duck with apples in the sleeve Duck baked in a sleeve with sweet and sourapples, - an ideal option for a festive dinner or dinner. If it is properly cooked, picking up a good recipe for this, then the dish will turn out to be incredibly tasty and juicy, and the meat - tender, with a delicious ruddy crust. The bird is quite fat, so you can not eat too much of it, of course. But each problem is solved, here and the duck can be perfectly stuffed with some yummy. You can stuff a carcass with rice, buckwheat porridge or just use fruits, such as prunes, apples or oranges.

Duck with potatoes and apples

Each recipe is good in its own way, so choosedish, focusing on your taste. Moreover, having practiced a little and experimenting with the ingredients for the filling - rice, buckwheat, apples and others - you will be able to determine exactly what the duck is best for, at what temperature it should be prepared in the sleeve, when you take out and thanks to which sauce you get more crispy and ruddy crust. We suggest starting right now! Ingredients:

  • two small sour apples (for example, the Antonovka brand is a good choice)
  • one and a half kilogram duck
  • 100 grams of soft prunes
  • salt - to taste
  • five large potatoes
  • 1/3 of a lemon
  • three tablespoons of honey
  • two cloves of garlic
  • condiments - if desired
  • 25 milliliters of vegetable oil

Cooking method: Duck skin is rather fat, which is good and bad at the same time. On the one hand, the dish turns out very juicy, but on the other - heavy for the stomach. That is why we suggest taking note of this recipe of dishes with apples. The fact is that in the process of cooking birds in the oven, fruit will not only absorb excess fat, but also give the carcass a spicy slightly sour taste. If desired, you can use special spices, for example, paprika, dried Provencal herbs and so on. Garnish in this case do not have to - this role will play baked potatoes. Let's get started. First you need to prepare marinade: melt the honey on the steam bath, put in it a little salt, seasonings and half a serving of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture of duck smears not only from all sides, but also inside. Leave it for a few hours, or better for the whole night. Then the carcass will perfectly soak, and the meat will be very juicy. In order for the product not to become worn, cover it with a special food film. The filling is prepared very simply: cut the sour fruits into cubes of medium size, having previously got rid of the seeds and the core. To prune softer, hold it in hot water for about fifteen minutes. Then drain off excess liquid, rinse and dry, then split with a knife into two halves, but if you want, you can use dried fruits whole. Combine the ingredients in one bowl, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and then stuff the carcass with apples and prunes. So that they do not fall out, sew a hole with threads or fasten with wooden skewers. As for garlic, then peel it from the husks and, after making several cuts, stick it into the product. Duck is cooked in the oven in the sleeve or just on a baking sheet - the recipe "allows" both options. In the second case, grease the metal surface with the remaining oil and lay a bird on it. Then heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the dish to it. Meanwhile, remove the peel from the potatoes, cut it into large pieces, sprinkle with salt and spices. After about 45 minutes, take out the product, pour the duck with the juice that has separated from it and lay the vegetables next to it. And again put it back for an hour, reducing the temperature to 180 degrees. If you decide to bake a carcass with apples and dried fruits in your sleeve, then simply place the bird in it with the potatoes and wrap it tightly. Cook in the same way as described above, just before you take out (about half an hour before), cut the bag and hold the product in the oven for a while. Thanks to these simple manipulations, a crust is formed, and the duck will turn roast and ruddy. The allocated fat can be used as a gravy - just pour it into a special saucepan and serve on the table with the main dish. By the way, do not forget to get rid of threads and skewers. We hope this recipe is useful to you! duck in the sleeve with apples

Duck with fruit

If you do not know which recipe for a "fruit" duckbetter - for example, stuffed prunes with apples or with oranges - we recommend you try both. In this case, you can judge objectively. The baked bird looks great on the festive table and is always popular with the guests. On the side dish you can cook boiled rice with vegetables, mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge, depending on what event you are going to. Ingredients:

  • large orange
  • duck (buy a carcass weighing one and a half to two kilograms)
  • two sweet apples
  • three small garlic cloves (you can use the dried product)
  • salt
  • 30 grams of olive oil or other vegetable oil
  • ground red and black peppers
  • basil - if desired

Cooking method: If you value your time and energy, we recommend buying already plucked and completely gutted duck - then you do not have to do it yourself. Will only sing it, wash it and dry it (use ordinary paper towels for this). The next stage of cooking dishes with apples is marinade. To make it, combine in one bowl the vegetable oil, here squeeze with the help of the press garlic. Enter dried spices - paprika or black pepper, basil, salt - and mix everything thoroughly. If you use fresh herbs, grind them well with hands, and then grind them with a mortar. Peel the orange into four pieces, squeezing a little juice into the sauce. Let him brew. Now, with the marinade, chop the duck from the outside and inside - this will not only give the dish an unusual taste, but also give it a beautiful golden hue. If time permits, remove the bird in the fridge for one to two hours to soak it. Then, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and then fill it yourself. Wash the apples from the peel and remove the core, chopping them in large pieces. In the same way, divide the remaining orange. It remains to stuff the bird with fruit and sew a hole. If you plan to bake the product in the sleeve, put a carcass in it, cover with clips and send it to the oven. Depending on the weight the duck prepares on the average from one and a half to two hours. If a dish you like, next time you can try to cook it using another marinade recipe. You will see how much the taste of the product will differ. So, mix 30 grams of light mayonnaise, a tablespoon of fragrant honey and a bit of sharp mustard. If desired, type your favorite fresh or dried spices. By the way, mayonnaise is better not to take store, but own preparation. It will require one egg, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, as well as table vinegar or water, which are added only if it is necessary to dilute too thick a mass. Whip the ingredients with a whisk, and then you can make a marinade for a duck with red apples, the recipe of which you already know. duck baked in a sleeve with apples

Bird with rice and apples "in Russian"

Finally, we offer one more recipe thatYou can try out on the next weekend. After cooking duck takes quite a long time - about two hours. But the spent effort is worth it! Delicate bird with rice, vegetables and green apples has a truly perfect taste - only one kind of food causes a storm of positive emotions. The reaction of your relatives will pleasantly surprise you - for sure you will be known as an outstanding culinary specialist. Ingredients:

  • curry and salt
  • one middle duck
  • four green sour apples
  • three bell peppers
  • two small bulbs
  • one and a half cup of rice
  • fresh greens
  • olive oil

Cooking method: Remove from the previously plucked duck offal, then from them you can make a delicious light soup with noodles. But about this another time, now back to our meat dish. So, after you rinse the carcass, it is good to dry it, and pour the rice in advance with water and leave for one or two hours. Then he "comes" with the bird right in the oven. Now you need to prepare the filling: cut out the core from the apples, get rid of the stones and chop the fruit in small cubes. Pepper peel from seeds and cut into thin strips, onion - semirings. The whole vegetable is lightly browned in olive oil until light golden in color. Take the bird and grate it first from above, and then inside with a mixture of table salt, ground pepper and curry. By the way, if there are edible duck "remnants" - lungs or liver - you can use them for the filling. For its preparation, combine in one bowl apples and finely chopped greens, leaving a piece for decoration. Now stuff the product, fix the hole with toothpicks and place the dish on a greased baking sheet or in glass heat-resistant dishes. As for rice, after it swells, wash it several times, let it drain, and then send it to the duck, spread it around the product. Add the fried onion and bell pepper. Pour all the salted water (take 1/3 cup) and cover with foil. To bake a dish in the sleeve, put all the ingredients together with the bird, fixing with clips, put it in a preheated oven. The optimum temperature is 190-200 degrees. In two hours the duck will be ready! These recipes are suitable for special occasions (celebrating a birthday, Christmas or, for example, the eighth of March with a large number of guests), and for dinner in a close family circle. The only drawback of the baked duck can be called a rather long cooking time. But do not let this frighten you! After all, an appetizing ruddy bird with apples is a real perfection, accessible to everyone! We advise you to read:

