Women's health is very fragile and often femalesuffers from various diseases. One of the most common is erosion of the cervix. Unfortunately, every second woman of reproductive age meets this disease at least once in her life. There is a huge number of methods of treatment, including the treatment of erosion with folk remedies. However, despite the fact that the name of the disease is almost everyone's hearing, few of the women to the end is, what is the essence of this ailment. Erosion of the cervix is a benign process that takes place in the cervical canal. With erosion of the cervix, the epithelium lining the vaginal segment of the cervix is ulcerated, a defect of the epithelium is visualized upon examination. Symptomatic of cervical erosion is not very unambiguous. In the event that the area of epithelial damage is small, the disease can be asymptomatic. In this case, to identify the disease is possible only by accident, with preventive gynecological examination. That is why it is so important to visit a gynecologist on time - after all, the earlier the disease is diagnosed and the treatment is started, the more successful it will be, and the less time it will take. Often, found during accidental preventive examination, erosion with timely treatment disappears without a trace, literally in one to two weeks, without causing any harm to the woman's health. In the same case, if the damage to the epithelium is quite extensive, a woman often has symptoms such as:
- Painful sensations of varying degreesintensity, arising during sexual intercourse. This can be a slight discomfort, and there may be so much pain that a normal sexual intercourse becomes almost impossible.
- In some cases, a woman may notice minor spotting of the syphilis, regardless of the stage of the menstrual cycle.
- Often women complain of copious discharge of white and even purulent discharge.
Causes of erosion of the cervix
In the vast majority of all casesthe occurrence of erosion of the cervix is due to the previous inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, and also if the woman has any pathological changes and deformations of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the vagina. The inflammation that precedes the disease, in turn, arises under the influence of the following factors:
- Regular irritation of the mucous whites,excreted from the cervical canal. As a result, epithelial sloughing and maceration can occur, which leads to the formation of sufficiently large ulcerous erosions. When you touch them, erosion starts to bleed slightly. Such erosion physicians call erosions true. In the event that erosion spreads beyond the cervical canal, so-called false erosion is formed, which is very poorly treatable and constantly gives numerous relapses.
- Often the causes of erosion of the cervix are various sexually transmitted infections, especially such as chlamydia, herpes simplex virus and ureaplasmosis.
- Also, erosion of the cervix can cause a disturbed microbiocinosis (microflora) of the vagina.
- If a woman had an operative intervention - removal of tumors, abortion - trauma to the mucosa could occur, and as a result, the development of erosion of the cervix.
- Cervical erosion often occurs inas a result of traumatization of the mucous membrane with barrier and chemical contraceptives. When selecting contraceptives, be sure to consult a doctor who will help you choose the most gentle methods.
- Violations of the normal functioning of the immune system, toovery often lead to the development of cervical erosion. If a woman suffers from frequent erosions, which are difficult to treat, an experienced doctor will send her patient to consult an immunologist.
- Frequent changes in sexual partners can also lead to damage to the mucous membrane and the development of erosions of the cervix.
Complications of cervical erosion and diagnostic methods
Despite the fact that, as already mentioned above,erosion of the cervix is a benign process, the disease is not harmless at all. In some cases, it can pass absolutely independently, without any medical intervention, however, most often erosion of the cervix serves as a trigger mechanism for the development of various tumor diseases. In addition, the presence of a woman's erosion of the cervix can provoke the occurrence of the following diseases:
- Erosion is often a real entrance gate for the causative agents of the herpes simplex virus and chlamydia.
- Erosion of the cervix is the mostfavorable environment for the reproduction of the human papilloma virus. This virus can cause various diseases, ranging from ordinary condylomas and ending with serious precancerous conditions.
- The presence of erosion in a woman, not bad for treatment and constantly bleeding, doctors regard as a precancerous condition of the cervical canal.
As a rule, for the first time erosion of the cervixis detected by an ordinary gynecological examination with the use of mirrors. If the doctor visualizes the presence of damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, the woman is assigned an additional diagnostic examination using a special optical device called the colposcope. During the examination of a woman with a colposcope, the doctor usually takes a piece of the epithelium from the damaged cervical region. This procedure is called a biopsy. However, in some cases, the doctor decides not to conduct a biopsy, but to make a smear for cytology. However, one type of research, and the second pursue one goal - the identification of possible cancer cells available. Many women are afraid of all kinds of examinations at the gynecologist and even more so of examinations. However, in fact, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of - practically all procedures are absolutely painless. But the refusal of examination and inspection can lead to the most unpredictable, and sometimes even tragic consequences.
Methods for treating cervical erosion
Methods for treating cervical erosion veryvarious. In each case, the doctor chooses the most optimal and gentle method of treatment, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a particular woman. When choosing the method of treatment, the doctor necessarily takes into account such factors as the causes of the disease, the features of the course and the degree of damage to the cervix. Modern treatment of cervical erosion offers a fairly wide choice. Below are listed the main ways to treat cervical erosion, each of which will be described in more detail later:
- Laser treatment of cervical erosion.
- Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion
- Treatment of cervical erosion with nitrogen
- Conservative treatment of cervical erosion
- Solkovagin. Most often it is used by gynecologists to treat cervical ectopia or pseudo-erosion. Treatment is performed only in the conditions of a medical institution by a gynecologist, who processes damaged areas of the cervix with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of the drug.
- Vagotil acts on the same principle, exceptMoreover, it has a powerful antimicrobial effect against a large number of microorganisms. The medicine is applied to the damaged epithelium also by the doctor in the conditions of the medical institution.
In any case, no matter which treatment method you choose, you need to go through a series of specific tests before starting it:
- Results of colposcopy.
- Study gynecological smear on the microflora.
- Diagnosis of PCR for the presence of diseases such as myco and ureaplasma, trichomonads, herpes, human papilloma and chlamydia.
- Cytological study of a sample of epithelium erosion.
- If there is evidence - the results of a biopsy.
- If there is evidence - ultrasound of the ovaries and the body of the uterus.
- Results of blood tests for HIV and syphilis, as well as hepatitis B and C.
Very many women are afraid to treat erosionCervical uteri, frightened by stories about all sorts of complications. However, in fact, the consequences of cervical erosion treatment are negligible and do not have any negative impact on the woman's health condition.
Treatment of erosion of the cervix by folk remedies
The above are the ways to treat cervical erosionthe uterus in a medical institution. However, one should not lose sight of the treatment of erosion of the cervix at home, using recipes of traditional medicine. There are quite a lot of such recipes, and you can choose one of them the most optimal. However, in no case can one independently diagnose the erosion of the cervix and refuse to visit a gynecologist. Treatment of erosion of the cervix is possible only if erosion of small size and is not in a neglected state. Otherwise, treatment at home will not only bring absolutely no benefit, but can significantly worsen the health of a sick woman. There are several most common folk methods for treating cervical erosion. Below you will find out about each of them in more detail:
- treatment of cervical erosion by herbs
- treatment of cervical erosion with honey
- celandine erosion treatment
- treatment of cervical erosion with onion
- treatment of cervical erosion with propolis
- mumie treatment of cervical erosion
- treatment of cervical erosion by sea-buckthorn
- treatment of cervical erosion by homeopathy
1. The method of treating cervical erosion with herbs is known to women for more than one century. To prepare the decoction and tinctures, the following herbs are most often used:
- For the removal of inflammation of the female genital organs andfor a faster scarring of cervical erosion, folk medicine advises using a decoction of St. John's wort. To make it, place one tablespoon of dry raw material in enamelware and fill it with 200 ml. boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Then remove from heat, strain with gauze cloth, cool. Use the decoction for ingestion, half the glass once a day, on an empty stomach.
- The flowers of the lady's face are also capable of the shortestterms to bring relief to women suffering from erosion of the cervix. Prepare the broth by pouring three tablespoons of the inflorescence of the bedstraw in 300 ml of boiling water. Boil the broth for 5 minutes, then cool and strain through gauze. Take half the glass of broth twice a day, with food. The course of treatment should be at least 10 days.
- Fresh nettle cicatricial erosionpractically before our eyes. For treatment, juice of fresh nettle is used. Take 5 - 6 large branches of nettle, rinse it thoroughly under running water. After this, carefully chop the leaves and stems, then use the gauze to squeeze out the juice from it. This juice is necessary to soak an ordinary hygienic swab and insert it deep into the vagina, tightly pressing to the cervix of the uterus. The tampon should be left for at least two hours. Treatment should continue until complete scarring of cervical erosion.
- The rhizome of badana will help a woman not onlyget rid of cervical erosion, but also have a harmful effect on the pathogenic microflora of the vagina. To prepare the decoction, you need to take three tablespoons of dried rhizomes of balean, pour them 200 ml. steep boiling water, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 30 minutes. The broth should be immediately filtered and wrapped in a towel. Use the broth after a day, for syringing. Before syringing, the broth should be slightly warmed up - approximately to body temperature. Douching is necessary once a day, before bedtime. The course of treatment should last about two weeks.
- Very good agent for cervical erosionthe uterus is an alcoholic tincture of their marjinic root. This herb also has a second name - a peony evading. To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 500 ml. vodka five tablespoons mariynoj a root. After that, thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put the tincture in the refrigerator. In order for the tincture to be ready for use, it is necessary to keep it in the refrigerator for at least a month. After this, take a tincture of one tablespoon three times a day, directly during a meal. Drink tincture is necessary for 15 days, after which it is necessary to make a five-day break and again to repeat the course. Treatment should be carried out until the full recovery is complete.
- No less effective in case of cervical erosionThe ordinary cleanliness also operates. To treat celandine, you need to take three tablespoons of dry herb celandine, put in enameled dishes, boil one liter of water and pour it clean. Insist the celandine for about an hour. After this, the infusion should be filtered with gauze cloth, divided into 6 equal parts and poured into containers. Before syringing, the infusion should be diluted with warm water. The course of treatment should be 21 days.
- If the above described methods helped younot effective, you should try a decoction of wormwood. To prepare the broth, pour two tablespoons of ground dry herb wormwood with a liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes. After this, drain the broth with gauze cloth and pour into glassware. The broth should be stored only in the refrigerator. Before syringing, dilute the wormwood broth with water at a ratio of 1 to 10, warm up to body temperature and sprinkle before bed. The course of treatment should last until full recovery.
- To prepare the next recipe for youOne tablespoon of green tea and two tablespoons of dry calendula inflorescences are needed. Pour all the components into a liter container and pour a liter of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and wrap in a towel. Insist for 24 hours, strain with gauze. Douching diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Douche one time a day, before going to bed, and after douching, insert deep into the vagina a cotton swab dipped in undiluted broth and leave it overnight. Treatment should continue until full recovery.
- Treatment of cervical erosion with the help oftree aloe helps even in the most neglected cases. Cut off 10 large leaves from the bush of the aloe tree. Please note that the plant should not be less than three years old. Put the sprigs of aloe in the refrigerator for 10 days. After that, pass the leaves of the aloe through the meat grinder, carefully wring it out using gauze cloth. Mix aloe juice with natural honey in equal proportions. Then, in a water bath, melt 100 grams of pork fat. After it is slightly cool, but before it thickens, enter into it a mixture of honey and aloe juice. After the mixture has cooled, form a candle from it and place it in the refrigerator. In day it is necessary to use two candles - one in the morning, the other before bedtime. Remember that pork fat is able to leave a greasy stain on clothes, so be sure to use a disposable daily hygiene pad.
2. About treatment of cervical erosion by honey is known to almost every woman. Such treatment, as a rule, brings very, very good results. However, it must also be recalled that the use of such a method of treatment is only permissible if it is reliably known that the woman does not have allergic reactions to honey and other beekeeping products. Treatment should be as follows. Dissolve one tablespoon of any natural honey in a glass of warm boiled water, use this solution for douching twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime. After evening syringing, you need to insert a honey candle deep into the vagina. For the preparation of honey candles you will need the following ingredients:
- 5 tablespoons of natural honey.
- 150 grams of butter.
- 5 grams of propolis tincture.
Melt all components before liquidcondition on a water bath, mix thoroughly, cool and form candles. Put the candles in the refrigerator. At night, inject a candle deep into the vagina. As a rule, 7-10 days of such treatment are enough - and erosion disappears without a trace. 3. Purity is also a great folk healer and healer of many female ailments. With erosion of the neck, syringing with a strong broth of celandine will help you. To make it, you need to grind five tablespoons of fresh herb celandine, then pour it into 0, 5 liters of boiling water and boil for one hour. After that, the broth of celandine should be infused during the day. Then strain through gauze and use for syringing. Douching should not be more than a day. The course of treatment should be approximately 5 procedures. After this, be sure to visit the doctor to monitor the condition of erosion. 4. Treatment of cervical erosion with the help of onions is done as follows. Rub on a large grater 3 large onions, place them in enameled dishes, pour one glass of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and boil for half an hour. After this, drain the broth through the gauze fabric, add 5 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera juice. Stir well and place in a glass bowl. Use the mixture is necessary for gauze tampons. From the bandage or gauze cloth, fold the swab, moisten it in the resulting mixture and insert it deeply into the vagina, pressing it to the cervix. Leave the tampon overnight. The first few procedures a woman can experience slight discomfort and burning sensation is a normal reaction of the body. When these side effects occur, treatment should not be interrupted. The course of treatment should last at least one month, after which it is necessary to see a doctor to assess the state of erosion of the cervix. 5. To treat cervical erosion with propolis there are several recipes. Below are the main of them:
- The first recipe is a mixture of propolis and uterusmilk. For its preparation, you need to mix thoroughly 25 grams of Vaseline, 10 grams of ground propolis and 1 gram of mother milk. The mixture must be applied to a cotton swab and inserted deep into the vagina. The procedure should be done once a day, before going to bed, leaving him there all night.
- The second recipe. You need to buy a 3% alcohol solution of propolis in the pharmacy. From the gauze cloth, fold the swab, drench it abundantly in the propolis solution and enter deep into the vagina, pressing it to the cervix. The tampon should be left in the vagina for 10 hours, so it is much wiser to do this procedure before going to bed. Do not use a 10% propolis solution for tampons - this can lead to serious burns of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. In the event that you did not manage to find a 3% propolis solution, you can dilute 10% of tincture with boiled water in the proportion of 1 to 3. Duration of treatment should not last more than one week.
- The recipe is the third. For its preparation, mix 3 tablespoons of alcohol solution and 5 tablespoons of propolis solution. The resulting mixture must be diluted in water in a proportion of 1 to 1 and used for syringing. Douching is necessary once a day, before bedtime. The course of treatment should last at least one week.
6. Treatment of cervical erosion with the help of mummies is carried out according to the following principle: prepare a weak soda solution at the rate of one tablespoon of soda per liter of warm boiled water. Carefully prince, then moisten in a solution mummy usual cotton hygienic swab and enter deep into the vagina. Leave the tampon for 12 hours. The course of treatment should last for 14 days, after which it is necessary to make a five-day break. After that, repeat the course of treatment. As a rule, even in very severe cases, 3 courses of treatment are sufficient for complete recovery. However, after each cycle, always visit a gynecologist - perhaps, the improvement will come after the first course. 7. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil are also very effective. Buy in the pharmacy ordinary sea buckthorn oil and cotton hygiene tampons. Before going to bed, moisten the tampon in oil and insert it into the vagina, pressing firmly to the cervix. Leave the tampon all night. The course of treatment is ten procedures. If necessary, after a week, the course of treatment can be repeated. 8. In some sources, there is a lot of information about the treatment of cervical erosion with the help of homeopathy. However, doctors do not recommend using homeopathy on their own, without prescribing a doctor. If you want to try homeopathic remedies - always seek the help of a homeopathic doctor. As you can see, the types of cervical erosion treatment are very diverse. However, only the doctor - gynecologist will help you to choose the most optimal method of treatment. In no case can you ignore the doctor's visits and his recommendations. Do not tolerate discomfort and hope that the problem will be solved by itself. Women's health is our main value and in no case should it be treated irresponsibly and carelessly!