diet for the 3rd blood group is negative To date, there are a great manymethods of correcting the figure and fighting excess pounds. Moreover, specialists can offer both innovative methods based on the latest scientific research, as well as whole weight loss programs, time-tested, statistically confirming their effectiveness. There is also a special category of newfangled diets promising rapid weight loss, but as a rule, such methods can carry a certain risk to the health of the body. Nutritionists recently draw the attention of women who want to reduce their volumes, on a diet for the blood group. They emphasize that weight loss in this case is carried out naturally, without violence over the body. The diet for group 3 blood is negative - the subject of discussion of this article, which will fully inform about the features of the metabolism of people with a third blood group. And also tell about the proper diet and special recommendations on making a menu for effective weight loss. First of all, it is important to note that such a tool for weight correction can be compared to a long-term marathon, this diet is not designed for a short period of time, for which weight loss should occur, but the body would go into a stressful, shock state. On the contrary, the diet for the third blood group is a way of life, habitual attitudes and beliefs that a person needs to observe throughout his life. What is the principle of weight loss based on this technique? First of all, this is an acceleration of metabolism, as well as optimization of the work of all organ systems, excretion of slags and cleansing of the body, increasing immunity and resistance. That is, this method of reducing centimeters at the waist works in a complex way, without the aggressive impact on a person, because of this the body does not experience a state of shock, lack of necessary substances and trace elements; on the contrary, the diet is very diverse and balanced, without compulsory counting calories and mono-menus.

Diet for the third blood group - general recommendations in the menu

Specialists in the field of dietetics gaveunofficial name for people with a third blood group - nomads, since this group was formed during times of mass migration and resettlement, now it is approximately 20% of the total population of the Earth. Scientifically proven that this type of people is more flexible, adaptable and adaptable to an ever-changing environment, they are perfectly rebuilt to a new diet and usually effectively and permanently lose weight. The strongest sides that people with this type of blood have are high immunity and a stable nervous system, but more often than others they are prone to such a dangerous endocrine disease as diabetes. Specialists in medicine and dietetics based on scientific research have compiled a list of products that should be the basis, the basis of the diet for the third blood group. Neutral products were also detected, the use of which would not lead to risk and excess weight gain. Nutritionists have also established those nutritional components that must be avoided when designing their menu, as they can reduce metabolism and disrupt the functioning of the systems of the most important organs. This in turn will inevitably lead to growth and weight gain, and if we consider that people with a third blood group are susceptible to diabetes, then we can assume that obesity will certainly provoke the appearance of this disease. Let's consider the main recommendations that will help to adapt to the new menu, and also contribute to the speedy process of losing weight and overall improvement of the human body.

  • The diet is based on a combination ofnutrition, what does it mean? First of all, the diet should be as balanced as possible, consisting of animal proteins and proteins, as well as fats. Paradoxically, it is necessary to exclude dietary meat of chicken, turkey. The menu should abound with vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products, however it is necessary to eat food moderately, in small portions with breaks in 3 hours.
  • Experts based on recent researchestablished a special category of products that not only does not allow you to gain extra pounds, but even actively and effectively lose weight. If the daily menu includes eggs, liver, especially beef, veal and green salads, as well as licorice and soya root, this will help to speed up the metabolism and lose weight naturally.
  • The basis of the menu for "nomads" should beproducts from each group of a diet, if it is protein, meat food, then veal, beef, and also dietary rabbit meat will be the best. It is important to periodically include dairy products: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese and yoghurts are allowed, for example, for people with the first blood group, dairy products are prohibited. The body should receive vegetable fats in the form of oils: olive, sunflower and flax oil. Pamper yourself with cereals can be any, except buckwheat groats.
  • For a diet for group 3 blood negativeit is recommended to completely abandon the use of corn, as well as to avoid buckwheat porridge, nuts, especially peanuts. These products reduce the effectiveness of metabolic processes of the body, and also reduce the production of insulin, in turn, this entails hypoglycemia, swelling and water retention, weight gain. To reduce the metabolism can and wheat, as well as bakery products from it, because people with the 3 group of blood digest extremely long and hard, because of this slagging of the body and the deposition of fats in it, for the diet of the 3 blood group, it is important to abstain from any seafood and restriction of fish consumption.

diet for the 3rd blood group

Diet for the third blood group, what do nutritionists say

For people whose blood type is formed ina period of numerous migrations, a large role in the process of losing weight is played by liquid, so nutritionists have identified those drinks that would normalize metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, thereby helping weight correction. It is important to drink green tea daily for its cleansing properties, as well as herbal tinctures and teas, for example, from licorice or ginseng, raspberry leaf, and sage. Enriched the body and accelerates the exchange process of cranberry juice, cabbage brine, combined with cucumber juice. But a tomato drink, like tomatoes themselves, nutritionists do not recommend drinking. If a person is determined not only to adjust the shape and lose weight, but also to improve, it is important to develop the habit of denying yourself in sweet carbonated drinks. Despite the high degree of balance of the diet, that is, the enrichment of the body with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the diet assumes some limitations in the menu, in this regard, experts recommend using a complex of supporting vitamins and trace elements. For example, magnesium and magnesium-containing products, such as legumes, dried fruits, hazelnuts and walnuts, irreplaceable on the table, according to dieticians, will be soy. Speed ​​up metabolism, as well as give energy reserves can cocoa. In connection with the high risk of sclerosis, people with a third blood group must enrich their body with lecithin, actively consuming the egg yolk, special attention should be paid to soy lecithin. Specialists in the field of dietology assign a special role to soy in the diet of "nomads", as it optimizes the work of all organ systems, clearing them of slagging, thereby ensuring rapid weight loss, rich in lecithin sunflower oil, you can periodically pamper yourself with seeds. Nutritionists recommend to enrich the diet with products containing vitamins of groups D and B. And now we will try to classify food products according to the degree of their usefulness and efficiency for the quickest weight reduction.

  • The most useful food specialists in the fieldlose weight consider beef, veal, young lamb, and also their liver. A frequent guest on the table of "nomads" should be fish of low-fat varieties, for example, tuna, sardines, flounder, it is very good to occasionally eat cod from her liver. From dairy products it is acceptable to use any, but preferably with a low fat content: cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk. Types of legumes, for example, beans, peas, chickpeas, accelerate metabolism. From vegetables and fruits you can do everything except tomatoes, corn, as well as fatty olives, coconut with peanuts.
  • Forbidden products are considered to be fatty varietiesfish, for example, herring, mackerel, and seafood such as shrimp, squid and various shellfish. Nutritionists prohibit the inclusion of pork and chicken in their menu, as well as restrict the use of ducks. Of cereals is not recommended to eat buckwheat. Limit the use of wheat and bakery products.

It is important to remember that a diet based ontaking into account the blood group, does not imply the individuality of the digestive characteristics of a single person, therefore it is important to consult a dietician for the safety of your own organism and for achieving good results. However, the method of weight correction with the help of this diet is one of the most sparing, focused not only on reducing volumes, but also on general improvement, acceleration of metabolism, optimization of organ systems, purification and, as a result, rejuvenation of the body. The main thing is for a person to take the habit of using a healthy and suitable for his physiological indices food, then the body will not experience shock and quickly lose weight naturally. We advise you to read:

