diffenbachia dries Many people who grew dienenbachia,faced with the fact that the leaves of the plant were dried or twisted - this is the most common problem in the process of growth of diffenbachia. Today we will try to understand why the diffenbahia dry and how to prevent it, and also what to do if the plant has already suffered? But first of all, let's say a few words about the diffenbachia itself. This plant - evergreen, belongs to the family of aroids. Has a strong, strong trunk and soft expressive leaves. Dieffenbachia has about forty varieties, which can differ in form, differ both their leaves, as well as the root system. It is important to know that this plant is extremely sensitive to all external stimuli, therefore very often it suffers from these same irritants. Of course, the causes of all ailments of plants, as a rule, are diseases that can be both fungal and viral. In addition, diffenbachia is often affected by pests, which also affects the growth of the plant. Consider the diseases most often encountered by diffenbachia. dienenbachia leaves dry

Dieffenbachia: diseases and pests

In the main, dienenbachia suffers from fungaldiseases, the first of which is leaf spotting. It manifests itself on the edges of foliage, especially on the lower part of the foliage. These are small brown spots, outlined by an orange border. Gradually, they grab the entire leaf plate. Such a disease can be transmitted with water or plant debris. In anthracnose, the leaves are covered from the edges with large spots that gradually spread over the entire leaf, which provokes instant drying and then the death of the leaf. Can be transmitted through the infected part of the plant. Anthracnose, in which large enough spots appear on the edges of leaf blades, gradually infects the entire surface and causes drying and death of the leaf. It is also transmitted through infected parts of plants. Both the first and second diseases are provoked by high temperature and humidity. The reason may even be a wetland. Combat anthrax and patchiness is possible due to optimization of the temperature regime and normalization of irrigation. In addition, do not forget to treat the leaves of damaged plants with a common fungicide. It can be vitaros or baseazol - both drugs are effective. Another disease, which is particularly affected by diffenbachia is fusariosis. First, the root collar is affected, followed by the root of the plant. Suffer and leaves. The disease manifests itself in the formation of dark, depressed spots of slightly elongated shape. Dieffenbachia gradually fades and turns yellow. In some areas, the mycelium of the fungus is pink. For a long time, the causative agent of fusariosis is found in the soil, and its active spread begins when the roots of the plant come into contact. To provoke the disease may be the overduration of the plant or the lack of potassium. The best prevention of the disease is initially a quality soil for the plant. It is necessary to prepare a good planting material, pretreated with a substance with a fungicide. In this case, you can safely apply giokladin. Once you have noted the first signs of fusariosis, you need to spray the diffenbahia with the same fungicide. On the neck of the plant and its roots rot may appear, which manifests itself in the form of small dark areas, slightly depressed. Over time, these spots capture the entire sheet tissue and provoke a fainting, as a result of which the diffenbahia may die. The leaves are covered with a mycelium of light gray color. Why does such a disease occur? It can be transmitted through soil, which can be facilitated by an excess of moisture or top dressing. The reason may be the lack of proper ventilation or excessively high temperature. In this situation, you need to shorten the watering, and also replace the substrate, and then carry out the treatment with a fungicide. Among bacterial diseases, bacteriosis can occur, manifested as small watery areas, the boundaries of which are clearly delineated. Leaves eventually acquire a brownish, brown color. The disease can be transmitted with mechanical damages, as well as with cuttings. As a rule, diphenbachia is usually infected by infection, which is kept at elevated temperature or humidity. All affected plants must be destroyed. Answering the question, why the dienenbachia dries or turns yellow, it is worth mentioning about the wrong indoor microclimate. If a plant is grown at a low temperature, and in winter it is continually exposed to drafts, sooner or later the leaves will collapse, and in the worst case the plant may die. Move the pot to a more comfortable suitable place and provide the plant with the necessary care. What other causes of dryness of leaves can be called? Naturally, this is the impact of pests. As a rule, dienenbachia is affected by spider mites and thrips, as well as scutes. First, the leaves suffer, and then the root system and the plant as a whole. The pests are removed from the diffenbahia with the help of tampons soaked in beer or soapy water. An infusion of garlic will do. If the infection is strong, then in the fight against pests suitable drugs such as the actinic and carbofos, which must be applied in a ratio of 15 drops per liter of water. And do not forget to constantly moisten the air in the house to create the right microclimate. Twist the leaves of diffenbachia due to frequent watering with cold water. Be sure to use standing water at room, normal temperature. Prevent direct rays from getting into the plant in the summer time, slightly priteniv it. The sun's rays can provoke even more serious problems, such as burns. why leaves dry at dienenbachia

We care for the diffenbachia

To ensure that the diffenbachy is not subjected tonegative influence of pests and actively grew, it is important to know some basic rules, the observance of which is very important in the care of this plant. It is a question of temperature, watering, humidity and necessary for diffenbahii top dressing. Pay special attention to these moments.

  • Temperature

The most optimal temperature forDiffenbachia in the period of spring and summer is 20 degrees. In general, the maximum value that diffenbachia can tolerate is 28 degrees, but this should not be allowed if the humidity level is low. In winter it is important to keep the plant at 16-18 degrees. It is important that the temperature does not fall below 15 degrees, otherwise the lower leaves will begin to dry quickly and fall off. The sharp changes in modes and permanent shifts from one room to another are inadmissible.

  • Watering

When the diffenbachia is in the active stageits growth, it is important to provide it with abundant good watering. It is necessary to lower the earth layer for about fifteen minutes in pre-set water once a month. Then let the water drain. In winter, watering should be more moderate, otherwise with excess moisture, the leaves will begin to burn.

  • Humidity

Dieffenbachia needs daily spraying,which must be carried out by standing water. Do not allow watering and sprinkling with lime water - this can cause many problems. Large white spots will appear on the leaves. If the plant grows at a temperature of more than twenty degrees, then place it on moistened gravel or in a special moist peat. Do not forget to periodically arrange diffenbahii shower - this will clear the leaves from dust.

  • Additional fertilizing

Like any plant, dienenbachia needsfeeding. Dieffenbachia quickly consumes all the nutrients, therefore every ten days, during the active growth, fertilize the plant with mineral fertilizer. It is desirable that it be liquid. During wintering, stop feeding. Observing the simple rules listed above, you can grow a magnificent luxury tree that perfectly fits into your home flower garden and will create even more comfort and comfort in your apartment. It is very important not to neglect the care for the diffenbachia, and then it will be able to please you with its appearance for a very long time!

