Only on its basis it is possible to build close and trustful relationships between partners. Unfortunately, in the modern world, these relations are often perceived as a game, which usually leads to the disappearance of respect for each other. It may seem that in love there should be no etiquette, because it is spontaneous. But this is not entirely true. If you perceive the rules of communication as some framework and limitations, then the meaning of their existence remains in question. However, the basis for the emergence of etiquette lies in the desire to show respect for the partner and protect him from negative emotions, and in this case he refuses very much even necessary and useful. The male and female roles are inherently cardinally different from each other. The girl is associated with tenderness, meekness, wisdom, mystery and support. Men are characterized by strength, courage, activity and success. On the basis of these simple laws, love relationships develop. How can a girl understand that the relationship between you is developing in the right direction? A man almost always shows perseverance in the matter of communication with a woman. He calls, he writes esemesques and always agrees himself about the next meeting. There are, of course, rare exceptions, when a guy shows shyness, but it quickly passes. If the activity is constantly showing you, then it signals a lack of strong sympathy on his part. Men do not like to show romanticism and tenderness - except when they are in love. That is why the most vivid sign of a positive attitude will be expressive views in your address, unwillingness to end communication, as well as minor offenses if you behave detached. The girl must support the love of a man with all sorts of tricks and signs. Sincere embarrassment and shyness miraculously "shade" femininity. To show the man his sympathy, the girl tries to look "a million" at each meeting. And, of course, she responds to everything that the partner offers: he listens with interest to his stories, admires achievements and shares his indignation over the unpleasant aspects of life. But all this concerns the deep aspects of your relationship. There are also formal ones, describing external manners and behavior. In addition to direct relationships, there are also different situations in which you need to behave in a certain way. So, how do good-order rules sound for men and women?

    • Meeting Naturally, that love greetingis more intimate and deep than ordinary or friendly. It is also quite appropriate to walk along the street, holding hands or embracing. In this case, the man is to the left of the woman. If you slipped, then your partner should support you. If you have heavy things in your hands, he should help you carry them.
    • Car If you go anywhere by taxi, thenthe man should, having approached to the car, to open the right door behind, to let you in and only after that to sit himself. From the car, he should go first and then help you. If your man himself drives a car, he first offers you to take the front seat, and after that he sits behind the wheel.
    • Room Before entering the room, he shouldopen the door in front of you and go next. In the wardrobe, a man first needs to help undress a woman, and then take off her outer clothing. Going down the stairs, he always goes a couple of steps in front of you, and rising - behind. Of course, a well-bred man does not sit in the room before a woman.
    • Smoking It's certainly a bad habit, howevermany of us are subject to it. If a woman does not smoke, then the man should not "smoke" near her. In extreme cases, this is allowed, but only with the permission of the girl. But in this case it is better to move away from it for some distance, so as not to cause a negative reaction. If you smoke, then your partner should first offer you a cigarette and, of course, give a light.
    • Restaurant The rules of eating are easy to follow. Put the napkin on your lap (do not plug it by the collar). Do not bend over the plate - keep your back straight. Do not place elbows - they should be pressed to the sides. Bread break into small pieces and do not fill your mouth with large portions of food. The last spoon of soup and a piece of meat is better left in a plate, rather than trying to pick up. Do not eat with the tip of a spoon or with a knife. In general, it is better to make mistakes than to sit with a fireplace look, trying to avoid them. When at the end of the evening the man reaches for the account, you should offer to pay for yourself, but do not insist on it when he refuses.

    etiquette in communication

    Etiquette of communication in everyday life

    In addition to a culture of communicationsituations, there are also general rules of good taste, which are appropriate to apply in everyday life. A typical day of a modern woman includes many things: acquaintance and communication with people, going to the store, traveling in public transport, etc. ... Very cool, if you know how to behave in any situation. As for acquaintance with new people, it always begins with a presentation. And here all the same basic rules apply, which we described in part about business etiquette: the first are men or younger by age. In no event should you bring a new person to the company and leave it - they say, get acquainted yourself. It is necessary to clearly and distinctly produce his name and surname, adding to them a brief verbal description, adequate to the situation. For example: "Masha Ivanova, manager of the company" Sunny "or" Ira Petrova, the chief snowboarder among my friends. " If you want to make a pleasant impression, then communication should begin with a smile. A natural continuation of any acquaintance is a conversation, and here there are some subtleties. First of all, note that there are topics that are accepted and not accepted in the society. Among the secular areas are weather, culture, literature, family, children, work, hobbies, interesting events and travel. With rare exceptions, one should not talk about religion, politics, money, illness, grief, death and conflict. You should not ask an unfamiliar person about his age and position he holds. Indicator of intelligence is the culture of speech: in your words there should not be gross witticisms, "jargonisms," words-parasites. Anecdotes and jokes should not be "bearded," vulgar and offensive. Even if it seems to you that the interlocutor is very funny joking, do not laugh at the top of his voice, because restraint is an indicator of good breeding. Of course, you can not interrupt the partners in communication, as much as gambling would be a conversation. If you are persistently interrupted, then it's worth silencing and listening to the interlocutor-all the same, if both are said, no one will hear anything. In general, the most important thing in the conversation is respect for the partner and politeness. Periodically, each of us goes to visit his friends, and here too, has his own rules. If you are invited to someone's home, then find out when it's more convenient to come. Of course, you can not be late for more than fifteen minutes - in any case, as soon as possible, warn the owners about it. But even worse, if you promised to come and did not come. It is not customary to come to visit empty-handed - it's better to grab flowers and sweets for tea. While staying with friends, do not constantly glance at the clock - this can offend; However, you can not lose the sense of time either. If your friends have children, then you can take them to their home - otherwise it's best not to do it. Of course, guests should behave carefully and neatly: do not spoil the floor with dirty shoes, do not spoil things, do not smoke in a non-smoking company, etc. ... All of you should be easy, pleasant and comfortable, because this is an indispensable condition for friendly communication. Public transport is an integral part of the life of many of us. Entering the metro, minibus, tram or trolley bus, do not stop at the entrance, so as not to create a congestion. The exception is your exit at the next stop. If you need to get to him from the depths of the transport, then prepare for this in advance, for a couple of stops. Be sure to give place to pregnant women, passengers with children, disabled and elderly people. Bags from the shoulder should be removed, so as not to interfere with others. Behavioral rules behind the wheel are a separate topic for conversation. First of all, you must follow the rules of the road and respect other motorists - they are no worse than you, so do not actively climb ahead and "cut" the drivers. And if you were missed, then politely blink "emergency". We often complain about poor service, rudeness in shops and other public places. But the first thing to do is to be polite: let people out of the building leave the building, take turns, without trying to bypass it, control the loudness of their voice. All these simple things can greatly facilitate our lives, because if everyone thinks about others, then the world will become much better and more pleasant. We advise you to read:

