People's health depends on various factors. Constant stress, lack of vitamins and physical exertion, poor ecological atmosphere - all this affects the development of many diseases. Bronchitis is one of the frequent companions of the common cold, cold and ARVI. And bad weather conditions - gloomy autumn or slushy spring - only aggravate this condition. After all, the protective forces of the organism decrease. Often, the disease is accompanied by factors such as apathy or depression. The question of how to cure bronchitis, worries both experts in this field, and ordinary people. There are different opinions and assumptions about the correct healing. Someone thinks that it is necessary to eradicate the disease with traditional, folk remedies. Others think that bronchitis is treated exclusively with antibiotics. In order to properly understand the difficult situation, it is necessary to find out what bronchitis is and why it arises.
What is bronchitis?
Respiratory diseases enter the bodythrough the respiratory tract. All viruses and bacteria pass their way through the bronchi (branched tubules of different diameters). Infectious pathogen affects their walls. After that, the body is the process of inflammation. This phenomenon in medicine is also referred to as bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchi accompanies the appearance of mucus, which makes breathing difficult. It provokes a cough, because the muscles of the bronchi begin to decrease actively. This spasm makes it difficult to get away from sputum. Edema can lead to complication of the disease. If you do not provide timely help, start treatment, then these symptoms can develop into chronic ones. Often the initial stage is complicated and progresses. Develops bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pneumonia. Sometimes the appearance of the disease can be associated with smoking, working in industrial premises, hypothermia.
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Disease
Fetal breathing, severe coughing,turning into "barking", or whooping cough are the main symptoms of the disease. Usually signs appear at night, but in a chronic stage can be detected in the daytime. At the initial stage, temperature, weakness in the muscles of the body, wheezing, chest pain, fatigue or apathy may appear. At the first symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor. After all, the wrong treatment can aggravate the course of the disease. Diagnosis of bronchitis does not cause certain difficulties in the specialist. With the help of a phonendoscope, the therapist listens to whether there is wheezing in the inner cavity. If you suspect a bronchitis, it is recommended to pass blood and urine tests to determine the degree of inflammation. If the illness has taken the form of a protracted character or has passed into a difficult stage, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray. Sputum analysis is also prescribed, a mucus sample from the nasal passages.
Treatment of bronchitis
First of all, with the first signsdisease, it is recommended to comply with bed rest, a plentiful drink. In order for the sputum to leave faster, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature in the room, to do frequent wet cleanings. Often, many people who are facing this disease, try to heal themselves. However, only a doctor can determine the type of cough with reliable accuracy. So, with a dry cough it is recommended to use expectorants to increase sputum. It can be syrups, tablets, emulsions. For young children, usually prescribed drugs in the form of drops or syrups. Antitussive drugs are able in a short time to eliminate signs of the disease. However, their use will not remove the source of the disease. Doctors prescribe these medications, combining them with other drugs. They are needed in some cases to alleviate the condition. For children and adults additional treatment is prescribed inhalation courses. Adults can use broths of medicinal herbs (licorice, marshmallows, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, etc.) about 3 times a day. For children, it is recommended to do the procedures with the help of special nebulizer devices. The majority of polyclinics are equipped with a physiotherapy room, where these procedures are performed. You can purchase a nebulizer for home use. The therapist will prescribe the appropriate treatment program. Typically, for inhalations with the aid of the device prescribed drugs such as Ambrobene, Berodual, etc. In the chronic form of the disease, antiviral drugs, antibiotics are prescribed. They struggle with the inflammatory process, with the causative agent of infection.
Folk remedies for alleviating the condition
Effective methods of treating bronchitis arefolk remedies. Very often they not only facilitate the patient's condition, but also contribute to the disappearance of the disease. Their advantage also lies in the fact that folk methods can be used as separate and separate procedures, and combine funds with medicines. Since ancient times, milk is an effective method of coughing. A hot drink contributes to a better sputum discharge. And if you add oil, ginger or sage grass to it, the disease will disappear quickly. It is recommended to take milk at night, and also about 4 times a day. Various fruit drinks and drinks contribute to increased immunity. So, will be irreplaceable as an additional therapy to the main treatment. Heating compresses perfectly facilitate the patient's condition. They are not recommended for use at a temperature. For compresses use heated vodka, flour, honey, dry mustard or pork fat. You can use ready-made mustard from the pharmacy. To small children as warming agents put dry mustard in носочки or smear a breast or legs special heating children's creams. Compresses from cooked warm potatoes, herbal tea, warming foot baths, a mixture of onions and honey, gargling with soda, black radish juice - all these tools have long been known for their medicinal qualities. They can be used during bronchitis. They can significantly improve the condition. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the disease can be cured as soon as possible. A premature prevention of sinusitis and other manifestations of the common cold will not allow the disease to progress. A healthy lifestyle influences the prevention of bronchitis. Hardening, moderate physical activity, adequate nutrition contribute to strengthening immunity. In any case, the treatment of bronchitis should not be postponed to a later date. Consultation with a specialist is necessary at the first signs of the disease. Only correct and timely treatment can save from painful sensations.