birth control pills Birth control pills in an overwhelmingMost cases are prescribed to prevent pregnancy, although gynecologists today can recommend the use of these drugs to treat certain diseases of the reproductive system in women who are associated with the hormonal profile of the woman's body. Let us consider in more detail the types of contraceptive pills, which contraceptive pills are better to take. It is important that the question of how to choose a birth control pill should be answered by a qualified specialist, not a neighbor or girlfriend, since it is important not only to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy, but also to avoid the development of certain side effects that may accompany the use of drugs. At the moment, new-generation birth control pills are used, which contain a minimum dose of hormones, but it is sufficient to prevent ovulation and ripening of the egg, which makes pregnancy impossible. It is important to remember that taking birth control pills is not a one-time event, and a woman should know that skipping a single pill can destroy the long-term use of these drugs. The creation of new generation contraceptives makes it possible to choose the right drug for 80-85% of patients, except for those women who, for health reasons, do not want to take such a remedy: for example, those suffering from severe endocrine diseases or systemic collagenoses. contraceptive use

Contraception of women who are breastfeeding

Today even specialcontraceptive pills for women breastfeeding: they use only synthetic progestins. These drugs make it possible to prevent the development of unwanted pregnancies in the body if it has not yet recovered from previous births and bearing the child. Nevertheless, any of these medicines should be taken daily, preferably at the same time: the maximum time to stop taking the drug should not be more than 36 hours. Depending on the composition of the drug, some contraceptive pills must be taken without interruption for 28 consecutive days. Optimal contraceptive medications that are prescribed to patients regardless of age are tablets in which there are no estrogens - mini-pills. Accordingly, after 40 years, birth control pills can be prescribed even to patients who have a long history of smoking or cardiovascular disease, in which the appointment of estrogen is undesirable. The main effect of this type of contraceptive drugs is on the motor muscle of the internal genital organs and changes in the characteristics of the cervical mucus: the speed of passage of the egg is accelerated several times, and the mucus becomes very viscous and dense, and the spermatozoa are therefore unable to penetrate the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity, which interferes fertilization. The effectiveness of such contraceptives for older women or nursing mothers is slightly lower than the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, but this method of preventing pregnancy is more humane than interrupting an unplanned pregnancy. The likelihood of side effects of contraceptives depends directly on the composition of the drug. It is higher in the appointment of combined tablets than with monophasic medications that are devoid of the estrogen component: there is a risk of thrombosis, including pulmonary embolism. That is why they should be appointed only by a qualified gynecologist. It should be remembered that if there is a break for more than 36 hours, the risk of the side effects of birth control pills will increase: there may be a dysfunctional bleeding from the genital tract, and one can not hope for a reliable prevention of pregnancy. To prevent bleeding, it is necessary to continue taking the pills from the previously started package until it is over, while pregnancy can be prevented using mechanical barrier contraception (condoms). contraception

Contraceptive pills currently in use

At the moment, the most popular drugs, which are responded positively and by doctors-gynecologists, and patients, are:

  • Jess is an oral combined contraceptive,which contains the minimum possible number of estrogens. That's why the drug causes a minimal number of complications, and vascular effects very rarely develop even with prolonged admission. The drug does not cause a delay in the body's fluid and does not provoke swelling, so a very small risk of weight gain. Jess tablets can be used by women of any age and use them to eliminate acne, seborrhea and hirsutism. They are accepted for 28 consecutive days.
  • Novinet is a combined contraceptive withthe smallest content of estrogen, which is produced in blisters for 21 tablets. That is why when taking this medication it is important to maintain a break in 7 days, in which menstruation should come. The advantage of this drug is the possibility of its use by nursing mothers: it enhances to a large extent the production of milk, which can be beneficial for women who seek to preserve natural feeding. A similar action is possessed by the preparations of Clayra and Lindineth, which most naturally reproduce the hormonal background of the woman's organism.
  • Zhanin is a single-phase combinedContraceptive, which is able to simultaneously influence ovulation, change the properties of the cervical mucus and the state of the mucous membrane of the uterus. The drug must be taken within 21 days, after which it is absolutely necessary to take a break. A similar effect is provided by the contraceptive Yarin.
  • Regulon is a contraceptive combineda drug that helps not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also has a therapeutic effect with a significant change in the hormonal profile and menstrual irregularities. In the preparation of Regulon, the number of estrogens and progestins is slightly higher than in other drugs from the same pharmacological group. Tablets for the convenience of the patient are marked according to the days of the menstrual cycle.

Conclusions about contraceptive pills

To pick up similar preparations today it is possible forof all women regardless of age, but explain how to choose birth control pills, and only the qualified gynecologist can find the best medicine for a particular woman. In certain cases before this, a thorough laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out: it is important to detect possible contraindications to their use in time. If necessary, you can take good contraceptive pills even after 40 years: under modern conditions, the age of the onset of menopause is steadily increasing, so such drugs are in demand even in this age group. When used in patients of this age group, contraceptives help in preventing the development of complications of menopause in the future, including osteoporosis. Hormonal preparations are better not to choose independently, such attempts can not be called good. That's how you can answer the question, what kinds of contraceptive pills are better to use to achieve good results.

