One of the most common femaleailments is candidiasis. People call this misfortune thrush. Let's be honest, this disease is not one of the most pleasant. The disease received this name because of the most pronounced symptom - white curdy discharge from the vagina.
What is thrush: diagnosis of the disease
Any representative of the fair sex,Having faced this problem, you know how much it poisons your life, manifesting itself in the form of discharge, itching, discomfort. The cause of thrush is Candida fungi, which, as you should know, are opportunistic flora present on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, genitals, and intestines. Yeast-like fungi can be found in almost any person if you take a smear from the mucous membrane, but normally their number is insignificant and does not cause disease. A provoking factor that stimulates the growth of fungi and the manifestation of disease symptoms is a decrease in immunity. Dysfunction of the immune system is usually observed after acute respiratory infections, long-term treatment with antibiotics, and long-term diseases that deplete the body.
Treatment of thrush: how to get rid of candidiasis
The unpleasant feature of thrush is thatIt is almost impossible to completely cure it. It is only possible to achieve a stable remission of the disease. The range of drugs offered by pharmaceutical companies is quite wide today. It should not be forgotten that treatment of thrush should be prescribed by a gynecologist. The diagnosis is made only after passing the necessary tests (blood is taken, a smear is made, etc.). Treatment, as a rule, consists of taking antifungal tablets, suppositories containing Ketoconazole are used locally. Douching for thrush can be an addition to the prescribed treatment, but you should first consult with your gynecologist. Today, many doctors are moving away from the practice of douching, since this procedure, along with the pathogenic microflora, also washes out the normal one.
How to do syringing at home
In case of vaginal candidiasis you can dodouching with soda, chamomile, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil. The above substances have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, relieve swelling, itching, irritation. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour chamomile (2 tbsp) with water (1 l), bring to a boil in a steam bath. This decoction is used for douching in a cooled form, its temperature should be slightly above room temperature. This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women, in the first weeks after childbirth, as well as in acute inflammatory processes in the genitals. Such manipulations with chlorhexidine are not the most reliable method, and sometimes even dangerous, since there are known cases of severe allergies to this drug. Douching for thrush with hydrogen peroxide is also a procedure that has already been abandoned throughout the civilized world. Careless use of hydrogen peroxide can cause severe burns of the mucous membrane and destroy normal microflora. Tea tree oil has a strong anti-inflammatory property, so it is often recommended to combat this problem. Douching with soda for candidiasis relieves itching and eliminates discharge, and most importantly, it destroys the structure of the fungus that causes the disease. On the other hand, there is an opinion that soda has an adverse effect on the vaginal microflora of a woman, thereby disrupting the acid-base balance. If douching with soda is prescribed, then it is necessary to properly prepare a medicinal solution. To do this, one teaspoon of soda should be diluted in a liter of warm water, and then stirred until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Such procedures can be done using Esmarch's mug or a gynecological syringe. It is necessary to choose a comfortable position, for example, lying in the bath, spread your legs, bend at the knees, put a vessel under the buttocks. The Esmarch mug should be suspended above the lumbar region at a height of approximately one and a half meters. The vestibule of the vagina is lubricated with Vaseline, air is released from the tube, the tip of the tube or syringe is inserted into the vagina along the back wall. The solution is prepared warm so as not to burn yourself. It should wash the walls of the vagina and come out again, this procedure takes 10-15 minutes. After douching with soda, it is advisable to lie down for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the tip must be disinfected by wiping it with a 70% alcohol solution. It is important to remember that local treatment with soda is used only in combination with antifungal drugs. Douching with soda and other solutions is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, during menstruation, in the first weeks after childbirth, as well as with inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs. Douching is a medical procedure that can be performed at home, but only after a doctor’s prescription.