skin diseasesSkin diseases of the face occur in approximatelyevery third person and create a lot of inconvenience and discomfort for them - primarily psychological. After all, skin diseases look very unaesthetic. And if skin diseases of the face in teenagers are at least somehow justified by age and rapid hormonal changes, then in an adult it looks at least unnatural. That is why the question about them is extremely relevant for many women, including in adulthood.

The most common skin diseases

Facial skin is our business card.It is its condition that largely determines the impression that our appearance makes on people. Unfortunately, there are a great many dermatological diseases, the full list of which is known only to doctors, and not to everyone. But many of them are rare in ordinary people. Accordingly, you will be interested only in the most typical and widespread diseases of the facial skin. What do they include?

  • Acne (commonly known as pimples) is generallyinflammation of the sebaceous glands, which can occur due to a wide range of reasons. The greatest contribution to the development of this unpleasant disease is made by seborrhea - a change in the chemical composition of the fat secreted by the skin of the face. It occurs as a result of various hormonal storms, which can be a normal stage of growing up or a malfunction of the body. Oh, these acne! How many ruined dates and unrequited loves are on their account! Sadly, this is the most common disease of the skin of the face. Fortunately, for many people they go away on their own by a certain age.
  • Rosacea, or pink acne Scientists talk about differentcauses that can cause or exacerbate this facial skin disease: microscopic mite, gastritis, endocrine and immune diseases, some medications. Characteristic features are persistent reddening of the skin of the face (usually in the center), skin rashes and seals, vasodilation and even eye damage. Someone can confuse them with ordinary acne, but this is not so: rosacea have a rich pink hue.
  • Another disease in our dermatological"hit parade" - this is rosacea This is what doctors call spider veins that appear on the face. This occurs due to the weakening of the walls of the skin capillaries, as a result of which blood stagnates in the vessels and the walls lose their elasticity. In the case of this disease, it is necessary to pay special attention to substances that affect it - vitamins and minerals, and also try to exclude alcohol and cigarettes, hot baths and saunas.
  • Papillomas are another type of diseaseskin of the face The reason for their occurrence is a virus that is present in the body of eighty percent of people. It is most often activated in cases of decreased immunity or trauma to a certain area of ​​​​the skin. The presence of papillomas causes a lot of inconvenience to the carrier: they protrude above the skin and are very unaesthetic, very easily touched by clothing or something else, which causes discomfort. As a rule, treatment occurs in two directions: eliminating the internal cause of exacerbation of the disease and removing papillomas using a laser, liquid nitrogen, cutting or electric current.
  • Some people mistakenly attribute allergies toskin diseases of the face. But this is not entirely correct, because an allergy is nothing more than a high sensitivity of the immune system to some substances (allergens), causing a certain reaction. Skin symptoms of allergies include rashes, redness, swelling and the appearance of pimples. The recipe for combating it is very simple: avoiding the action of the allergen; however, in cases where this is impossible (for example, flowering in the spring), competent treatment is necessary, selected by a doctor specifically for disease

    Causes of skin problems

    A lot of people try to solve the problemwith the help of special cosmetic products, sometimes very expensive, and disguise them with the help of various decorative cosmetics: foundation, powders and all kinds of concealers. However, in reality, such actions are unlikely to help solve the existing problem - a person's skin is a direct indicator of his health. And in order to correct the situation, it is necessary to find and eliminate the root cause of the poor condition of the skin. The same cause can cause different diseases, and one disease can have very different causes. Therefore, we offer you a general list of them.

    • Improper skin care

    Many people who have encountered problemsskin of the face, it is believed that all the troubles are associated with improper or insufficient care of it. However, this is true not in all cases, but in about ten percent. Of course, proper skin care is very, very important. Try to choose exactly those cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type. As a rule, after a few days of using any cosmetics, you will know for sure whether they are suitable for you or not.

    • Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    Dermatologists say that the conditionThe skin is a kind of indicator of the state of various body systems. And first of all, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of the skin: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and dysbacteriosis. In addition, diet and proper drinking regimen are very important. If you are faced with certain disorders in the digestive tract, try to completely exclude fatty, salty and smoked foods, as well as sweets, especially chocolate, from your diet. A dairy and plant-based diet has the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

    • Infection with parasites

    There are a huge number of the mostvarious types of parasites. And their presence in the human body also first of all makes itself known on the skin: it acquires a dirty gray shade, becomes looser, the pores expand and black acne rashes and pustules may appear.

    • Breach of the hormonal system

    Any change in the normal hormonal backgroundimmediately leads to a deterioration in the skin condition. A very striking example of this dependence is the change in the skin during the menstrual cycle.

    • Disruption of the central nervous system

    Disruption of normal functioningcentral nervous system can also lead to the development of skin problems. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, constant stress conditions - all this can lead to the appearance of acne, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.

    • Sleep disturbance

    As is known, healthy sleep in the required quantities is the key to beautiful skin. It is not for nothing that doctors say that every lost hour of sleep takes away one day of youth from a person.

    • Unfavorable ecological situation

    Another common cause of deteriorationskin conditions - this is an unfavorable environmental situation. As a rule, the larger the city a person lives in, the higher the risk of encountering skin problems.

    • Chronic infectious diseases

    Sometimes a person suffers from acne andpustular rashes on the skin, and the cause of the disease cannot be identified. In this case, you need to think: is this associated with some kind of chronic infection? Even long-term tonsillitis or caries can become the very foci that will constantly provoke the appearance of problems with the skin. In order for the condition of your facial skin not to bother you, it is necessary to minimize the impact of risk factors. Do not forget about the simple rules of skin care. The skin must be cleansed at least twice a day. In the morning - to remove sweat and sebum secretions that have accumulated overnight. This must be done without fail - otherwise these secretions will clog the pores. And in the evening, it will be useful to cleanse the skin of dirt, dust and pieces of epidermis. Do not forget: you can wash your face with warm water, but always finish by rinsing with cool water so that the pores narrow. Remember that this article is not a guide to diagnosis and self-medication. The information provided in it is for informational purposes only. The nuances of your skin condition may be so subtle and barely noticeable to you that the probability of incorrect actions will be very high. Therefore, love and take care of your facial skin, and if you have any suspicions - run to the doctor! We recommend reading:

