communication etiquetteDo you know how to communicate with other people?It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious: yes, of course! But it often turns out that you do not even know about the mistakes you make in communication. Because of this, difficulties, misunderstandings may arise and, as a result, the effectiveness of interaction with other people is low. Of course, it is better to learn the rules of communication in childhood, when a person, like a sponge, absorbs all the norms from the external environment. Unfortunately, the child's parents are not always experts in social norms and can raise a child correctly. And this is sad, because it is easier for a well-mannered person to live in society, since he easily follows the rules of behavior in any team. He makes a good impression on people, achieves success in interpersonal relationships, and this in the modern world is the key to a successful career. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of communication in various life situations.

Etiquette of communication at work

As you know, every sphere of life has its ownfeatures - communication etiquette differs in its various aspects in the same way. Rules of behavior and interaction of people in the workplace are of great importance in the professional environment. Even the success of major negotiations, not to mention less significant projects, may depend on them. In addition, communication etiquette allows you to save time and effort associated with thinking about your line of behavior, because there are rules that have long been written down what needs to be done. The main postulates on which business communication should be built look something like this:

  • Punctuality.There is no greater sin for a businessman than not being able to arrive on time to work or to an important meeting. No one likes to wait - especially in business. Therefore, never be late for work and anywhere where your punctuality is important.
  • Restraint.There is no place for emotional outbursts at work, which is sometimes especially difficult for women to accept. Judge for yourself what would happen if, during a business interaction, an employee suddenly started crying or yelling at you because of his own problems. Surely, you would feel uneasy.
  • Politeness and tact. A good attitude towards a person can work miracles. Of course, you do not have to love your colleagues and clients, but demonstrating a positive attitude to communication usually increases the effectiveness of your work activity several times.
  • The rules of business communication include the following:Things like good manners, the art of the correct handshake, the order of greetings, etc. … How does each of your working days begin? With a meeting with colleagues. Don’t forget to greet everyone — it’s enough to say hello once a day. A handshake is a gesture that is quite common in the business life of a modern person, so you should master it perfectly. People shake hands when greeting, getting acquainted, congratulating and in other situations. An older person extends their hand first to a younger person, a woman to a man, a boss to a subordinate. If several people greet each other at the same time, you should avoid a situation of “crossing” handshakes: in this case, women extend their hands to each other first, and then men. You should offer your right hand, and use your left hand only in exceptional cases. The gesture should be decisive and relaxed. Shake the offered hand, clasping it with all your fingers. A handshake may be performed with gloves only if both people are wearing them. A business meeting involves exchanging business cards, which must be properly designed. The name, surname, company name, position and contact details of the card holder must be written in a legible font. The back of the business card must be left blank - for notes. If your activities involve contact with partners from abroad, it is better to order separate business cards in two languages. The rules for exchanging business cards are the opposite of the rules for handshakes: a man gives the card to a woman first, an older person to a younger person. There are many other aspects of business etiquette worth considering. In particular, a person's appearance must correspond to the dress code of the company or the meeting situation. The most common suit is gray, blue or brown. Men should wear a tie, and women - tights, in any weather. Expensive and flashy jewelry is not welcome. A man should be clean-shaven. Women are required to wear a strict hairstyle, loose hair - bad manners. Of course, it is impossible to cover all situations and aspects of business communication. Protocol issues for receiving business partners, rules of communication during a business dinner, classification of receptions, rituals related to alcohol consumption, manners of a manager and subordinate - all these areas are full of tiny nuances that are quite difficult to remember. We recommend that you study these details when similar situations arise in your professional life (it is almost always possible to find fifteen minutes to search for and read information). And in ordinary working life, use the rule that respect for the people around you should always be at the forefront.etiquette of communication with people

    Etiquette of communication between a man and a woman

    The feeling of love that arises between a man andwoman, beautiful and amazing. Only on its basis is it possible to build close and trusting relationships between partners. Unfortunately, in the modern world, these relationships are often perceived as a game, which usually leads to the disappearance of respect for each other. It may seem that there should be no etiquette in love, because it is spontaneous. But this is not entirely true. If you perceive the rules of communication as some framework and restrictions, then the meaning of their existence remains questionable. However, the basis for the emergence of etiquette is the desire to show respect for the partner and protect him from negative emotions, and in this case, he refuses to be very necessary and useful. Male and female roles are fundamentally different from each other. A girl is associated with tenderness, meekness, wisdom, mystery and support. Men are characterized by strength, courage, activity and success. Love relationships develop on the basis of these simple laws. How can a girl understand that the relationship between you is developing in the right direction? A man almost always shows persistence in the matter of communicating with a woman. He calls, writes text messages and always arranges the next meeting himself. There are, of course, rare exceptions when a guy shows shyness, but it passes rather quickly. If you are the one who is constantly active, then this signals the lack of strong sympathy on his part. Men do not like to show romanticism and tenderness - except when they are in love. That is why the most striking sign of a positive attitude will be expressive glances in your direction, unwillingness to end the conversation, as well as minor grievances if you behave aloofly. A girl should support a man's love with the help of all sorts of tricks and signs. Sincere embarrassment and shyness wonderfully "shade" femininity. To show a man her sympathy, a girl tries to look "like a million" at every meeting. And, of course, she responds to everything that her partner offers: she listens with interest to his stories, admires his achievements and shares his indignation about the unpleasant aspects of life. But all this concerns the deep aspects of your relationship. There are also formal ones, describing external manners and behavior. In addition to direct relationships, there are also different situations in which you need to behave in a certain way. So, what are the rules of good manners for men and women?

    • Meeting Naturally, a loving greetingis more intimate and profound than a regular or friendly one. It is also quite appropriate to walk down the street holding hands or hugging. The man is on the left side of the woman. If you slip, your partner should support you. If you have heavy things in your hands, he should help you carry them.
    • Car If you are going somewhere by taxi, thena man should approach the car, open the right door from the back, let you in and only then get in himself. He should get out of the car first and only then help you. If your man drives the car himself, he should first offer you the front seat and only then get behind the wheel.
    • Premises Before entering the premises he shouldopen the door for you and follow you in. In the cloakroom, a man should first help a woman undress, and only then take off his own outerwear. When going down the stairs, he always walks a couple of steps ahead of you, and when going up - behind you. Of course, a well-mannered man does not sit down in a room before a woman.
    • Smoking is certainly a bad habit, howevermany of us are subject to it. If a woman does not smoke, then a man should not "smoke" near her. In extreme cases, this is allowed, but only with the girl's permission. But even in this case, it is better to move away from her at some distance, so as not to cause a negative reaction. If you smoke, then your partner should first offer you a cigarette and, of course, give you a light.
    • Restaurant The rules for eating are not difficult to follow.Place your napkin on your lap (don't tuck it into your collar). Don't bend over your plate - keep your back straight. Don't let your elbows hang out - they should be pressed to your sides. Break your bread into small pieces and don't stuff your mouth with large portions of food. It's better to leave the last spoonful of soup and piece of meat in your plate rather than try to scoop it up. Don't eat from the tip of a spoon or knife. In general, it's better to make mistakes than to sit there with a fireplace-like look on your face trying to avoid them. When a man reaches for the bill at the end of the evening, you should offer to pay for yourself, but don't insist on it when he refuses.

    etiquette in communication

    Etiquette of communication in everyday life

    In addition to the culture of communication concerning variousситуаций, есть еще и общие правила хорошего тона, которые уместно применять в обыденной жизни. Типичный день современной женщины включает в себя множество вещей: знакомство и общение с людьми, поход в магазин, поездку в общественном транспорте и т.д. … Очень здорово, если вы знаете, как себя вести в любой ситуации. Что касается знакомства с новыми людьми, то оно всегда начинается с представления. И здесь действуют все те же основные правила, которые мы описали в части про деловой этикет: первыми представляются мужчины или младшие по возрасту. Ни в коем случае нельзя приводить нового человека в компанию и оставлять его — мол, знакомьтесь сами. Необходимо четко и внятно произвести его имя и фамилию, добавив к ним краткую словесную характеристику, адекватную ситуации. Например: “Маша Иванова, менеджер компании “Солнышко” или “Ира Петрова, главный сноубордист среди моих друзей”.  Если вы хотите произвести приятное впечатление, то общение следует начать с улыбки. Закономерным продолжением любого знакомства является беседа, и здесь есть свои тонкости. В первую очередь учтите, что есть темы, на которые принято и не принято разговаривать в обществе. К числу светских областей относятся погода, культура, литература, семья, дети, работа, хобби, интересные события и путешествия. За редким исключением не следует говорить о религии, политике, деньгах, болезнях, горе, смерти и конфликтах. Не следует спрашивать у малознакомого человека о его возрасте и занимаемой им должности. Показателем интеллигентности является культура речи: в ваших словах не должно быть грубых острот, “жаргонизмов”, слов-паразитов. Анекдоты и шутки не должны быть “бородатыми”, пошлыми и оскорбительными. Даже если вам кажется, что собеседник уж очень смешно пошутил, не стоит смеяться во весь голос, ведь сдержанность — показатель воспитанности. Разумеется, нельзя перебивать партнеров по общению, насколько азартной ни была бы беседа. Если же вас настойчиво перебивают, то стоит замолчать и выслушать собеседника — все равно, если говорят оба, никто ничего не услышит. А вообще, самое главное в беседе — это уважение к партнеру и вежливость. Периодически каждая из нас ходит в гости к своим друзьям, и здесь тоже есть свои правила. Если вас пригласили к кому-то домой, то узнайте, когда удобнее приходить. Разумеется, нельзя опаздывать более чем на пятнадцать минут — в любом случае стоит как можно раньше предупредить об этом хозяев. Но еще хуже, если вы обещали прийти и не пришли. Не принято приходить в гости с пустыми руками — лучше захватить цветы и конфеты к чаю. Во время нахождения у друзей не стоит постоянно поглядывать на часы — это может обидеть; однако и терять чувство времени тоже нельзя. Если у ваших знакомых есть дети, то вы можете взять своих к ним домой — в противном случае этого лучше не делать. Конечно, в гостях следует вести себя аккуратно и опрятно: не пачкать пол грязной обувью, не портить вещи, не курить в некурящей компании и т.д. … Вам всем должно быть легко, приятно и комфортно, ведь это – непременное условие дружеского общения. Общественный транспорт — это неотъемлемая часть жизни многих из нас. Войдя в метро, маршрутку, трамвай или троллейбус, не останавливайтесь у входа, чтобы не создавать столпотворения. Исключением является ваш выход на следующей остановке. Если вам нужно пробираться к нему из глубины транспорта, то подготовьтесь к этому заранее, за пару остановок. Обязательно уступайте места беременным женщинам, пассажирам с детьми, инвалидам и пожилым людям. Сумки с плеча следует убирать, для того чтобы не мешать другим. Нормы поведения за рулем — отдельная тема для разговора. В первую очередь следует соблюдать правила дорожного движения и уважать других автолюбителей — они ничем не хуже вас, поэтому не стоит активно лезть вперед и «подрезать» водителей. А если вас пропустили, то вежливо моргните “аварийкой». Мы часто жалуемся на плохое обслуживание, грубость в магазинах и других общественных местах. Но первым делом нужно самой быть вежливой: пропускать выходящих из здания людей, занимать очередь, не пытаясь ее обойти, контролировать громкость своего голоса. Все эти простые вещи способны существенно облегчить нам жизнь, ведь если каждый будет думать о других, то мир станет значительно лучше и приятнее. Советуем почитать:

