Our body can get tired, malfunction andfeel bad. And the female organism is so complex in its balance that any, even the most insignificant violation can lead to sad consequences. A dangerous condition of the female reproductive system – ovarian dysfunction increasingly accompanies our women. This concept implies any violation in the normal functioning of the ovaries. An imbalance in the hormonal system can provoke various disorders and malfunctions in the normal functioning of the body, and also give impetus to the appearance of ovarian dysfunction. This is not considered a disease, while it is only an incorrect functioning of the organs and a borderline condition that can precede various dangerous diseases.
Symptoms of ovarian dysfunction
- Ovarian failure. This, first of all, changes the monthly cycle. Increase the interval of usual time (more than 35 days), or a rough decrease and frequent erratic menstruation (a cycle of less than 20 days). While the normal cycle of menstruation lasts from 20 to 35 days with a bleeding from 3 to 7 days. Any deviation from the norm is a sign of dysfunction of the ovaries.
- The appearance of uterine bleeding. To suspect a uterine bleeding it is possible, if plentiful menses go more than weeks. Normally, blood loss during this period should be 100-150 ml.
- Amenorrhea (delay in menstruation for more than six months). The reason for such a prolonged absence of menstruation is obvious ovarian dysfunction.
- Unintention of pregnancy or established infertility. The body is not capable of giving an opportunity to ripen ovules with dysfunction of the ovaries.
- The presence of pain syndromes. Cramping or blunt pain in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen. When there is dysfunction of the ovaries, the symptoms of pain are sometimes so strong and sharp that they grab the entire abdomen.
- The general depressed state of the body before the onset of menstruation. The appearance of unusual reactions: tearfulness, irritability or vice versa, lethargy and apathy.
- Constant weakness, dizziness, anemia (low hemoglobin in the blood), decreased appetite - with dysfunction of the ovaries such symptoms are also not uncommon.
Nature has laid down strict rules for the monthly cycle.cycle and any deviation from the average norm is a clear reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Dysfunction of the ovaries is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences.
What can this lead to?
Causes of abnormal ovarian function
All causes of ovarian dysfunction are various factors that lead to abnormal hormonal functioning of the reproductive system and severe disruption of the menstrual cycle.
- Various inflammatory processes in themselvesovaries (oophoritis), in the uterus (endometritis, cervicitis) and appendages (adnexitis, salpingoophoritis) can cause ovarian dysfunction. These diseases arise from poor hygiene of the genitals, hypothermia or colds.
- Presence of diabetes mellitus, problems with the adrenal and thyroid gland. Dysfunction of the ovaries can follow as a result of the already broken hormonal balance of the body.
- Prolonged stressful situations, nervous exhaustion and overload.
- Multiple abortions and miscarriages are the causedysfunction of the ovaries. Especially abortion is dangerous at the first pregnancy. There is a sharp and rough interruption of the body's functions, which is tuned for pregnancy. As a rule - the first abortion leads to the appearance of dysfunction of the ovaries and often to infertility.
- Incorrect position of the spiral in the uterus. The installation of an intrauterine contraceptive requires careful examination before and after the preventive examinations. Otherwise this is the direct route to ovarian dysfunction.
- Sharp climate change with a general weakening of the body, radiation damage.
- The intake of certain medicines, as side effects, can cause disturbances in the hormonal system of the body.
- Dysfunction of the ovaries can be a consequence of some inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes or nearby organs.
- Congenital malformations of the ovary itself.
Examination and diagnosis
Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian dysfunctionis performed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. If there is a suspicion of this process, you will be prescribed an ultrasound examination of the adrenal glands, pelvic organs and thyroid gland. To diagnose ovarian dysfunction, they will take a smear from you for flora and for the possible presence of sexually transmitted infections. You will also take a blood and urine test for hormone levels. They will conduct an X-ray of the skull and a computed tomography (the pituitary gland will be examined for possible damage). Dysfunction of the ovaries is diagnosed by electroencephalography (a study of the brain to identify possible pathological changes) and hysteroscopy (examination of pieces of the uterine mucosa). We have provided an overview and possible examination scheme. Diagnosis and examination of a woman for ovarian dysfunction is determined individually and may vary depending on a specific case.
Treatment of hormonal disorders of the ovaries
Treatment of this condition can be done both on an outpatient basis (in mild cases) and in a hospital. Comprehensive measures for the treatment of ovarian dysfunction are aimed at the following goals:
Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to havechildren after treatment. Of course, it is possible and necessary. After completing a course of therapy and restoring the menstrual cycle, your body is ready for conception. Ovarian dysfunction is successfully treated. On average, the body is ready for pregnancy within six months after the complete restoration of the menstrual cycle and regular ovulation. We recommend reading: