an acne diet If a person is "lucky" to facepimples, he tries to get rid of them in all available ways. But it is often enough simply ... to adjust your diet! It may seem strange to you, but in more than half of all cases, the cause of the appearance of acne and acne is precisely the wrong diet. And in all other cases for a successful fight against acne diet should be reviewed. Do not be in a hurry to get upset about the fact that you have to give up many products - you will get a very nice bonus in the form of an ideal figure. Do not worry - you will not feel hungry, because the diet does not imply a restriction in food, but only the replacement of one drug with another.

Prohibited and Authorized Products

A number of products you will have to completely eliminate from your diet. Such products include:

  • Any sweets

Sweets, cakes with cream and especially chocolatemust be strictly prohibited. Of course, sweet tooth will have oh how hard. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. In extreme cases, you can afford a tiny bit of bitter (!) Chocolate. And sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and nuts - they will not bring any harm to your skin. One continuous benefit.

  • Fatty foods

Fat is not the best friend of any organism. It affects the skin not in the best way, and excess weight becomes a common occurrence. Although, of course, completely giving up fat is fraught with serious problems, but try to exclude fatty foods. Salo, fatty meat, fatty fish - all this is not for you.

  • Artificial dyes and preservatives

Chips, croutons, instant soups andthe other very questionable food has long become immutable companions of modern man. But, unfortunately, a person does not have the opportunity to ask his body whether he likes it. And the body with all the desire can not answer you. But it's easy to express a stormy protest! And this project will be expressed in the appearance of acne, brittle nails and hair.

  • Flour products

Flour is not for you either - bread, rolls,cakes and even pasta use is highly undesirable. Well, except in very small quantities and as rarely as possible. Consolate yourself with the idea that exactly flour products are very, very caloric.

  • Certain drinks

In addition to products, you should pay attention towhat you drink. Packaged juices, any carbonated water - even mineral water, not to mention lemonades, should be excluded from your menu. The same goes for coffee and cocoa. It is much wiser to replace them with green tea. Someone may be outraged - they say, but what should you eat then? Believe me, not everything is so bad - there are a lot of products on the world that will not only die from starvation but also benefit the body. Of course, at first you will have a hard time - changing habits is always difficult. However, very little time will pass and proper nutrition will become familiar for you. So, in your menu you should include:

  • Cereals and bran.
  • Any fruit and vegetables, both fresh and thermally processed.
  • All cereals except manna.
  • Green tea, freshly squeezed juices, pure non-carbonated drinking water.

All without exception, sour-milk products. Of course, not containing artificial preservatives and colorants. As you can see, everything is not so terrible, as it might seem at first glance. The food will not only be full and varied, but also quite tasty. useful diet from acne

Sample menu for the week

So, it's decided - the diet from acne and acne is easy for youit is necessary, you are morally adjusted and understood that you absolutely do not know what to have breakfast or dinner. In order for you not to fall into this situation, we offer you the option of the right menu for a week. Monday As usual, a new life starts on Monday. Nor will we break the tradition.

  • Breakfast

For breakfast, prepare an omelet. Of course, the bacon will have to be abandoned, but a little boiled sausage can be afforded. Tea and a sandwich with cheese will also have to come in handy. But not more than one piece of bread, and even that of rye!

  • Dinner

For dinner, cook any soup - most importantly,try to avoid fatty meats. On the second - a steam cutlet with rice, and, of course, a salad. Of course, vegetable. You can drink everything with compote or freshly squeezed juice.

  • Dinner

For dinner, you can cook fish. Choose low-fat varieties and remember - the fish should be either boiled, or baked in the oven, or cooked for a couple. But not fried in any way! As a side dish - mashed potatoes. You can drink tea or yogurt. Tuesday

  • Breakfast

On Tuesday morning you can please yourself with oatmealporridge. If you are a lover of sweet, you can add a little jam. Kasha can be cooked on water or on milk. Tea, one sandwich with a piece of boiled sausage. At first glance breakfast may seem scant, but it is not so - the porcupine porridge will give you a feeling of deep saturation and before dinner of hunger you will not feel.

  • Dinner

Today, prepare for the first vegetable soup, andsecond rice with beef. The rules are the same - the meat should be cooked, baked, or steamed. You can drink dinner with a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

  • Dinner

For dinner we cook buckwheat porridge with steam cutlets. Minced meat for cutlets should not be bold. After dinner, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Wednesday

  • Breakfast

Today you can afford two eggs. And you can cook both scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs. And, of course, tea and a cheese sandwich - where without it? If this does not seem enough, eat an apple or a banana.

  • Dinner

Today for dinner it is worth preparing a fish soup - remember that the fish should be low-fat varieties. On the second - baked chicken breast with rice, compote or juice.

  • Dinner

As you know, dinner must be given to the enemy. We will not do this, but we do not need to overload the stomach. Therefore, today we will arrange a day of unloading and we will eat cottage cheese with sour cream for dinner. If desired, you can add a little fruit or jam to the curd. To drink cottage cheese it is possible kefir or milk. Thursday

  • Breakfast

We will cook buckwheat porridge for breakfast. It can be made both sweet and seasoned. Traditional tea and a sandwich - either with cheese or with milk sausage.

  • Dinner

For lunch, you can afford borscht - but not with pork. On the second, prepare a vegetable stew with beef. You can drink everything with compote, mors or juice.

  • Dinner

For dinner, cook the oven-baked fish and vegetable salad. Remember - you can not dress the salad with mayonnaise! Only any vegetable oil, and even in reasonable quantities. Friday

  • Breakfast

For breakfast, cook all the same oatmeal. Well, for a change, add to the porridge not jam, but a finely chopped banana and a few crushed walnut kernels. After the cereal you can drink a cup of green tea and eat a sandwich with boiled sausage or cheese.

  • Dinner

Prepare chicken noodles for lunch. On the second - grated carrots. Depending on your preferences, carrots can be salted and seasoned, or you can add a little honey. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or tea.

  • Dinner

Bake several potatoes in the oven and boil the chicken breast, cook sour cream sauce. After dinner, a cup of green tea. Saturday

  • Breakfast

For breakfast, prepare an omelette with boiled sausage, green tea and a sandwich with cheese. If you do not eat up one omelette, you can cook a bit of wheat porridge with butter.

  • Dinner

For lunch again, vegetable soup. And for the second - steamed cutlets from low-fat minced meat and mashed potatoes. You can drink all this with either tea or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

  • Dinner

For dinner, bake in the oven a chicken breast in sour cream sauce, and as a side dish the usual boiled rice will do. It is best to drink ordinary kefir. Sunday

  • Breakfast

Given that today is Sunday, you canpamper yourself. For example, cook croutons. Of course, within the reasonable - no more than three slices of bread. From once a week, there will be no harm. Tea with lemon will complement your breakfast.

  • Dinner

For lunch, you can cook either fish soup or chicken noodles. On the second - stewed potatoes with beef or chicken. Freshly squeezed juice or compote.

  • Dinner

For dinner, cook buckwheat porridge with meatgravy. Of course, the meat should be low-fat. And, of course, a traditional glass of yogurt. Very rarely a person is able to withstand reception before meals without snacks. But you need to have a bite right - fruits, vegetables, yoghurts, kefir will only benefit you. And, of course, remember that only one diet to get rid of acne will not help. This requires proper skin care, and in some cases, treatment. Therefore, be sure to visit a dermatologist. Be healthy and beautiful!

