The issue of excess weight worries manyrepresentatives of the beautiful half of humanity of all ages. Sometimes this problem is contrived and has no basis, because any woman is inclined to look for flaws in her figure, sometimes completely unfounded. Often the desire to lose weight is rooted in adolescence, when someone's carelessly catchy word, thrown at the address of an early-formed girl, gives rise to emergencies in the form of complexes and insecurities. This is fraught with a serious violation of the psycho-emotional background and can cause such a dangerous ailment as anorexia. The young woman suffering from them, who, according to others, has a completely normal complexion, refuses food. This is not a diet, but a real starvation. Fortunately, in our country the disease itself has not yet acquired threatening forms. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about how to get rid of extra pounds for those women and girls who really need it.
Losing weight. Where to begin?
From the TV screens famous movie andshow business without end show us just the same wonderful reincarnations of fatties and fat people in these slender builds. And there are plenty of such examples. In this case, all known personalities, like one, attribute fast changes in their own figure to proper nutrition and physical activity. True, some people share their little secrets. For example, an advertised kefir diet for a long time remained among the most popular among women who want to lose weight quickly and forever. Few people who belong to the world of show business, confesses the passage of liposuction or plastic procedures, the admission of special drugs and so on, although the speed with which fat stars lose pounds, makes us doubt the veracity of their words. But there are also quite real examples of how ordinary people who get into different shows become slimmer and more beautiful. A vivid proof of this is the most popular youth project "Dom-2". When among its participants there suddenly appeared the inflexible pomochka Inna Volovichova, many girls snickered sarcastically: "I wonder how much she weighs and how did she get on television?". But after all, no one could think that the show would have a positive effect on her figure. We all had the opportunity to observe how Inna, practically in front of the viewers, for a short time turned from a lady with rather rounded forms into an elegant slender beauty. How many kilograms she lost in a relatively short period? About thirty! Agree, this is a very good result. So what is the secret of such a metamorphosis, how has Inna Volovichova lost weight? First of all, according to her, the whole thing is in the power of will. However, this applies to any method of weight loss, since a diet, whatever it may be, is primarily a test of strength. These are not at all big words, because in the name of your goal you have to give up the usual diet and lifestyle. In addition, in order to lose weight well enough, you need to adjust your behavior, as well as significantly rethink the attitude towards food. And the push to lose excess weight to the girl gave the experienced stress associated with participating in the show. This is not the best way to lose weight, but the first kilograms dropped in such extreme ways laid the beginning of its path to harmony.
Principles of nutrition from Inna Volovichova
But all TV viewers are not interested in general, althoughand correct, phrases, and the answer to a specific question about how Inna Volovicheva from "House-2" lost weight. How is her diet different from the rest? If you believe the words of the participant of the show, the essence of her method of getting rid of excess weight is quite simple. It consists of eating healthy food, while forbidden are fried foods, foods high in calories, sweet, alcohol. The amount of white bread, sugar, salt, butter is minimized. So from the diet "fast carbohydrates" and fats are excluded, because they are precisely responsible for the formation of excess folds at the waist. The breakfast is sure to include oatmeal cooked by Inna on water and without sugar. It should be eaten with fruit. By the way, this method is often mentioned by many nutritionists, because carbohydrates, contained in any cereal, are absorbed by our body for a long time and so they do not feel hungry until the very dinner. In this case, a person feels a surge of energy, and the stomach gets a full and easy-to-digest food. But no matter how much is said about the benefits of breakfast on the basis of oatmeal, he gets bored. If this happened to you, then as a change, try in the morning to eat one egg, a couple of slices of hard cheese, lettuce leaves and a slice of apple. To drink all this is necessary a cup of green tea without sugar. Such a breakfast is not only useful, but also contains a minimum of calories. The basis of the daily rations of Inna Volovichova are vegetables, seafood and boiled meat. This is enough to always feel cheerful and full of energy. And as for our favorite dishes from potatoes and pasta, it is better to refuse or use them very rarely and in small quantities. According to Inna Volovichova, there are many calories in this food and it is poorly digested. In addition, the diet includes one more indispensable component - juices, which are easily needed for a slimming organism, because they supply vitamins to it. It is also important to follow a clear diet. Breakfast, lunch and supper should always be at the same time up to eighteen hours. But if hunger is particularly painful, you can eat grapefruit. Do you think that it is impossible to withstand the evening refusal of food? Then take into account the opinion of modern nutritionists that the last meal can be done three hours before bedtime. And best of all, if at this time you deceive the stomach with a glass of kefir. As for pineapples, which are considered to be a natural "burner" of fat, they must be consumed only in the first half of the day. Just a diet, according to Inna Volovichova, noticeably lose weight will not help. It should be combined with physical activity that burns calories. It can be fitness, gym, running - anything. It helps to lose weight and bath, which experts recommend visiting at least once a week. As you can see, the diet of the participant of "Doma-2" is also built on the principle of healthy nutrition, regime and sport. But the results that the girl demonstrated, once again confirm that not losing weight should guide you, but a desire to find harmony between the body and the soul. We advise you to read: