How to clean the stomach after cesarean section The birth of a child is a joyful event for anyfamilies. A little person appears in the world, who needs love and care around the clock. Well, if a woman helps a husband, because for nine months she was carrying a little son or daughter, giving all the strength and energy. And now, when the anguish was over, it's time to take care of yourself. The hardest thing to do is if you had to do cesarean during labor. A young mother needs time to regain strength. Only after full rehabilitation, she will be able to pull up her still large tummy. But how to put yourself in order properly so as not to harm yourself and your health? After all, for example, immediately swing the press, do sports, do massage, go to the simulators can not. belly after caesarean section how to clean

How to clean the belly at home

Every woman who has suffered this forcedoperation, wondered about how to clean the abdomen after cesarean section. After delivery, the young mother sees in the mirror is not very aesthetic picture: stretch marks, sides, hanging skin in the womb. Of course, all this spoils the mood and poisons the joy of motherhood. In this case, you must have patience, as the restoration will take more than a month. But in the end you will return your flat tummy. It should be remembered that physical exercises after the operation of cesarean section are completely contraindicated for the first time. Sutures can be dispensed in a matter of seconds. Therefore, you should choose the means and methods that will not put stress on the muscles of your tummy.

  • Bandage

You should buy a postpartum bandage. It covers the space from the chest to the hips and serves as an excellent supporting tool. Such a device will help keep the abdominal muscles in a tone, and will also help to rapidly reduce the muscles of the uterus.

  • Masks

If the stomach is not hanging, but on it there are simplystretch marks, you can use various cosmetics. If there is no time to prepare masks, get them in the pharmacy. Of course, the products made at home are cheaper and safer. A mask made of cream, honey and yeast possesses high efficiency. These ingredients in the same proportions must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Before applying to the stomach, you can add a couple drops of essential oil of geranium. Keep such a mask on the problem areas need at least 20 minutes. When you feel that the composition is almost completely absorbed, the remnants can be removed with a napkin and washed off with warm water.

  • Walking

You can get rid of the problem if youmore time to spend in the fresh air, making daily walks with the baby. Active walking promotes saturation of cells with oxygen and leads to muscle tone. As a result - a flat stomach. Spend on the street at least one hour a day. This will be useful for you and for the child.

  • Exercises

After a while, when the doctor will allowperform simple physical exercises, you can gradually give a load on the stomach and sides. In doing so, you should listen to your feelings. If after a workout a scar or muscle aches, you should stop exercising. Remember once and for all: start doing these exercises you need with one or two slopes and a pair of body lifts. The load can be increased only if you feel perfectly, you do not bother and your stomach does not ache. By the way, it's better to enroll in special courses, where they teach specially for just giving birth to moms. Professionals, who have been working in such institutions for many years, know how to clean the abdomen after cesarean section. When after the birth takes six months or a year, you can start attending a fitness club, where experienced trainers will select for your particular case an individual program. Previously, this can not be done! You can also enroll in yoga, where you will be taught not only to correctly perform exercises, but also to love your body. Plus, relaxing and meditating, you can get a charge of positive energy for the whole day. Unfortunately, group lessons are not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, if you do not have the time and opportunity to attend training, you can perform a certain complex at home. You can do it yourself, it's enough to find some free time. Buy a special disk for young mothers. He has written the most sparing workouts, which include exercises for the cardiovascular system. You can also go in for sports on the street. Walking, running, cycling - all this is not only useful, but also interesting for a woman who has been deprived of an active lifestyle for the past nine months. Thus, you not only acquire a flat stomach, but also acquire new acquaintances.

  • Swimming

A visit to the pool is a good way to activelyspend time and at the same time get rid of the annoyed stomach. But remember that you should practice aqua aerobics only under the supervision of an instructor. It should be noted that exercises from this complex in combination with massage give an excellent result. However, you need to be cautious and consult a doctor beforehand, as not all women after birth can go to such institutions. In the postpartum period there is a high risk of infection, so you need to carefully consider the selection of the pool, and make sure that all participants have health certificates.

  • Massage

Another effective way to helpreturn the flat stomach after giving birth, is a massage. You can visit specialized salons or perform massage yourself. It should be remembered that this procedure can be resorted only after complete healing of the seam. Do not know how to clean the abdomen after cesarean section, striae, etc. defects? Massage - an excellent wellness tool that helps to cope with many troubles that have appeared after childbirth. If the problem is not very large, you will need a two-three-month course. Due to this, the elasticity of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall increases, and their contractile function is enhanced. Massage acts on the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, promotes the burning of fats, helps to get rid of the hated stomach. Unfortunately, in neglected cases, when the skin strongly hangs, complete or even partial restoration is not guaranteed.

  • Diet

Recovery after childbirth is impossible withoutproper nutrition. Even if the woman is a nursing mother, we should not forget about the figure. Undoubtedly, the child must receive all the necessary substances together with breast milk. However, do not overeat, as there will be no positive effect from gluttony. It is better to give up fried, hot and so on. All this will not bring any benefit to either the young mother or the baby. Do not rush from the extreme to the extreme, start starving or take various diet pills. This should not occur in your head, especially when you are breastfeeding. In the period of gestation, the fruit "squeezed all the juices" from the mother, so after the birth it is necessary to restore the lack of vitamins. Otherwise, the woman will begin to drop her hair, crumble her teeth, break down her nails, and there will be problems with the skin. Accepting various dietary supplements can not only harm health, but also be life-threatening. A complete guarantee of the quality of these goods is not available. Who knows what the manufacturer poured into a beautiful package. Plus, few people write on the label an honest composition. Therefore, refuse such dubious purchases, take care of your health. It should be remembered that the results of your work will not be visible immediately, especially if your skin is heavily hanging. Achieving a positive effect and tighten the abdomen will be easier if you use all procedures in a complex, rather than separately. That is, you should wear a postpartum bandage, perform simple exercises, attend a swimming pool, massage, use cosmetics, go on a diet. At any load, if you feel even a slight malaise, you should immediately stop exercising. Any discharge from the vagina or the post-operative suture - an occasion will immediately turn to a gynecologist. Do not stop half way, keep busy with yourself until the end. A woman should like her reflection in the mirror. Then the mood will be appropriate, and the husband will never fall out of love. By the way, your man should understand that the woman giving birth is in a special condition, care and support is important to her. In order for him to understand you more, it is recommended to visit a family psychologist and various trainings for a young family together. How to clean the stomach after cesarean

Extreme measures to restore former forms

If after the birth it has been a long time, andthe long-awaited recovery has not borne fruit and the stomach is still hanging, try abdominoplasty. Such an operation can be carried out only as a last resort and, certainly, to people with excessive body weight, when it is necessary to remove fat deposits. Plus such a surgical intervention is that the seams are also removed, the muscles of the press are tightened. When the stomach hangs because of an overabundance of skin and stretching of tissues, plastic can become the only effective way. In the neglected case, unfortunately, the woman does not help to tighten the sides neither massage, nor physical exercises. However, after such a procedure, recovery time will also be required. Abdominoplasty is a serious step, so consult a specialist beforehand. But if you decide to do the operation, the result will definitely please you. By the way, some women do not need to resort to cardinal measures. They can become fit again about nine months after giving birth. During this time, the skin is tightened, the excess fat layer disappears. It should be understood that labor is a physiological process. Therefore, even if they go through surgery, the body must return to its original state on its own.

