A more resilient plant than Dracaena Sanderiana, youhave hardly ever met. And indeed, even the laziest housewife can grow this herbaceous plant beautifully and for a long time! In principle, the entire genus Dracaena is considered to be unpretentious plants, but the advantage of the Sanderiana species is that it can easily grow in water. More and more often you can see Sander's dracaena in offices and utility rooms. Straight green stems stand on tables in transparent cups of water, and only the shaggy feathers of the tops eloquently say that they are alive and well. And, what is important, caring for it in the workplace does not take much time. The second name of the bamboo-like Sander's dracaena sounds like Lucky Bamboo, translated from English it means "lucky bamboo" or "bamboo of happiness". Most likely, this meaning was borrowed from China, because it is according to Feng Shui that Dracaena Sanderiana is believed to bring happiness and good luck to the home. Thus, the followers of the wise teaching influenced the widespread distribution of the southern plant throughout Europe, and not only. You will be interested in another interesting fact. It turns out that Dracaena Sanderiana is often used in compositional bouquets. And such a bouquet is given mainly to men! Yes, yes! Since ancient times, bamboo has been the embodiment of strength and endurance, will and determination. Although it must be admitted that this cultivated species has nothing to do with bamboo. Growing up, Dracaena becomes more like a palm tree. Its leaves reach twenty centimeters in length and have a variegated color. Some connoisseurs of beauty prefer to admire thin trunks, artificially curved into spiral shapes. To achieve this effect, you will have to mercilessly get rid of the leaves. On the other hand, caring for a bare trunk is even easier.
Care and maintenance
No matter how lucky the "lucky bamboo" isand tenacious, but without your care, instead of fortune, you will be accompanied only by a lonely protruding trunk, which over time will turn into a rotten stick. Therefore, we suggest you "run through" the most significant moments of the favorable content of Dracaena Sander:
- Water
Let's immediately focus on the most important condition:What is the optimal content - in water or in soil? Here the choice is yours, we will give only a few recommendations. When growing Dracaena Sanderiana in water, it is necessary to change the liquid every two weeks. The water must be chlorine-free, for this it is necessary to settle it for 24 hours. The disadvantage of such content is the deficiency of microelements in the water, to which the "lucky bamboo" reacts by yellowing of the leaves. Some professionals are categorically against adding fertilizer directly to the water, while another part of gardeners, on the contrary, considers this the only way out of the situation. Another warning when growing Dracaena in water: the liquid level should not be higher than the root system by more than a couple of centimeters. Otherwise, the process of rotting of the trunk itself is possible, and this disease cannot be cured by anything.
- Priming
Traditional pot growing of courseDracaena Sanderiana is less troublesome, and this process can be compared to a canvas for creativity, which you can dispose of at your own discretion and inspiration. You can plant several columns at once, creating a cascade composition, you can grow straight or twisted trunks. In the latter case, special tubes or rigid wire are used. Particularly sophisticated amateurs even braid bamboo trunks into fancy "braids". In any case, you will not remain indifferent to such a miracle of nature. When choosing a pot, pay attention to the presence of a drainage hole. Be especially sensitive to the selection of the drainage itself, or better yet, lay the bottom of the pot with stones mixed with expanded clay. Add brick chips, sand and granules to the soil - all this will create ventilation in the soil. It is best to buy soil in a specialized garden store.
- Lighting
Here everything is very simple: Dracaena Sanderiana loves bright rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. And this is understandable: burns spoil the appearance and, in addition, dehydrate the soft tissues of the plant.
- Temperature
The temperature range is quite wide:from +18 to +35 degrees. Therefore, there is no need to create a special environment for dracaena. The room temperature in most countries meets the necessary requirements both in winter and in summer.
- Humidity
Dry air in apartments does not present anyproblems. Dracaena Sanderiana easily tolerates all possible cataclysms associated with changes in humidity in the apartment. And it is not even recommended to spray the plant, you can only wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
- Watering
"Lucky bamboo" should be watered as needed, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. Therefore, the difference from watering other types of dracaena is in the increased volume of water.
- Reproduction
This process is very simple and does notwill require huge expenses from you. There are two types of propagation of Dracaena Sanderiana: apical cuttings and stem segments. To do this, simply place the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear. By the way, you can get several shoots from one large stem. If you want to admire only the bare stems, then you will have to gradually pinch off the newly growing leaves. And you can give the stems the desired shape using spiral tubes.
- Transplantation and top dressing
To renew depleted soil, bambooIt is recommended to replant once a year, in spring. It is best to buy the necessary substrate ready-made in a specialized garden store. And the flower must be fed throughout the year with fertilizers intended for Dracaena. The growing dracaena must be replanted in a more capacious pot, preferably narrow and deep.
- Diseases and pests
With more or less optimal content of dracaenaSandera is almost never sick. Only in the case of a dense crown can it be attacked by such small pests as scale insects or spider mites. But with timely treatment and further preventive measures, this attack will have almost no effect on the appearance of the dracaena. From time to time, look under the leaves, sniff the soil and do not place the dracaena next to sick flowers. If you find small jumping insects on the soil or black dots on the inside of the leaves, then immediately treat the leaves with a soap solution, and if necessary, replace the soil in the pot. The procedure of wiping the leaves must be repeated two or three more times every four to five days. Another possible and frequent attack is trunk rot. As a rule, this phenomenon is associated with over-moistening of the soil or a high water level in the container. You can reanimate the plant by cutting off the rotting part of the stem, grabbing a little healthy tissue, and transplanting the dracaena into fresh soil or water. Review the possible causes of the disease and provide the plant with proper care in the future.
- Bloom
Unfortunately, it is difficult to make Dracaena Sanderiana bloom.almost impossible. But if you suddenly become the happy owner of a blooming dracaena, you will be able to observe a very beautiful shock of small white flowers with a soft sweet aroma.
About good
Planting several stems at oncein one container, depending on their number, will help attract happiness (if you have planted three stems), wealth (five stems), health (seven stems), and general well-being (twenty-one stems). And twenty twisted stems connected together, according to Chinese women, are nothing more than a "tower of love". This is the most spiritually valuable gift, symbolizing true friendship and compassion. In conclusion, we would like to note that the absolutely unpretentious Sander's dracaena still expects your attention and will happily respond to the care and spiritual care shown. Having first appeared in your home, it will forever remain in your heart!