duck with apples in foil If you are going to have a party with a bigthe number of guests, in the first place it is necessary to take care of the preparation of the festive menu. Naturally, it will not do without light snacks - sandwiches, canapés, meat and cheese slices. Offer guests several types of salads, and on hot serve a duck with apples. We will share simple recipes of the original dish, which will suit absolutely for any occasion, whether it's Birthday, New Year, Christmas or another celebration.

Duck stuffed with sour apples

Duck on this recipe is stuffed with sourapples and is cooked in foil. The dish is baked in the oven for a long time - one and a half to two hours - but it is because of this that the meat turns out to be very tender, soft and juicy. Your efforts will not be spent in vain, because such a dish is sure to please the guests. Ingredients:

  • one big duck (take a two kilogram carcass)
  • half a kilogram of sour apples
  • Freshly ground black pepper - for your taste
  • salt
  • condiments - if desired

Cooking method: We recommend using already prepared carcass, that is, plucked and gutted, because this will save your time and energy. So, at first the duck is washed under the tap and well dried. Then it must be rubbed with table salt, black pepper, and seasoning. You can use special spices, which are sold by weight in many supermarkets. If you want to give the dish spiciness, crush a few garlic cloves, mix them with salt and treat this compound with a bird. We turn to the preparation of the filling: the washed apples cut into not too large cubes. We will give advice to the mistresses who use sweet fruit: sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice. Also, there is another option: you can add 100 milliliters of cranberry juice to the filling. Now turn the oven on (about 160 degrees), and stuff the bird and sew a hole with threads or fasten with wooden skewers. As mentioned in the beginning, the duck is baked in foil, so wrap it and place it in the oven for at least an hour and a half. After the specified time, unfold the foil, pour the bird with the liberated fat and increase the temperature to 180 degrees. After half an hour, take out the ruddy product and cover it on the table for the arrival of guests. In order not to spend too much time preparing garnishes, when you unfold the foil, put the chopped slices to the bird, greased with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and spices potatoes. Duck with sour apples is cut beforehand into portions and served in a large deep dish. For beauty, you can add fresh greens, only pre-chop it with a knife as small as possible. delicious duck with apples in foil

Musky duck with spices stuffed with apples

Indotka, or, as it is also called, muskduck, has a low-fat tender meat, which is slightly different to taste from other breeds of birds. We offer stuffing her with juicy apples and bake in foil. This dish will pleasantly surprise your loved ones and diversify the usual menu. Ingredients:

  • one duck
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste
  • four grams of cardamom
  • half a tablespoon of fragrant rosemary
  • ten milliliters of olive oil
  • three medium-sized apples of Simirenko (if desired, you can take fruits of another variety)

Cooking method: Before cooking, be sure to thoroughly rinse under the running water gutted and plucked poultry and allow it to drain. Then pour olive oil into the small bowl, pour out the salt, cardamom, black ground pepper, and also rosemary. Mix well the sauce and process the duck from the outer and inner sides. It's time to tackle the stuffing: remove the core from Simirenko's apples and cut into cubes. You, depending on the size of the fruit, may need from three to five of their pieces. Now stuff the bird with apples and fix the hole with special wooden sticks or sew it with threads. Just before serving, do not forget to cut them. Foil divide into three parts, the length of each should be about 60 centimeters. Lay them crosswise in a heat-resistant baking dish and drip some oil, spreading it with your hands over the entire surface of the foil. Now put the duck here and pour the boiled water, so that from the bottom it covers the dishes with only two fingers. After the oven is warmed up to 180 degrees, hermetically, applying one layer of foil on the other, completely cover it with a bird. The duck is prepared for an hour and a half, then it is poured with juice, which it secrete during baking, and again languishes for about 30-40 minutes. The dish is served with a side dish: you can boil rice, make mashed potatoes or light vegetable salad. Tender musk duck meat is very useful, lean and perfect for both an adult and a child. Now you also know this recipe - there will be an opportunity, be sure to please your family with an appetizing dish! duck with apples in foil in the oven

Duck with sweet apples in wine

In the arsenal of each hostess should be at leastone win-win recipe for a festive dish. This is what we are now sharing. Duck, baked with apples in foil under wine-honey sauce, turns out to be incredibly tender and very tasty. With such a meal, your solemn menu will certainly be welcomed by the guests to "cheers". All will remain satisfied - believe me and check in practice. Preparation of a dish is not at all complicated, does not require special culinary talent. True, it takes quite a long time - the bird is baked for two hours. Ingredients:

  • some sugar
  • two-kilogram duck - one piece (buy already plucked and gutted bird)
  • Salt and ground pepper (black) - to taste
  • 50 grams of butter
  • three teaspoons melted golden honey
  • a glass of dry wine (use only red)
  • one kilogram of sweet apples

Cooking method: To begin with, we suggest you to dress in sauce. To do this, pour the red wine into the heated sauté pan, after a couple of minutes, add honey and cook with constant stirring. To ensure that the dish does not "run away", turn the cooking zone to minimum; when the volume of the liquid is reduced by about half, add the butter cut into pieces and wait for it to melt. Stir the product several times and remove it from the plate. Now to your taste, salt, lightly pepper, you can enter any fragrant spices. For this, the best is rosemary, cardamom or cumin. Note that the butter can be melted beforehand - then the sauce will come out more homogeneous and you will not have to wait until the cream product itself melts. Set aside the wine-honey mixture, so that it cools down, and take care of the filling yourself. Half of the washed apples cut into four equal parts, removing the middle. Then put them in a deep bowl and pour ½ of the finished sauce, mixing everything thoroughly. Now rinse the duck and after it dries well, scorch with the lighter. Lubricate the carcass with spices and salt inside, and then outside. Start the bird with apples, having sealed the cut with skewers or sewing it with threads. Lubricate the duck sauce from all sides and wrap in foil, adding water (enough 50 milliliters). By the way, a little wine nectar should be poured for further preparation. The dish is baked in the oven at 200 degrees. While the bird is browned, carefully remove the remaining fruits from the remaining fruits, so as not to damage them, take out the core, and pour in half a teaspoon of granulated sugar. When an hour and a half has passed since the duck was sent to the oven, pour the remains of wine on the baking sheet with the bird and lay the apples with sugar upwards. After seven to ten minutes you can take the product out of the oven. Appetizing duck is ready for use! The liquid remaining on the baking sheet is recommended to pour into a small saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. The resulting sauce is served as a sauce to the bird. Bon Appetit!

Golden duck with apples, cinnamon and mayonnaise

Have decided to surprise the lover with a romantic dinner? Then put aside the recipes of the usual dishes. We offer to make an original dish, which is perfect for such a case. Ingredients:

  • five apples
  • duck - one piece
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication
  • spices and salt
  • half a lemon
  • cinnamon - three pinch
  • four tablespoons of delicious mayonnaise (you can replace it with sour cream)
  • apple or table vinegar - for marinating
  • several laurel leaves

Cooking method: If you use poultry, we advise you to hold it for several hours in the marinade. Then the meat will be more tender and appetizing. So, after gutting the bird, take out the fat from it, then burn it, rinse it and dry it. Now transfer to a large saucepan, pour boiled, but not hot water, salt, add bay leaf, salt, as well as black ground pepper and vinegar. The finished mixture should have a slightly sour taste. Duck marinated from two to six hours. In order not to lose time, pre-warm the oven in advance, and cut each fruit into thin slices. Sprinkle some apples and sprinkle them with cinnamon. As for the lemon, it should also be divided into small pieces. Now chicken the bird with mayonnaise both inside and outside. To ensure that the meat was not fresh, mix the salt with your favorite seasonings and treat the bird. Then stuff her with fruit and make a hole with threads. On the baking sheet, put the foil, greasing it with a small amount of vegetable oil, and on top - a duck. Send the product to the oven, warming it up to 180 degrees. After an hour and a half, take out the dish, open it, pour it abundantly with the juice and hold it in the oven for about 30 minutes. We told you a recipe for a simple marinade, but if you want to coarse, you can make it in another way. To do this, you need the following set of products: olive oil, three cloves of garlic, one small orange, ground red and black peppers and, of course, table salt. At first, pour the oil into the bowl, then pour the seasonings into it, lightly salt, enter the garlic crushed with the help of the press and mix well. Then cut into four pieces an orange and squeeze the juice directly into the marinade. The mixture should be infused for about ten minutes, and after that you can treat it to a bird. To properly marinate the duck, grate it with the olive-orange product, put it in a bag and tightly wrap it. After two hours, bake the product, pre-filling it with fruit. As you can see, all the recipes are very simple, so the bird can be cooked every day. Tender meat combined with a side dish - potatoes, buckwheat or rice - will be an excellent dinner for the whole family. We advise you to read:

