popular professions We all want very much that the work is notonly beloved, but also in demand on the labor market. However, for this it is necessary to guess how long this or that specialization will be popular and whether it will become irrelevant in a few years. The most popular professions are needed for young girls who are just finishing school and have not yet decided which university to enter. The choice of the most successful specialty reflects also older women, who decided to change their profession or become disillusioned with the usual sphere of activity. According to the researchers, there are several female specialties that will be in demand both now and in the future. For some of them it is necessary to obtain a high level of education in a higher educational institution, and some can be well mastered in courses or even on one's own experience. So, what are the most popular professions in Russia at the moment?

Clerk Secretary

It's no secret that almost 100% of applicants forthe post of producer secretary is women. To be the main assistant and the right hand of the head is still very honorable, and from the material side it is quite profitable. A competent secretary is worth his weight in gold, as he provides the administrative component of his boss's work. While the head decides global issues in terms of finance, management strategy and quality of production, the clerk-clerk compiles and documents many documents. It is important for the secretary to be able to solve organizational issues, and also to provide the manager with a normal working atmosphere. You can obtain the specialty of a secretary-clerk in various colleges or at specialized courses. Note that prestigious companies when choosing candidates for this position consider not only the level of knowledge and practical skills, but also the place where the girl was trained in the specialty. It is a well-known fact that the most popular and highly paid professions can not be obtained on semi-legal paid courses. Therefore, give your preference to state courses or educational institutions that issue a state diploma. When choosing courses, you will find that many of them offer very short training periods - literally a few days or a couple of weeks. Be sure that such an "education" is not enough for you to master your specialty. You will need at least 2 years to fully master the profession of secretary-clerk and become competitive in the labor market. the most popular professions

Tourism manager

You can learn this interesting specialty onpractice. This is a problem-free variant of employment, because now people travel around a lot to different countries, and for these trips tour operators are needed. They pick up suitable variants for travelers, arrange visas, find hotels and book rooms in them. Everywhere new travel agencies and travel agencies are opening, and people who do not have a special education are quite acceptable for work in them. Career is better to start with the basics, after working for a while, for example, an ordinary courier. Of course, courier work is not an easy job, but it hardens and makes you feel the entire cycle of the company's activities from the very beginning. Many executive directors started with courier jobs, having no higher education. Of course, this is more likely an exception, and a university diploma will never hurt anyone, but if you decide to occupy this niche in the labor market without special knowledge and skills, then you have a chance of success - most importantly, do not be afraid to start small.


This specialty is very in demand now -however, it will always be such. The head of any company prefers to see the accountant as a woman, and this fact has its logical explanation. Work in accounting requires from the artist a lot of monotonous work, to which men are most often simply not capable. Every year the legal base is replenished with a huge number of new documents, most of which are related to the accounting records. Therefore, a competent accountant is a person who must constantly learn new things, develop and be able to take into account all the new provisions coming out in the context of his specialty. Beginning specialists receive a fairly modest salary, but after the experience and necessary professional skills appear, the accountant quickly rises up the career ladder and becomes popular in many large firms offering good wages. You can begin to master the profession of an accountant at any age. There are a lot of universities, colleges and courses that provide an opportunity to get a good level of education in the chosen specialty. the most popular professions in Russia

Etiquette specialist

This specialty has no age qualification, andshe has a future. Entrepreneurs who have a successful business should regularly attend various events, where the ability to behave and look appropriate plays an important role. Many of them need consultations in this field, which can be given by a competent etiquette specialist. Requires knowledge of etiquette and servicing staff: governesses, maids and so on. Before important receptions or meetings, many businessmen invite professional etiquette experts to ensure that everyone - both the owners and the attendants - receive appropriate instruction and practical advice on the culture of behavior. Typically, such specialists are teachers of ethics; As for narrow specialists of etiquette, there are still very, very few of them. Any woman can become such a specialist at twenty-five, and fifty years.

Interior designer

If you have an excellent artistic taste and youthink about which profession is the most capable to reveal your abilities, then the specialty "interior designer" is what you need. Now this profession is most in demand on the labor market. Designers develop interiors of the apartments of wealthy people, equip offices and household plots, come up with designs for parks, kindergartens, schools and lyceums. This specialty is becoming more and more feminine. Women, when hiring, are always given preference, as they are considered more efficient and careful than men. In order to become a truly competent and successful interior design specialist, you need to learn a lot and constantly replenish your skills and knowledge. Whatever good knowledge in this specialty you have received at a university or good courses, this will not be enough. You will have to regularly attend relevant master classes, seminars, and also to study special (often foreign-language) literature. But, having achieved high-quality results, you will always be in demand in this sphere and will be able to secure not only interesting, bright work, but also solid financial stability. what professions are in demand now

Brand Manager

These are specialists who develop from consumersthe propensity to purchase one or another brand of product. There are a lot of proposals for this work. Brand managers need and large companies, and manufacturing companies, and pharmaceutical companies, and other manufacturers. What functional skills are expected of people in this specialty? Brand managers are fully responsible for any issues related to the status of a particular brand, promoting it in the market of goods and services. In many respects, these specialists are responsible for the sales volume and for the company's total revenues. Brand managers are required both in Russian and foreign companies, but there are not so many specialists of this kind. The fact is that in people of this profession, highly developed analytical abilities must be combined with creative ones, and this does not happen very often. Those who claim to be a brand manager must have a high-quality higher education and experience in the brand company from three to five years. The professions that we have listed are considered especially feminine and quite popular on the modern labor market. But if you are not satisfied with any of them and you are dreaming about a completely different profession, or you are striving to master a purely "masculine" specialization, then nothing will prevent you from achieving your goal. To receive additional education and special skills is never too late, the main thing is to set a goal and make every effort to achieve it. And then your dream of work that brings not only a stable income, but also moral satisfaction, will necessarily come true! We advise you to read:

