diaphragmatic respiration "As long as we breathe - we live" - ​​approval, withwhich in the literal sense of the word can not be argued. However, we all breathe quite differently and this is a fact. Someone is characterized by rapid and rapid breathing, regardless of the general background of what is happening, but someone likes calm and measured breathing. In addition to the above, there is also diaphragmatic breathing. Have not you heard of this? No problem, we will try to fill this gap and shed some light on this information.

What is breathing "belly"?

It is this kind of breathing directlyis connected with the concept of "diaphragm". Surely each of you not only heard, but also has a general idea of ​​the term "diaphragm". If to speak in an accessible language, then the diaphragm is nothing but a large enough muscular septum, which in turn separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. The most correct and natural breathing for most of us is diaphragmatic breathing. During normal breathing, air enters the lungs, creating a region of low pressure, but with this type of breathing, much more air enters the lungs and oxygen saturation is also much higher. According to doctors, a person begins to breathe properly from the moment of his birth, but then, as he grows up, acquires certain complexes, fears, muscle clamps and forgets about it. There is supposedly a natural contraction of the diaphragm, leading to a familiar breathing that we all feel, which greatly worsens our health. diaphragmatic breathing tips

Advantages and disadvantages of diaphragm breathing

The use of diaphragmatic breathing, as the saying goes, "onface ", because the diaphragm is often called the second heart, and the second heart certainly would not prevent each of us. Proceeding from this, it is possible to outline all the advantages and advantages of this type of breathing. Advantages of diaphragmatic breathing This type of breathing has a very large number of advantages:

  • Active enrichment of blood with oxygen;
  • Improving the functioning of the circulatory and vascular systems;
  • Natural massage of the lungs and abdominal organs (a good way to prevent complications for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases);
  • A process that promotes the purification of the lungs for smokers;
  • Effective way to get rid of bored dyspnoea;
  • Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract (getting rid of constipation, systematic bloating, excessive peristalsis);
  • Improvement of the pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys.
  • Effective fight against excess weight (there is a special set of daily exercises).

Unfortunately, diaphragmatic breathing has its ownminuses, but this is not surprising, because even at first glance, banal vitamins have a lot of contraindications. Features of diaphragmatic breathing

  • The transition to such a breathing should be carried out only after consulting with a doctor and excluding any contraindications;
  • People with hypertension are not allowed to exercisethis breath. As mentioned earlier, with diaphragmatic breathing, there is pressure on the lungs and heart, which increases the intrathoracic pressure and, in parallel, the intrapulmonary.

Rules for the application of this type of breathing

Probably, to whom it will seem, what to master such kindbreathing is simple enough and you do not need to have absolutely any knowledge, but it is not. In all, skill, training and improvement are required to obtain performance indicators. diaphragmatic breathing rules

The basics of the development of diaphragmatic respiration

To begin with, implementation exercisesbreathing is best done in the morning and evening. Choose a place for this kind of exercises also pay special attention - it should be detached, because for 15-30 minutes you should not interfere with anybody. You will need at least six lessons to get the first results. Exercises can be performed both sitting and lying down. Exercises for diaphragmatic breathing

  • We lay down on the back and relax as much as possible.
  • We put our right hand on the lower abdomen, and the left one - in the chest area. This will facilitate the control of breathing.
  • We begin to breathe so that the left arm is raised, but the right should remain in place. This is the beginning of diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Next, you need to sigh with a sigh,and do it so that he would ascend and descend directly upon inspiration and exhalation, but the chest should remain as immovable as possible. Approximately, too, should happen with the hands, the right hand will rise and fall, and the left hand will remain motionless. Lowering the right hand will indicate that a complete exhalation has been made.

Do not be afraid of your initial feelings in the form ofdizziness and light fear - in due course all will pass or take place and will be adjusted. The appearance of dizziness indicates a sharp saturation of the body with oxygen, and fear is a normal reaction of the body to something new that has not been tested before. Let us give an example of another variant of diaphragmatic breathing.

  • We choose the most comfortable sitting position and start breathing the diaphragm, controlling its movement inside our body. For convenience, you can completely close your eyes.
  • We proceed to the exercise under the symbolic name"The breath of a dog." To do this, you need to stand on all fours, relax your stomach, open your mouth and start active and frequent breathing. It is this position that gives a real opportunity both to feel the diaphragm itself and to monitor the breathing itself. It should be noted that this exercise should take a minimum of time, as it can cause severe dizziness.
  • Now from sitting position we pass in positionlying and at the same time laying on the stomach something not very heavy - it can be a trivial book. We begin to breathe the diaphragm, while observing how our load rises and falls.

It is possible that on the first try you will not haveeverything will turn out flawlessly, but systematic exercises will certainly give results. The most important thing when performing these exercises is not to rush, do everything carefully, measuredly, controlling every movement, inhalation and exhalation. If you do everything right, diaphragmatic breathing will benefit your body!

